Do We Inherit Our Ancestors' Memories? Epigenetics and Genetic Memory in the DNA of Mammals

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Can memories be imprinted in our DNA? It's a concept seen in popular culture like Assasin's Creed, but recent research on epigenetics and memory suggests it is really so.

The stone circle field in this video is situated near my home in Østfold in Norway and is one of the most impressive bronze age sites in Scandinavia.

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Yes. We do. Im native american. I feel things and I know things. I just dont know how so many people have lost the path. I enjoy your work my brother.


I am Scottish. I live in Scotland and everything you said resonates with me. When I hike in the beautiful Hills of Scotland I will feel connected to the land, as if it is in my blood. It gets to me emotionally and sometimes will have a tear roll down my face. I get an overwhelming urge to protect this land until my last breath. I completely understand how you feel Bullhansen. Love from a Celt.


I feel it in Celtic music and the sea. I get homesick for places I've never been.


DNA is like a record of our ancestors experience, feelings, beliefs, traumas etc.


It's in our blood in Germanic and Scandinavia traditions and religion ....walk in the forest and you can feel it like your home great video sir


My grandfather (who passed away when I was only 1) had his ashes spread in a lake in Ireland, Lough Mask in county Mayo to be precise. My father used to take us there for our summer Holidays (we lived in England at the time), and every time I arrived I would dive onto the turf, smell it and roll around, this when I was six years old. I felt totally at home and had a deep connection to the place. So much, that I would cry every time we left at the end of summer. Since then, this feeling has never gone away and this past summer I was in Lake Como and I smelt a similar odour (for the first time in years seeing as I haven’t been to Ireland in the last five years) and I kid you not, as soon as I smelt that odour, it rushed me back to Ireland and my spirit felt peace. I broke down and was in tears, floods of tears, I was reminded, instantly, that that place in Ireland was my home. I am now saving up to purchase a small cottage in the area, as I know it’s where I belong. Strange, I know, but felt I had to share, given the topic of this video. Thank you.


8 years ago I started blacksmithing to make a tool for my woodworking. I immediately had a connection to it and even felt as though it was a religious affair. I later found out that my great great grandfather was a blacksmith.


ᛟ Othala: We inherit ourselves.

The final rune completes the cycle; the memories of our ancestors belong to us and the ancients knew this. We owe past and future generations the deeds that will influence both. Time is not linear, but a circle.
Your video immediately made me think of this.

Your videos are always inspiring Bjorn! Great stuff. Blessings from Scotland (:


Love this I believe it has to be true .
With Native Americans or Japanese, it's a given that their culture is top priority ... but with Europeans we are told "no.. not you " .
Says who ?
The schools! The media!
I wont rant on but we have at least partially been brought up to follow orders and not step out of line to the point we no longer REALLY question why that is ?
Theres reasons of course....but that's for another time .


I absolutely believe there is genetic/folk memory. It just needs tapping into - while some embrace it, some deny it and refuse to listen to their own blood


For the love of Odin find this man a good English publisher.
I'm a reader and I'm salivating over these books .
What are the stone circles thought to be used for ?
I agree with you about standing in the middle of them I wouldent do that ethier...just would feel wrong.
I have strong connections to the forest... something is "triggered".. it always has .
I think many western/northern European and European decendent people are longing for something we lost along time ago, we have been conditioned to say " that was the past we are better now " and learn about history without ever LEARNING anything at all .
Dates, times ext are taught but not the significance or personal attachment .
It seems our people have this unique hatred of our past as apposed to the north American native tribes or the Japanese ext ext .
You saw the backlash at that speech you gave where the "plastic viking" comment was made .. could you believe how against our own culture we have become compared to those other cultures I mentioned ?
There is this idea we have "evolved" past our ancestors and should look down at them as a interesting funny story instead of a sacred past we should honour and keep alive and pass down like ....basically every other culture in the world .


I’m from England but when ever I would see old Viking settlements, structures even the beautiful nature in videos and pictures of Norway and the whole Norse culture I felt home sick, like I belonged there, like it was apart of me, which even now makes me feel like I don’t belong in England, and what makes the whole thing even more strange is that I took a DNA test to see my ancestry and it shocked me.. I found that I’m part Norwegian, danish and Celtic. It showed a map of where my ancestors traveled and there’s so much evidence to support that it was during the Viking invasions of England over 1000 years ago that my Norse ancestry came to England, It’s just crazy to me.


Yes! I’ve always believed this!
My connection with my own ancestry is to strong to let go.
Genetic memory I believe it exists.
It has to exist, look at animals and their migration, salmon and their irresistible urge to swim up stream.
Being an old sole does make sense!


It's true. It's called "Genetic Memory". There's 2 things I learned in my late 40's about my dad. (1) My dad & I had almost exact doodles we did. At dinner once he randomly brought up the fact that he used to do this doodle of a sailor smoking a pipe. When he drew it I realized "OHHH MY GOSH!. I do almost the same doodle! "The men are drawn in the same fashion facing the same direction, except my dad's doodle is wearing a sailor's cap & smoking a pipe, while my doodle is of a man with no cap, (but long-ish hair like men wore in the 70's), & smoking a cigarette. I called my doodle "Disco Tech Guy". (2) The 2nd thing I learned about my dad around the same time was his favorite car, which he said was the Jaguar Mark V. I went "OHHH MY GOSH!" again! That was my favorite toy Matchbox car. I still have it. I liked it so much when I was a kid I repainted it blue with a paintbrush. :-)


I live in the United States but my parents were from Finland. My known ancestry is mostly Finnic (Finnish, Estonian and East Karelian) and partly Russian. I remember as a boy looking at pictures of the old weathered-grey log houses that are typical of that part of Europe and feeling oddly homesick and wanting to live in one of those houses as if yearning to go home. I felt as if I had lived in that house before. Strange...
Also forests are very comforting places for me.


I am from the USA. My paternal grandparents both emigrated from Norway to America in the early 1900s. When I visited Norway, I had an immediate and almost overwhelming feeling of being home. I cannot help but wonder if this process is the reason our societies never seem able to put various biases and bigotries behind us.


I believe it exists and Ive experienced that "old soul feeling" plenty.


I always get this feeling you're taking about around the woods. My mother, father are Irish, traveled to Australia to give birth to me. When I came to visit my mother land omg, I felt a strong feeling of having returned. Despite being born and raised in Australia. The nature here doesn't do it got me, it's only when I'm among pine and oak trees I feel it. It's my Celtic spirit longing to go home.


Energy never dies. We are able to decode the frequencies of our ancestors. We are "in tune" with certain aspects of life. Continue your legacy passed down from your ancestors that's been written in your soul. Your videos bring me peace in very hard times...I thank you for this. ✌


Hi Bjørn, as a Frisian I completely get what you are saying. We have several Hunn stone sites in the north of our country. Last summer me and a friend actually undertook a “pilgrimage” to visit and pay tribute to several of these sites. It felt like coming home. It felt like I knew these places, and it was a very profound thing. It’s hard to describe these things in this modern era. It once again reminded me that a lot of things happening in modern society are completely pointless. It is amazing to have such experiences and I really hope more people can reconnect and feel these things.
