Solve subtraction and missing fraction addition questions involving fractions beyond 1 whole

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Now, 11 twelfths plus what is 1 and 3 twelfths? []Well, there’s 11 twelfths, []and there’s 1 and 3 twelfths. []So we need []1[]2[]3[]4 more twelfths – []so 4 twelfths is our missing number. Notice, 1 and 3 twelfths is the same as 15 twelfths – here, we have 15 twelfths altogether – and if we start with 11, we know that we need 4 more to make 15.[]
Now we have 1 and 1 eighth minus 4 eighths. []So, from 1 and 1 eighth, we can take []1[]2[]3[]4 eighths away, []and that leaves us with 5 eighths. But rather than drawing it out, if you know that 1 and 1 eighth is the same as 9 eighths, then you can just do 9 take away 4 to make 5, and keep the denominator the same.[]
So here, []19 twelfths minus something equals []10 twelfths. So they have taken away []1[]2[]3[]4[]5[]6[]7[]8[]9 twelfths []to make 10 twelfths.[]
Now, []1 and 6 tenths minus what is []9 tenths? Well, 1 and 6 tenths is the same as 16 tenths, and to get 9 from 16, you need to take away []1[]2[]3[]4[]5[]6[]7 – so our missing number is []7 tenths.
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