American Soldier Thrown Overboard Scene | MIDWAY (2019) Movie CLIP HD

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American Soldier Thrown Overboard Scene | MIDWAY (2019) Movie CLIP HD

PLOT: The story of the Battle of Midway, told by the leaders and the sailors who fought it.

RELEASE DATE: November 8, 2019
GENRE: Action, Crime, Drama
STARS: Patrick Wilson

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I remember seeing this in the cinema and my dad said to me "That's a waste of a good anchor. No wonder they lost the war."


Wife's uncle was in the Royal New Zealand Navy but served on a British destroyer. His ship was sunk in about Feb 1942 south of Singapore and he was rescued some time later by the Japanese navy. I never met him but in an unpublished book he wrote he said the ordinary Japanese sailors treated him and other survivors well, including sharing their rations. Once released to the Japanese Army things turned to custard but he recounted a kind Japanese officer when recaptured after he walked away from a work detail on the Burma railway. The officer provisioned him and his three mates with food at his own expense before handing them over to be transported to a POW camp. Conditions subsequently became very harsh and he says in his book he bore a large scar resulting from cruel treatment to an injury suffered at Makassar. My wife did confirm that scar existed. I'm working to get the book published - its a substantial and interesting read.


No captain in maritime history is going to waste an expensive anchor just to drown some sailor.


The symbolism of asking for a cigarette, ,, usually a last request.


As a retired sailor, whenever I see a ship go down in the movies, or worse yet, see actual footage of a ship sinking, no matter which country... I always imagine what it was like for them, and I feel badly for those sailors.


Just imagine what it must feel like being pulled down to the depths of the ocean by an anchor, truly a horrifying way to die


My father was a WW2 Navy veteran . He never got over his hate for the Japanese .


The man who chose to go down with the anchor in this scene was the lucky one. The other was tortured for days before he too was tied to a barrel full of water and sent to Davy Jones' Locker.


It's too bad that the captain of the IJN Makigumo was killed in action and missed his postwar date with the hangman


My grandfather was a ww2 navy gunner and he never talked about it. Probably because his brother sat behind a machine gun with a head injury for over 9 hours and saved hundreds of men refusing medical treatment and estimated at over 60 confirmed kills. He then come back home received the silver star from the president of the United States directly…. and promptly drank himself to death three weeks later. We think it’s because no one knew what PTSD was back then. This hits home for me


For those wondering which destroyer did this it was HIJMS Makigumo.

Though lost in Guadalcanal she was involved in the rescue of another pilot (ARM3c Michael "Mick" Glasser from U.S.S Enterprise) but unlike here Glasser was spared and sent to a POW camp in Japan.


One of the child actors from power rangers did the same thing to an elderly couple to steal their yacht. He's sitting on death row now.


Do the brave men on whom this clip is based the respect they deserve by getting the title right: they were *sailors*, not soldiers. Fair winds and following seas guys.


Everyone saying “Like that would really happen” uh… this literally happened except it was worse. The men were interrogated, beaten, then tied to a weight of some sort (possibly an anchor) and thrown overboard.

O’Flaherty and Gaido were picked up by the Japanese destroyer IJN Makigumo.

After an interrogation, Weights were tied to both and they were thrown over the side to drown. Japanese accounts state that both met their end with stoic and dignified defiance.


It’s so sad that in reality that these men went through so much worse. Often pilots captured at midway were BRUTALLY tortured before being killed. One story I heard about one of the Ensign pilots, who got picked up by the IJN was tortured, and sentenced to death, he was then attacked by the crew with an axe, tried to hang on to the ship whilst the crew hacked his hand off and left him to drown.


They couldn’t stand Jonas Brothers music.


-hey bro let's a walk
-sure bro!
5 minutes later: 0:59


Saw it in theater. Thought the movie was CGI ridiculousness...but this scene gave me chills.

What a terrible way to go. The dude went like a stoic warrior.


“ Emmerich also dives into an aspect of the battle, and by extension the entire Pacific War, that often only receives passing acknowledgement: war crimes. While Midway was a massive tactical and strategic victory for the United States, many U.S. airmen were shot down, and those unfortunate enough to be captured by the enemy were met with extremely cruel ends. Frank O'Flaherty and Bruno Gaido, the pilot and tail-gunner of an SBD Dauntless (pictured above), are shown as having been captured and imprisoned on a Japanese destroyer (via Smithsonian Magazine). According to accounts from the ship's crew, after being questioned the two were tied to oil drums full of water (an anchor in the film) and shoved overboard.”


2:47 his shoe was untied, that's a serious health hazard right there.
