My Elephant's Trunk Nebula Selected as NASA APOD

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Thanks to the NASA APOD guys for selecting my Elephant's Trunk nebula as the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day. Here is more info on the hardware and software:

Elephant's Trunk Nebula (IC 1396)

Imaging Telescope:
Explore Scientific 127mm ED Refractor (952 focal length)

MoonLite 2.5" Focuser with Motor Auto-Focus

Field Flattener:
HoTech 2" SCA Field Flattener

Celestron CGX

Polar Alignment:
QHYCCD PoleMaster

Imaging Camera:
ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool


Astronomik Ha: 100x240" (gain: 139, offset: 21)
Astronomik OIII: 130x240" (gain: 75, offset: 15)
Astronomik SII: 111x240" (gain: 139, offset: 21)

Integration: 22.73 hours

Guide scope:
Orion ST80

Guide Camera:
Lodestar X2

Guide Software:

Calibration Frames:
Darks: 50, Bias: 50, Flats: 50

Capture software:
Sequence Generator Pro (SGP)

Stacking software:

Post Processing:
PixInsight, PhotoShop

Dew Shield, Dew Heater Strip

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