Meet Mr Long: The KGB’s Throwaway Spy | True Life Spy Stories
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In October 1971, American nuclear-powered submarine USS Halibut slipped into the frigid waters of the Sea of Okhotsk.
Navy divers emerged from the vessel, descending 400 feet below the water's surface where they located their target - an undersea communications cable transmitting mostly unencrypted messages between two key Soviet naval bases.
The divers proceeded to attach a 20-foot long recording device to the cable. Once they completed their mission, they returned to the Halibut which shrunk back into the shadowy depths of the sea.
For the next 10 years, American intelligence listened in to all Soviet communications transmitted along the undersea cable. Considered by many as the most important intelligence-gathering operation of the Cold War, the US learned of Soviet submarine and missile technology, its state of military preparedness, and its nuclear first-strike capabilities.
But then suddenly, in 1980, the messages stopped. Operation Ivy Bells, a joint Navy, NSA and CIA operation, was over.
That the undersea wiretap had been discovered by the Soviets by chance was highly unlikely - the compromise of Operation Ivy Bells must have been an inside job. It would only be years later that American intelligence would discover the man behind the compromise.
Mr Long, real name Ronald W. Pelton, was an NSA agent turned Soviet spy and traitor. It is believed however that he was just a throwaway spy - discarded by the KGB to protect their more valuable asset...
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