Calculus 1: The Precise Definition of a Limit (Video #4) | Math with Professor V

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The precise definition of a limit using delta and epsilon, and a discussion of its meaning. Examples finding delta given a specific value for epsilon, as well as two examples of proving a limit using the delta-epsilon definition. #limits #deltaepsilonproofs #calculus #mathttvwithprofessorv #mathvideos #calculusvideos #youtubemath #proofs #mathproofs #limitlaws #deltaepsilon #precalculus #mathtutor #mathprofessor #calculus1 #algebra

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I never usually comment online but recently I commented on one of you videos from Calc 2 and decided as I have understood none of my University lecture's notes for any of these topics in Calc 1, I may as well watch your whole channel. 🤣 I have mentioned it before but honestly your content is amazing - you definitely have a gift for teaching maths! Thank you for posting videos that everyone can access, saving us all for our exams, and for allowing me to enjoy maths again! x


thank you so much for simplifying it, my textbook is terrible.


With smaller value chosen from delta for compliance with epsilon window, is it required to also prove it going backward from δ to ε.


This is the only video on youtube that helped me understand what this topic. Thank you so much.


So I'm a freshman engineering student and I just completed my first semester (i'm on break right now) and unfortunately I had the hardest math professor at my school for Calc 1 and intro to Linear algebra. He failed me in both classes and it shot my confidence down so much and im just constantly studiying rn so I want to thank you so much for your hard work making these videos because if it wasn't for youtube i wouldn't be able to make it.

I literally know I can do calc and lin alg but his exams were so unreasonable hard. Right now i'm on academic probation with a 1.9 gpa and if i don't step it up i'll get kicked out and loose my scholarship which would ruin my life. These videos are the only reason I stand a chance so thank you very much.

I promsie when I make it in engineering, I'm gonna donate money to you because you're the only reason I can actually do this. I promise to pay you back when I get paid and make it because my professors were all so useless and terrible, and i learned way more from Youtube than in college.

I can't thank you enough. i appreciate it


OMG. You have no idea how you helped me. May Allah (SWT) bless you and your family. You helped me to understand the topic in an extremely easy way. Awesome job!


It's the summer before I start uni and I happened to find your gem of a playlist, it's a blessing


I completed Professor V's pre-calc class last semester. One of the most well explained and spoken professors in IVC if not the absolute best. I am currently in someone else's online class but I choose to watch Professor V's videos instead. Unlike other teachers who literally just read the questions and answers to get the job done, she goes into details and tells you what's the point behind a concept, how to interpret the definition and why is each step necessary. Very solid and flawless work.


Amazing, a Ton professor :) I was struggling hard with this topic untill found ur vedio .
