Getting Started with Sculpting - ZBrush for Beginners Tutorial

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In this ZBrush for Beginners Tutorial, we cover all the necessary tools you need to know in order to get started with ZBrush! Features covered include Zspheres, masking, dynamesh, UI, brushes, and many more.

- Hotkeys -
Pan - Alt RMB
Rotate - RMB
Zoom - Ctrl RMB
Perspective - P
Help - Ctrl while hover over features
Subdivide - Ctrl D
Up - D
Down - Shift D
Polyframe - Shift F
Useful Brushes
Standard - BST
ClayBuildup - BCB
Smooth - Shift
DamStandard - BDS
Move - BMV
Size - S
Intensity - U
Symmetry -X
Paint Mask - Ctrl Paint
Remove Mask - Ctrl Alt Paint
Invert Mask - Ctrl Click Outside the model
Clear mask - Ctrl Drag Outside the Model
Blur Mask - Ctrl Click on the model
Dynamesh - Ctrl Drag Outside the Model (with no mask)

- Time Stamps -
1:02 - Opening ZBrush for the first time
1:50 - Clearning the Canvas
2:50 - Edit Mode
3:16 - Navigation
4:03 - Saving (Document, ZTool, ZProject)
5:54 - UI Overview
7:27 - Polymesh3D
8:50 - Brush Size/Draw Size
9:03 - Best Brushes
12:30 - Dynamic Brush Size
13:06 - Wireframe View/Polyframe
13:27 - Subdivisions
15:52 - Dynamesh
19:18 - Undo History
20:29 - Trim Brushes
21:40 - Symmetry
22:30 - Sculpting Theory
28:36 - Matcaps/Materials
29:05 - Mirror and Weld
30:07 - Mirror (Deformation)
30:58 - Radial Symmetry
39:59 - Subtools
35:46 - Moving, Scaling and Rotating
38:13 - Solo/Isolate Selected
38:37 - Hiding Polygons/Polygon Visibility
42:25 - Splitting Your Model (Group Split)
43:26 - Masking
47:30 - Layers
49:54 - ZSpheres

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Brush Shortcuts:
Standard: BST
Clay Buildup: BCB
Dam Standard: BDS
Trim Dynamic (Planes): BTD
Move Brush: BMV

Smoothing: Shift
Masking: Control
Camera: Have fun lol it's hopeless

I needed this hope you did too


A free tutorial that does the job so much better than my college profs. Hats off to you sirs, you are life savers.


PolyMesh 3D 7:32
Brushes short cut 11:00
DynaMesh 15:34
Trim Brushes 20:29


Well Zbrush certainly won't be winning any awards for it's UI


One good tip for anyone watching this video, "DO NOT skip any seconds" it is all full of informations.
Thank you flipped normals and keep up the good works.


Just writing down some parts to this. hope it helps with others!
3:10 - basic navigation
4:08 - saving file vs document vs project(always project for now)
7:00 - basic brushes points
9:00 - brush options/hotkeys
12:30 - dynamic Brush option
13:10 - sub division
15:50 - dynamesh
20:22 - Trim Brushes/Cutting away
21:40 - start of real sculpt/symmetry
26:24- brush alphas
28:20 - trim brushes and mirror/weld (remove areas of model)
30:56 - radial symmetry
34:04 - Subtools/parts of a model(eyes)
38:35 - visibility

Standard brush =BST
Clay buildup brush = BCB
Dam Standard/carve = BDS
trim dynamic/planes = BPD
Move Brush= BMV
see Topology= Shift F
subdivide = ctrl D to subdivide 1
change sub levels = shift D to go down and shift E to go up


Ya know, what I think rocks the most about this video is the empathy in the voices. What wonderful teachers who enjoy each other's company and the gift of teaching. YOU ROCK


I learned more in an hour than I did in a month-long class at college. As someone with a learning disability, thank you a thousand times for sharing this video! You made keeping up in this month's class a lot easier and saved my Portfolio project!!


This broke through that wall that's prevented me from starting to learn zbrush, thank you!


This is actually quite a useful tutorial. It's kind of disappointing how many videos on YouTube just have the uploaded talk about the same useless concepts in loop for ten minutes strait. In the first ten minutes of this video I learned more here than a solid twenty videos uploaded from other users. Thank you very much for a genuinely helpful and informative video. Please keep up the incredible work.


Thank you so much. As a person who can distract easly, I totally stayed in your video for every minute. It was so educational. Have a nice and healthy day!


...just like someone said before - One good tip for anyone watching this video, "DO NOT skip any seconds" it is all full of very useful information. Thank you, guys! Priceless tutorial. I dropped ZB a few years ago for other 3D software, but after all your great tips was able to create a model on the go, simply watching your workflow.


I love the Dual Teachers "aesthetic" to you guys' tutorials – it's so refreshing and resourceful for having multiple perspectives. Your format is helpful, fun, and clean. I absolutely LOVE IT! Thank you so much for creating this channel. You're helping out a new Full Sail University "Computer Animation" grad! 🙏❤️


Easily one of the very best videos out there for thoroughly covering Zbrush without being dry or overwhelming. Nice job and many thanks!


2024 and this is still relevant.
It's helped me than most recent tutorials


Coming from Blender, this is the first time I ever open ZBrush and I don't think I would've had the patience to bear with this UI if it hadn't been for you guys. Thank you so much for explaining everything so patiently and for giving people the encouragement and knowledge to pick up something so challenging for the first time 🙏


I'm only half way through this video and have already learned so much more than any other tutorial I've paid for. Thank you so much!


I've been feeling super lost in my Organic modeling class and this cleared up literally everything. Took notes in a word doc for all the hotkeys and things i could forget and I'm definitely feeling a lot more confident to move forward. Super awesome and informative video!


Amazing tutorial! Three years old and still 100% relevant. Thanks, guys!


This is the best tutorial I've seen for starting out with Zbrush. Thank you so much - you guys are life savers!
