10 Ways to Make Your Bird Love You

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Hi Buddies,

Birds make great pets but the way to their heart can be a bit difficult as they're so stubborn, so these are 10 tips that will help you get your bird to love you.




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My birds love me only when I have food in my hands


My birds outside their cage:U FOOL U WILL NEVER CATCH ME


I understand that younger birds can bond more easily with a human, but we shouldn't overlook older birds either! Animals of any age can grow to trust us with time, patience and most importantly love.


Sometimes, when I am eating something that my bird can’t have, my parrot would kinda stare at me and I would feel sad it ain’t getting any but then I would just cut up a fruit and give it to my parrot ❤️❤️❤️💕💕And all the tips are very useful that I try to follow🥰🥰


My grandma has a bird and she left it with us for 2 weeks when she went on a holiday. Every morning when I woke up I opened its cage and talked to it a lot. I even fed it with some snacks.Even before that we had a lovey dovey relationship -like it would get very excited when i came or even hear someone say my name and allowed me to pet him after his baths. But this 2 weeks it started to jump to my shoulders and let me kiss it. It even played games with me. I also convinced it to take baths even though it hates them. I showed him the mirrors and taught him not to touch them. My grandma told me I could keep it with me but I had to refuse because it made me itch a lot. I still try to see it as much as I can.


Aww baby talk it part was so cute 😍 I love how neo looked at you


My budgie that I’ve had for about 4 years has never trusted anything, she’s been through a lot so I have to respect that, I try to build a bond with her but she’s not very agreeable to say the least. I’ve gotten her to the point where she comes out of her cage on her own and flys around my room :) she’s very skittish but we’re making progress! She’s had two friends in the past, one flew away because my little brother hooked the food door open and we put the cage on the porch outside not knowing and he flew away, and the other dyed and we still don’t know why :(


The saliva in food we eat can't be fed to birds with us still we can act such as with making eating sounds. Great video for bonding with


I came looking for advice only to discover I'm doing all this already. It's all excellent advice spoken by a person who truly loves his little friends. I will say this, if you want to use your "flock time" to teach your budgie to speak, it works better with one or two birds rather than a larger number. I am jealous of the scritches he can give but I know that where I don't get that, I get a bird that tells me "good night".


My birds love when I whistle or sing them to sleep ❤️ I haven’t been letting them out their cage because my room has a lot of wires, I’m going to clear out a guest room for them ☺️

They know their names now but don’t know how to say it


My secret formula for my little one is cloth. I hold any type of cloth in my hand, and she'll fly to me to play with it. She loves my scrunchie and comes on my head to bite it all the time! 😂


Thank you i'm getting my bird in 2 days and ive been watching you none stop!


I've had a lot of budgies in my life, but I've only bond with 3 of them: Tico Tico, Lily and Kiwi. Tico Tico was my first pet and with him I learned how to take proper care of a pet. When Tico Tico died a lot of years after getting him, Lily was given to me as a surprise. She was very lovely and affectionate: I shared food with her, spent time with her every day... We spent a lot of time together because when she would see me, Lily would fly to me. She also often took naps on top of me!! The day she passed was one of the hardest days of my life. Some time later, an acquaintance gave us a pair of budgerigars as a gift. They were supposed to be male and female, but turned out to be 2 females: Maki and Kiwi. Maki HATES being held. Despite trying to bond with her, I have never been able to. But Kiwi is different. She likes to be held and asks for food whenever I'm eating, as if I were her mother, but she also hates a lot being touched or groomed. It's ok for her when other bird does it (we had 2 other budgies) but when I try to do it she turns away and bites me and I don't really know if I'm doing something wrong or her personality is simply like that :( I don't have toys for the sisters because they get really scared with objects they do not know. Kiwi is a bit more brave, but Maki gets very stressed very easily, and that's why I don't try to bond with her anymore. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not, and it worries me, but your videos are helping me a lot!! I'll try some of your tips soon!


“that you are the source of the yummy stuff”

*yes, i have the power… MOTHER LOOK AT MEE!!*


İ just got a baby badge, i was thinking all night of how to make it love me and not just live a "boring" life or feel insecure while it's growing up. İ am so grateful that i found your vid. Huge thanks, and keep up the work 😇👌🏻


The title of this video and the budgie holding a flower is so cute!!


Seeing this I realized, what I did wrong and what I didnt do enough. Thank you so much for the advice. You earned a new sub


Thank you so very much for the great tips. I love my budgie so much he is my best friend, but i have had trouble getting him to let me pet him. These tips are very helpful and i cannot wait to try. Much appreciation.


Thank you for great tips! Today will be day 5 of having my new budgies home. Wish us luck! This is actually my first time working with birds and I’ve been doing lots of research. I really want to make my little budgies feel like they’ve hit the jackpot🍀☘️Wishing everyone happy birding


I liked all of the tips and your camera quality is A-mazing😍
