Film Photography Gear I can't live without - what's in my camera bag??

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In this video I share with you my favorite film photograph gear that I've accumulated! If you have any great recommendations of your own helpful gear please comment down below! :) Thanks for being here!!

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tiny light meter from reveni labs (not affiliated just love it!)

00:00 intro
00:38 camera bag
01:54 film cameras
03:22 Kodak gold
04:20 tripod
05:04 how I film myself
06:39 lens filters
07:26 camera strap
07:50 bonus tips + hacks
07:55 extra spool
09:00 extra batteries
09:25 tiny light meter
10:17 light meter app
10:44 keychain tool
11:11 DIY panoramic kit
12:04 lead lined X-ray bag
12:45 closing

My insta:

subs: 2739
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00:00 intro
00:38 camera bag
01:54 film cameras
03:22 Kodak gold
04:20 tripod
05:04 how I film myself
06:39 lens filters
07:26 camera strap
07:50 bonus tips + hacks
07:55 extra spool
09:00 extra batteries
09:25 tiny light meter
10:17 light meter app
10:44 keychain tool
11:11 DIY panoramic kit
12:04 lead lined X-ray bag
12:45 closing


CT scanners will wreck film but old school xray scanners don't have much effect. The lead bags don't work. If the TSA guy cant see through it they can turn up the power on the scanner until they can, and if they can see your film its getting hit.


I'd love to purchase the little light meter if thats a thing/ or diy it. Do you have a link for that?


This is absolutely fun to watch all while learning so much. If I'm shooting more Kodak Gold 200 now, it's definitely influenced by you. All the best! (also this is the first time I ever commented on a film photography vlog because you are that good!)


have you noticed any difference between gold on 35mm vs 120? ive heard the 120 version resolves alot more brown instead of gold tones


Are you able to share a link for the 3D printed light meter?


From the thumbnail i would've expected a lot of useless crap... i was disappointed that's all pretty reasonable (although i don't really get the batteries they last forever), i've been shooting since the 70s and personally only ever had problem with X-Ray scanners once and that was at the Tehran Airport in the late 80s (although i constantly get pulled out of line and checked for drugs because they thing i smuggle drugs in the 35mm containers)


I have one of those silly little Kodak film canister things that holds 5 rolls of film. It’s been helpful to keep all my film in one spot, ready to pop in my camera, and a spot to keep used rolls as well. Rather than having them roll around my bag wherever, they’re all in one spot :)


Would love a video on the pano kit and how you use it since I have also been thinking about shooting panos but the only thing bothering me is the fact that you can’t rewind it into the cannister if you have another way I’d love to hear it !


Great video, man! From the quality and how relaxed you are on camera I expected you to be a much larger channel. I was surprised when I went to subscribe you’re around 3.5k. From the looks of it that’ll be changing soon!


Thanks for the idea of hair ties on 120 film spools.


Great video! Yes, give us a pano kit tutorial please 🥹


That hair elastic hack is all time. love it


For 120 film, if you want to be even safer, I suggest to buy also film canisters for 120, they are pretty much identical to the 35mm canisters but they are longer to accomodate the height of 120 film, it's very useful to reduce light leaks on the border of the film, 120 if exposed to light can leak light on the edge of the frame, so they are even more safe this way.


I love my gold 200. Some don’t like the warms but I vibe it.


wonderful video! great taste in gear! Thanks for the recommendations
