Megyn Kelly's Good Friday Confession on Going Through Annulment Process and Her 'Crisis of Faith'

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Megyn Kelly is joined by Bishop Robert Barron of "Word on Fire Catholic Ministries" where she gets personal and opens up about going through the annulment process, why it's leading to her having a "crisis of faith," the role of marriage in Christianity and Catholicism, Megyn's trip to an Episcopalian church, and more.

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Megyn, I went through the Annulment process after a 35 year marriage came to tragic end. And when people ask me 'why' I answer them this way with a few simple questions: Were you baptised? If the answer is yes, then I say "Undo it." Their reply is always, What? You can't. Then I ask, Were you Confirmed? If the answer is yes, then I say "Undo it." I get the same reply each time. How do you undo a sacrament? You can't. You can ignore it. You can rebel against it. You can come to hate it, but you cannot undo it. So, if that is the case, then how do you 'undo' a marriage? You can't. A civil divorce only separates earthly things, not sacramental heavenly things. You cannot nullify God's participation in these gifts, these sacraments. So what exactly is an annulment, which is correctly called a Nullification? It is not a Catholic Divorce. What it is, is determining who each of you were at the exact moment you said your vows, and whether there was any impediment to the vows on either of your parts in the sacrament itself. Without getting into the weeds of Canon law here, Who were you and your spouse at the exact moment you said your vows at the Altar? That's why those seemingly intrusive questions are asked. You are asking the Tribunal to go back in time to the exact moment of your vows to figure out all of the things that would have hindered or blocked your marriage from being sacramental. I learned more about what marriage actually is, as designed by God, by going through the Annulment process than I ever knew before. And one of my greatest sorrows was realizing that my former husband and I never had all that God had wanted us too. For many Protestants, this will make no sense because they do not consider marriage a sacrament. (And I was raised Protestant.) That's a whole 'nother subject. But for us, for you, there is a catharsis in this process, and a tremendous healing. I must tell you that the Tribunal of my Diocese embraced me and held me so close during the whole process. I cried hard, and they were always there for me. Always. They answered every question, and told me the truth, even when it was hard to hear. Again, I learned SO much about what marriage actually is as designed by God, and not what it is as designed by mankind. They could not have been kinder or more thoughtful. I hope your experience will be the same. The enemy want's you to recoil at this. He wants you to abandon your faith. He's going to try to draw you away to another sect, even another religion. He hates holy marriage, precisely because it is to mirror Christ and His Church. This is your garden of Gethsemane, Megyn. Don't give up. Pray forward. Pray into this. Pray harder. And Trust! Because either the Church is the repository of faith in all the sacraments you have already received or she is not. If you trust her with your Baptism, your Confirmation, Confession, the Eucharist, all of it, then trust her in this. Be at peace.


Father, touch Megyn's heart. She's seeking you. Answer the questions and doubts that she has. Show her you are real and she can talk to you like I am now. She's going through some troubling times. Bring her peace. I ask that your loving, guiding hand be upon her. In Jesus name. 💗


As a teen ager I was in church almost everyday acting as an acolyte. College came, and I immersed myself in Catholic organizations. After I got working and raising a family, there was a gradual loss of 'connection' with the church because I was 'too busy'.
And then I was attracted to this Protestant TV evangelist who was a great talker, andhe preached that people should 'research' about their religion and join the sect your heart and mind tells you is the one for you.
So I did research and study which is the best church for me. It took me a while, but the more I re-immersed myself in Christianity, it became clear that there is really only one true church, and I went back to my faith with a greater understanding and conviction. I am now happily a Catholic again, and I have to listen to our great apologists often to keep the fire burning strong.
I will die as a Catholic.


Marriage and family is the bedrock of society. I am so thankful to God that the Roman Catholic Church takes marriage so seriously.


As a Catholic priest all I can say is: thank you Megyn for being vulnerable and opening your heart. ‘Trust the process’ is the best advice you can be given. For every single person in my parish I have helped with this process, it has become an opportunity for healing and growth in their lives.


I have never had as much respect for Ms. Kelly as I have now after listening to her.


The more I listen to you Megyn, the more I like and respect you. Stay with the Catholic Church


Dear Megyn, and Fellow Catholic.

I am a priest, and in the past I have accompanied many in the path of the PROCESS of annumment. I hope the priest --and/or other ministers helping you in the process-- have taken the time to help you understand the nature, purpose and profound meaning of this process, which is mainly: a spiritual journey through very (unavoidably) human means. [Also: knowing of your intelligence, I am confident that even if they haven't done a good job, your capacity for research places you in great advantage over many "regular Catholics"].
What moved me most, in your testimony about your difficulties in the process, was the fact that before the final decree and convalidation of your present union, there is the impossibility to approach the Sacraments. To that, I say: Continue your [very powerful] role of being a prophet --by reason of your Baptism.
Many, many times, our Supremely Good GOD, before giving us water, grants us the gift of THIRST.


