Finding the Right College Fit

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In this webinar, students and others can get advice from Francisco Herrera, Assistant Director of Admissions from Brown University, on how to sift through the dozens of colleges out there, to find the one that is the best fit for you.


Francisco Herrera grew up as the first child of Nicaraguan immigrants in Miami, Florida. He was the first person in his family to graduate from high school, college, and then graduate school. As a first-generation, low-income student of color at Dartmouth, he was keenly aware of the way his experiences were so different from those of his peers and dedicated his time to developing the First Year Student Enrichment Program, a peer mentorship program for first-generation college students. At Dartmouth, he worked in every division of the College, from dining halls to tutoring to the student activities office, even internships with the Dean of the College Office. Since then he has worked in college admissions and college counseling and earned a Master's from the University of Texas at Austin. Academically, his path took a couple of turns and has included everything from Chemistry to Political Philosophy. As an admission officer, he has recruited in South Florida, Texas, Nevada, Southern California, and New York City, which has allowed him to have an incredibly broad and deep view of the issues facing various students and communities across the country.

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