$15M Settlement: Animated Foot Trapped in Escalator

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A 10-year-old girl on a back-to-school shopping trip would be forever traumatized after her foot was swallowed under the teeth of a landing plate at the top of an escalator. As the escalator ground her foot and leg into its gears, copious amounts of blood and tissue were distributed over at least 11 steps until another shopper finally hit the “Emergency Stop” button. Her injury would require 22 surgeries to save her mangled foot from amputation.

Today, the 14-year-old girl walks with a limp and extremely stunted growth in her injured leg. Her healthy leg underwent surgery to slow its growth rate and match the speed of her injured leg. These severe disabilities will likely plague her for the rest of her life, and Sam Davis, Esq., needed to show why she deserved major compensation.

We prepared Mr. Davis with an arsenal of strategic visuals to show what went wrong, how it could have been avoided, the young girl's surgical experience, and the irreversible damage she now suffers as a result of the incident.

We prepared Mr. Davis with animations, illustrations, and an interactive Digital Injury Summary. The presentation helped compel the Defense to settle for $15M.

Read the entire case study and see the visuals here:
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