Megyn’s honesty is so genuine, which makes her so relatable in the best of ways.


I was raised Catholic. I tried another church for a while. I’m back to the Catholic Church. I love the rituals. The Eucharist IS the body and blood of Jesus. The more I become a practicing Catholic the closer to God I feel. 🙏🏻


I am a 67 RCIA convert (last year) and you have just won my prayers and my subscription. I understand the "cellular connection". Be patient Megyn. It took me a while to get through the process, albeit a different one. But it was soooo much worth it. God be praised.


Megyn, thanks for your honesty. I had my 1st marriage annuled after I married my present husband for 15 years. As I waited for my annulment process, almost three years, I would cross my arms for a blessing instead of receiving our dear Lord. Tears would stream down my face. My spiritual director told me to offer it up for so many that were receiving unworthily. A beautiful wedding gown stood waiting in my closet. When the day came for our marriage convalidation, I truly felt like the bride of Christ. Our youngest son who was 14 at the time walked me down the aisle. It is totally worth the wait. Happiest day of my life! When you reach that day, wear a beautiful wedding dress! I was not able to receive any sacraments for 3 years but I grew spiritually deeper in my relationship with our Lord and my husband🙏


I like what Bishop Barron said, “trust the process”. It’s not about the “man” behind the process. It’s about the Church protecting the Sacrament of Marriage. Hang in there, Megyn. Thanks for being real. We all have our struggles and are all sinners.


I went through the annulment process, before marrying my husband. Hang in there. That was 11 years ago when the previous marriage was found null. I love my Catholic Faith, and it gave me great peace on the other side of the experience. Prayers lifted for you. Please let us know when all is complete. You probably helped many people with your conversation with Bishop Barron. 🙏


A very personal thing she is going through. To talk about it on air is really a brave thing to do. Glad she is seeking help rather than just abandoning the Church. Good luck Megyn, and Good Bless!


Dear Megyn, many years ago, I converted to Catholicism and had to go through an annulment process which really took long. BUT.... I couln't wait for it to come through so I could participate in the Holy Sacraments of this beautiful and only true Church of Jesus Christ. Today, almost 40 years later, I love the Church and the way we worship more than ever before!... I am now going to my eighties and through these podcasts, still learn more and more about our faith in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. You will never ever regret waiting for the annulment and staying Catholic. God bless you🕯🕯🕯


I've always been into Eastern philosophy and mysticism, studied it, practiced it, but in my time of crisis and greatest need, I found myself drawn back to the Catholic church, the church of my childhood and ancestors. It nourished me on a cellular level, as if coming home.


Meygan, I was in a similar situation. Civilly divorced but did not submit annulment request to the church. Lived in sin for 16 years with my now husband. The annulment process was very difficult for me as I had more pain in my childhood and young adulthood than I realized. The evil one was hard at work casting doubt and fear for many years. I never left the church but it was hard not being able to receive communion at Mass. The change came when my current husband and I agreed to live as brother and sister until the annulment process was complete. I thought how can I ask God for His blessing if I am living in sin? Things began to turn around and I found the strength through sacrifice. We have been in full communion with the church for 3 years. All glory and praise be to God 🙏 ...there is more to the story but we are now catechism teachers and youth group many blessings.


Well into our respective 2nd marriages, my wife and I converted to Catholicism and went through the annulment process. I thought it was dumb. Then I started attending regular Mass and leading a men’s Bible study. Through this I noticed our marriage growing stronger. Now, by the grace of God, she’s pregnant with #4 which is an extra special blessing with us being in our mid to upper 40’s.
I came to realize that Marriage, as a Sacrament, is so much more than the ceremony. It’s ongoing and present in our each and every day. Having gone through the annulment of our first marriages allows us to see the blessings present in this “final” marriage.
Where two are present, so is He.


I’ve been through the annulment process too. Waiting over a year to go through RCIA when I was ready to receive our Lord in the Eucharist felt so unfair and I was impatient. But He was worth the wait. I also had to confess every sin I could remember since my baptism as a baby. That was humbling and so freeing. Just please be patient and know that the Catholic mass is the ONLY place that Jesus is present Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity. Just being there to worship Him and in His presence is absolutely worth it. It’s our duty as well. I struggle when I’m in a state of mortal sin I start missing mass because I don’t feel worthy to be in Christ’s presence. My priest told me that it is the devil who is deceiving me. Jesus loves, encourages and is merciful. The devil deceives, discourages and is condemning. This may help someone else. That’s why I am sharing.
