Is the Yellowstone Supervolcano About to Erupt? | Strange Heartland History

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Thinking of heading to Yellowstone National Park this year?
But you're concerned it's going to erupt? Here's a short history behind the discovery of Yellowstone's explosive volcanic past--and what it means for us now.
Check this out!!!
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As always, if the birds fly away, look out.


If the volcano erupts every 200, 000 - 300, 000 years. Calculating the average and standard deviation would allow geologists to make a hypothesis about the next eruption date.


Yeah, right. That shit could pop tomorrow, next week or 10 years from now. That's the scary part, we will never know when and we should be concerned but not scared out of our minds.


I never understand why people freak out so much. People say Yellowstone is going to erupt every year.


Who cares if it happens none of us can do anything about it it will happen one day get over it people live your lives. Stop living in fear


You are partially right and partially wrong. You are partially right because in 79AD when Mount Vesuvius erupted and consumed and destroyed the city of Pompeii there were earthquakes in the area that destroyed parts of Pompeii. But because the Roman empire knew next to nothing about geology they just rebuilt parts of Pompeii that were destroyed from the earthquake. Little did they know it was warning sign of much greater catastrophe to come. 6 months later Mount Vesuvius erupted and what would be recorded as one of the largest volcanic eruptions in world history. And all of Pompeii was consumed in a fiery Ash. So yes if Yellowstone were to go off it would give warning months before. You are partially wrong because scientist can't guarantee that their observations of Yellowstone volcano is 100% accurate. Scientist can only see so far down in mantle of the earth with ground penetrating radar. So what we think we know now may be completely wrong tomorrow. That is at least until science finds a way to scan all the way to the core of the earth.


Going to yellowstone is on my bucketlist but im really scared of flying


With my luck, if I visit Yellowstone it will erupt, so I'm not going. 😞😒


Its probably not going to erupt because all the mudpots and gysers are releasing pressure and heat


Tbh id give no fucks bout this volcano


i have an idea lets call elsa and see if she'll freeze the volcano for us

(this is just me being my wierd comedy self im jk plz dont attck me calling me stupid....i just like to say wierd things)


If Yellowstone did erupt, there is NOTHING
we mere humans can do about it except,
Kick back pop open a cold one, and watch
the greatest show on the planet.. And,
make our peace with our


pumping water into magma is guaranteed to create a humongous steam explosion


If the magma is actually 10 km below the surface that’s 6.2 miles it’s gona take a lot for it to reach surface. Just enjoy the time with our family’s hope for the best and expect the worse.


Just live life worrying gets you unhappy just be happy do fun shit do dumbshit lol have fun were all ganna die one day ok just CHILL!


Really pompous positioning, as if to say “poor stupid worriers...” - when the bottom line is that you couldn’t possibly know enough to be so sure. Most of your listed “facts” are actually non-facts. I’d be a little more careful with your carefree attitude.


you know i find this video funny because for a few pieces of info you have left out to whats happening to this day. look all this up for your self people ive done my research. 1.) if yellowstone is not such a threat of erupting then why has there been report's and interviews on NASA asking why there wanting to drill into yellowstone for a eruption prevention as they state "to prevent a future eruption"? can find this on national geographic. 2.) the "Solar Grand Minimum" thats going on is causing increase earthquake and volcanic activity, enough that most of the ring of fire is lit up and remarkably the west coast of U.S is not burning (witch is a lie im sure) along with other plate boarder's firing up as well as proof in increased activity all around the world. so with just them two alone you can look up and see these two i listed above are being talked about and we are going through a solar grand minimum and NASA is planning on drilling in yellowstone to prevent a future eruption (for no real cause of concern you claim on your video) another word's "buying into the media bull-shit" so why should we listen to someone that mirror's the "official's" lies that they give to all to prevent panic? you are just like them and will end up getting millions killed in the process. you realize Yellowstone is sporting 2/3 sign's of activity, the same kinds of sign's we watch for with every other volcano on earth to tell if it's going to erupt soon or not? yeah.
YouTube want's to start flagging people for false information and misleading videos about true fact's? Then they need to look at channel's like ive lived around Yellowstone my whole entire life and the local's here along with the wild life are starting to notice the changes going on, wild life is fleeing from yellowstone, hell even a whole heard of bison been seen leaving and the wild life count goes in a decrease more and more each year. ground deformation, more rise than sinking? earthquake swarms getting worse by the year, steamboat has been going off a lot this year, the water level in the cone is decreasing (witch is not ever a good sign). theres a lot of evidence backing up that yellowstone is basicly starting to because a glass cannon but yet nothing is showing our "official's" any need for worry, but yet you can see them night by night on the park's live feed cam's there out there worried and watching hard on the current activity going call bull.


If it gets the hollyweirdos dead I like it !!


God bless you to know him in Jesus Christ name. Thank you Heavenly Father for creating rock and earth.


Just wondering if they can predict when it's going to Rupp how come they didn't predict the one in Guatemala and Hawaii
