🔧 How to fix Not enough Goods | Policies Solution Tutorial Cities: Skylines | Guide #3

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This video will show you how to fix not enough Goods, Buyers and Customers in Cities: Skylines by using district policies tools. Once you learn to balance goods production using two specific district policies you will never again have a problem with : Not enough goods to sell, Not enough buyers for products or Not enough customers.

The main thing to learn here is to watch the outside connection overview for the Import and Export pie charts. On those you can see the amount of goods you import or export. Once you balance it so you don't need to import or export goods, but spend them all locally in your Commercial shops your profits will be higher and no warning messages will pop up.

🛒Not enough Goods, Buyers | How to fix it and prevent it Tutorial

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Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience.

From the makers of the Cities in Motion franchise, the game boasts a fully realized transport system. It also includes the ability to mod the game to suit your play style as a fine counter balance to the layered and challenging simulation. You’re only limited by your imagination, so take control and reach for the sky!

Multi-tiered and challenging simulation
Constructing your city from the ground up is easy to learn, but hard to master. Playing as the mayor of your city you’ll be faced with balancing essential requirements such as education, water electricity, police, fire fighting, healthcare and much more along with your citys real economy system. Citizens within your city react fluidly, with gravitas and with an air of authenticity to a multitude of game play scenarios.

Extensive local traffic simulation
Colossal Order's extensive experience developing the Cities in Motion series is fully utilized in a fully fleshed out and well-crafted local traffic simulation.

Districts and Policies
Be more than just an administrator from city hall. Designating parts of your city as a district results in the application of policies which results in you rising to the status of Mayor for your own city.

Utilize the Day and Night Cycle
The city changes during the hours of the day and affects citizen schedules. Traffic is visibly slower at night and some zoned areas do not work with full efficiency. This expansion will put you in control of managing the different aspects of the day and night cycles.

Extensive modding support
Build or improve on existing maps and structures. You can then import them into the game, share them as well as download the creations of other city builders on the Steam workshop.

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Going to try this right now, it usually happens when I get near 100k population.


Thanks to your post on Paradox plaza (and this video) I figured out why my general industry and IT cluster offices were constantly complaining about "not enough buyers". The issue was that I used the "organic and local produce" policy for a majority of my commercial zones. Since they produce about half of their goods themselves the commercial need was fulfilled but I had way too many goods in the city. Even "big business benefactor" wasn't enough to fix it. Removing the policy from my largest commercial zone (and waiting quite a while for everything to normalize) fixed the complaints for the whole city.
So from my experience so far, "organic and local produce" is fine for smaller commercial zones near residential districts since they also cause a lot less traffic, but major commercial zones should not have it on.


I guess a precondition for the "just wait" to help is that actually there is enough residential zoning in your city, and they can also reach your commercial areas.


Mate, this is a very nice and easy fix, so thank you very much. I read so many articles on trhis, and they all go into import/export, where my industrial zones are and how crappy my roads must be. Well, at 700.000 citizens I still have a 75% traffic flow, . my industry zones are all over the map and my oil/ore/agricultural/lumber zones are producing like crazy, so all of it is wrong. This, on the other hand, solved the problem within five minutes. 👌👌


Wow I learned this in a couple mins and I had trouble on this for two days


I have a fairly stagnant 91k city. I was wondering why I was importing so many goods (too much purple). Checked the policy, and boom, -33% in imports, another 33-45% increase in revenue. Wicked advice.


what is your computer's Spec bro ? do you use some mod ? how to manage to get that fps with that population?


Thanks for the vid! Just one more question, should I manually bulldoze the factories and commercials that are having problems?


I have the not enough products to sell problem, and am already using the industry policy, but I don't really have any normal industry, only farming and foresting. I tried to solve this with massive amounts of cargo train stations, cargo ships and cargo hubs, but it doesn't seem to be enough. Is there a way to fix this without having to create pollution with normal industry?


What if I don’t have enough demands for the industrial zone?


Just seen your city on biffas channel! Good stuff !


Multiple problems in Industrial Area before abandoned, I'm on under 160k population
I'm using Infinite Goods


A good amount of shops still close when they say "not enough customers" after sometime and some of my special industrial buildings are running out of raw materials, this is my first city so i have no idea exactly what to do


I have both not enough customers and not enough goods to sell shouldn’t they cancel each other out?


Hi! I have watched your video but nothing could help me, I have so many sign of not enough buyer for product in my Oil Industry Area, I already built 4 cargo harbor to increase the export till 3250 for Oil product only and 3300 import for oil products, what should I do?


Pop about 97k;
exportations about 10k and imports about 2k;
Industries complaining about no buyers and commercies complaining about no clients;
Already deselected all the politics, but it didnt solve the problem...
Idk if its the traffic or something like that...
RCI - rc low and I high. Its strange because if you dont have buyers, the commerce would be high not industries...


I tried this and its not working... Not enough goods to sell and Not enough buyers for products... common sense tells you that this should cancel out but I guess they don't even know that each other exists..


I'm having both problems at the same time. I have a intricate road and rail network to bring good from the industrial areas to my commercial zones. I have no clue to what's happening, I don't know if it's a mod I'm using, or if it is that my city got so big game is starting to glitch (370k population). My commercial zones are disappearing due to "Not enough goods to sell" and my industry is disappearing due to "Not enough buyers for products". At the same time


im on ps4 but i cant find this policy. plz help


What are top three problems you face in every City in Skylines?
