Harry Potter House Symbolism: Gryffindor

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The fact that Gryffindor's golden trio each embody the traits of the OTHER three houses is a bit iconic.


“Alnost everyone wants to be a gryffindor”
Me, a gryffindor, knows nobody who wants to be a gryffindor for some reasons.


oh my god I'm already so excited for the Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Houses lmfao


At the beginning, I didn't believe that I was a Gryffindor. In fact, I thought that Gryffindor was the worst house to be in because of the negative backlash it gets on the internet, as many people believe that all Gryffindors are arrogant pricks. I thought Hufflepuff or Slytherin would be a good house to be in, but as I grew up I saw more Gryffindor traits in me. It was even inspiring to me when I felt insecure, I would remember to keep trying like a Gryffindor. This video was really great to see as it showed that Gryffindors are more than the popular house, but a house of perseverance.


First GOT houses, now HP houses. You girls keep having a really great fantasy content. Great video.


I always felt the the 4-qualities

Creates a balance between all houses.

And that Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are like a twin. And Slytherin and Ravenclaw are like a twin as well.

For instance bravery and loyalty both play hand in hand with risk taking, selflessness, and putting your life on the line for others.

While Resourcefulness and Cleverness have a more self-preservation attribute.

All qualities are great, but are much better in balance.

I will say that Hermione was the only one I believe that possessed all qualities in balance. And she evolved it overtime. She is clever and takes risk. Meaning she manages to get herself and others out of harm. She is resourceful making use of what she has or is lacking and taking advantage of certain situations and she is loyal always in maintaining harmony even when everyone is at odds.


This video made me prouder to be Gryffindor.


I used to hate Gryffindor because all the hate getting out towards it, and forced myself to believe I was a ravenclaw. But that never really suit me, and I could see more Gryffindor traits in me. Now I know that I am a true Gryffindor, and I am proud of it.


To me you can ask to be in any house except hufflepuff.

Slytherin- you are ambitious enough to ask
Ravenclaw- you are wise enough to know that this is a loophole
Gryffindor - you are brave enough to challenge to hat

But for hufflepuff you should trust the hat and be loyal to what it wants so a true hufflepuff wouldn’t ask to be anywhere else.


I think it might be more accurate to say the Sorting Hat evaluates the student's VALUES rather than their personality or "potential".

Since prophecy in the Harry Potter universe is shown to often be a prediction of possibility/probability, but is otherwise self-fulfilling, it's not that the Sorting Hat prophesied Neville's courage. Nor did it follow his wishes either because he asked to be placed in Hufflepuff. Nor does it base it on personality as members of the same family often all end up in the same house... I think the Sorting Hat gauges their values, what each person thinks is the most important guiding principle, which will be a determining factor for a person regardless of their personality, and as such can be taught/learned to a degree that would reflect families being in the same house while having different personalities and inclinations (Weasleys, Malfoys, Blacks). But most importantly, would allow for someone like Harry or Sirius to choose a different path despite having an inclination towards cunning and ambition, while also being something Neville couldn't choose himself out of simply because of his low self-esteem. It also explains where someone who ended up being so courageous like Snape, where if the Hat could see the future might have put him in Griffindor, could still be in Slytherin, because Snape still valued pragmatism, ambition, and cunning throughout his life despite having plenty of courage.

So I think the Sorting Hat could see that Neville still valued his parents' courage above all else, despite not thinking he had that same quality in himself, so despite the Hat not being able to see the future that Neville would develop that courage, it saw that since he valued it so highly he likely would develop that quality with some encouragement because he VALUED it. It saw that while Harry was pragmatic/cunning/ambitious, he VALUED courage to do the right thing more, and in contrast while Severus had plenty of courage and would do the right thing despite personal risk in loads of situations, he still VALUED the pragmatic approach much more. Harry and Snape are two sides of a very similar coin.


“Unlike some other houses”... a house is not defined by only a few persons. You know, not all Slytherins are like eleven-year old Draco.


I don't think Gryffindor is the most loved house XD according with the commentary section


Can't wait to see my house Ravenclaw :)


Dumbledore: I haven't watched the entire video, but who cares?? 100 points to gryffindor.
And 100 points to screenprism


I am a Gryffindor myself but I have a problem with the way Slytherin is portrayed in this video. I believe that Slytherins are very intuitive, clever and know to recognize opportunity when they see one. I know those are the qualities of a cunning person but those are the qualities that the most successful people have as well. I did a lot of case studies on the business moguls for a class I took, and with an exception of few like Bill Gates, most of them are Slytherins. I hope you guys consider this when you make the Slytherin video! Love the content!!


People talk about how Hufflepuff and Slytherin are underrated and everyone wants to be Gryffindor when in reality, Hufflepuff and Slytherin take 75% — if not more— of the student sorting population on the internet, let alone less meme highlight content.

Only by then in the end, make Gryffindor seem more diminutive and recieve more backlash than all houses from the stereotype portrayed in the movies. As an Ex-Hufflepuff, I can say even though we are the house of the jocks, the overrated, and the self-centered, we also treasure all houses values as we value kindness, cunningness, and of course wisdom.

The only difference is that we decided to be in it independently. Thats the only different quality the house and the people in it portrays among the rest. To have leadership, bravery and the strength to protect those who even if they spit on us, give a cold shoulder, admire or love deeply. That is our pride, and the pride will never crumble from those who assume the worst of one.

We dint decided to be in it because it's the houde of the protagonists. We decided because that's what we value. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings by belonging in this house.


I always loved Ravenclaw, but I took the Pottermore Sorting Hat quiz and got Gryffindor lol. After watching this video, it actually makes more sense why I got that instead.


in the fandom gryffindor is the most hated tbh, like i see so much bash on it, its sad


The Harry Potter is a villain video (which seems to have been deleted) is so bad it makes me question the perspectives of their other videos which up till now I have found quite insightful.
