6 Ways to Plug or Fill Pocket Holes | How to

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6 Ways to Plug or Fill Pocket Holes made by your Kreg Jig or other pocket hole jigs. Cover your pocket screws for painting.

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For a painted project, I have been using bondo for screw and nail holes for over 20 years.


Bondo now makes a fast drying wood color filler it's awesome to use


Thanks for taking your time and making the test, in such a broad and hq manner! And having a very hq recording+eding procedure! Cheers from Sweden 😁


Thank you for doing this demo! I think you've gotten me switched from store bought plugs (Kreg Plugs, since use their K5 Pocket Hole System) over to using the straight dole rod/plugs! One reason is the cost then there is the (which I'd never really thought about) ability to get different species of wood for matching the plugs to the specific wood species I used!!


Great video! straight into it, no filler, just filler.


Thanks for the demo, Brad! Just joined the pocket hole club myself and am immersing myself in good advice! Much appreciated!


I'm a fan of Bondo, simply because of cost, durability, ease of sanding, and it practicality works on almost any kind of material.


I use pocket-hole joinery pretty exclusively (I don't have the capacity to do other types of joints, and I make functional furniture only, really). Only recently have I decided that I'd like to fill the holes. This was really, really helpful!

I recently was given an oscillating multitool that I thought I might use to cut off the excess plugs, but you've made that hand saw (the flush-cut trim saw) look really easy! and the idea of how to make my own dowels is useful as well.


I wish I'd found your video 2 days ago. I'm making a king size farmhouse bed (head & footboard rails and support frame. I did a lot if sanding yesterday. My store bought plugs did not fit very well. I will remember your video for my next project. That Bondo is impressive. Since I'll have to sand anyway and it looks like it is good alternative for most fillers assuming it's a painted, not stained project I'll be giving it a try.


That jig you used to cut dowels is actually quite ingenious. Looks pretty quick to get set up and have the dowels ready in no time.


I've used pocket holes for years and never would have thought of the square cut dowels method! I'm totally doing that from here on!! Thanks!! 👍


Thanks for taking the time to make this video. I appreciate it. By the way Kreg has discontinued walnut plugs and no longer sharpens it’s drill bits. Just bought a walnut dowel, 3/8 inch, for six dollars


Great work, Brad. One thing with the glue and sawdust: mix it off of your workpiece. I think that's why you made such a big mess! I like that dowel cutting jig, going to have to try that!


Note: when making your own wood filler with glue and saw dust mix it in a bowl and experiment with the amount of sawdust you use. It may not work well as it did here if there is too much saw dust compared to glue. The advantage over wood filler is that if the sawdust is the same kind of wood the color will be correct vs filler.


Hi Brad.  Thanks for the hands on research.  If I am painting, I am definitely a fan of bondo for repairs (pocket holes and others).  The more you use it, the more comfortable you will get with your technique.  I generally overfill a hole (any hole) and just after the bondo sets up, I use a rasp (actually a drywall rasp works great) to get rid of the bulk of the overfill,  Then I allow the bondo to fully set and sand as usual.  BTW, I actually use bondo for filling knot holes even if I am staining.  But when I do, I use a white catalyst instead of the red and add a color to match the final finish.


I've used Bondo and I love it. "Dries" fast and sands easily. I like your straight plug idea. I am going to try that.


Love your videos and your Sunday night live show, Brad. Thanks for the Bondo tip. I gave it a try for the first time and preferred it over wood filler. Works great for a painted project in tight spots (I can’t reach with a saw) created from my own lack of planning.


Great video Brad and thanks for sharing. I had very good luck with bondo all purpose filler when fixing a door jamb, I prefer it over bondo wood filler. The all purpose was easier to shape and sand. The wood filler dried super quick! And had to use a orbital sander. Thanks again keep the videos coming.


Thanks for the tip for the dowel and jig. I've been disappointed with the store bought plugs too. Great video!


I've used bondo for years, it can harden in seconds and it sticks to everything. Good video👍🇨🇦
