This is how I look Grade 5 Ch1-2

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This is how I look deals with body-image and students to accept themselves in every way.
‘Draw yourself in as much detail as you can, in the box below. ‘I like me’ is a positive message to build self-esteem of students. Teacher tells students that self-love helps them to be more confident. ‘What all do I like about myself?’ can be answered as ‘I like my face, my hair, my strength, my kindness.’ ‘What do I wish was different about me?’ can be answered as if you want to change something about yourself it should be a better version of yourself. You are you, you are unique and in the whole wide world there is only one you. So be happy with you being special.
For more such activities, get your own, 'Learning skills for Life' journal and work towards being a better version of yourself.
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