Diablo 4 - Season 1 is Over...

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With nearly 3 months left go in Season 1 the question is... that's it? Enjoy!

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The problem is that once you hit level 50 you are already in the endgame… and then all you can do is leveling to 100 without anything really changing.
Then once you hit level 100 you can create a new character and level that one also to 100.


I'll be honest, D4 was the biggest purchase regret I've had in a long time.


they need to make Andariel, Duriel and other mini bosses have a chance to spawn in nm dungeons 85+ and have a higher chance to drop specific things. For example, Andy could have a higher chance to drop Andariel's Visage and Duriel could drop whatever else.


Honestly bring back greater rifts and leaderboards. It aims the community at something and it's just nice to blow up demons without thinking about dungeon objectives. There are only so many times I can free prisoners, without it feeling really repetitive.


The issue with the malignant heart tunnels rotation idea is that 1 by the time you hit world tier 4 where you're truly farming NMD you have long seen every malignant heart and those dungeons feel like way less xp then the other none malignant heart tunnels

On top of thise the malignant monsters spawn slowly ( on purpose to waste your time I'm sure)

And probably, most importantly, only like 5 of them are good while the rest are trash.


I also dont understand why you cant unsocket malignant hearts. They say they want you to experiment with builds but continue to put road blocks up to prevent that. I get they want you to play and grind for better hearts but theres zero incentive once you have a build set to continue farming hearts .


I'm level 59, even now pretty much all I can do level in a timely manner is nightmare dungeons. 41 levels doing the same thing over and over is definitely a nightmare. Side quests, regular dungeons, and the malignant tunnels shouldn't be a lower level than me! The malignant tunnels are only level 55 and I get hardly any experience ☹️


I think one of the biggest jokes this season are the invoker.. since you just need them at the end of a tunnel and get a couple on the way through.. would be nice if you salvage them as well to craft hearts or what ever


I play Druid in this season (necro on eternal) and i really like it. The only thing that demotivate me is the slow lvling. I'm 50 now and it's so boring to grind to reach Wt4 again


I think the reason most people keep playing even though the game became stale for them is that… well… Once you put the game down, it’s unlikely that you’ll pick it up again. Especially with all the other promising games that are set to release for this year alone.

The whole seasons thing is interesting, but resetting characters each time ? That’s a HUGE entry barrier for those who want to play casually. You can’t just log in every three months to experience the new content. You have to actually sink hours upon hours just to get to that point.


I think malignant tunnels should be a random spawn inside of a nightmare dungeon when it is completed. Like a bonus for completing the NMD.


with BG3 coming out tomorrow i will be saying goodbye to diablo 4 !


My biggest gripe with this game is not having loadouts. For example, last season, i just made two separate necromancers. Got my bone spear to lvl 80 and then my shadow mist build to 76. I like to play different builds but im not going to keep undoing and redoing my paragon and skill tree. Seems so stupid to not have a load out system. This season im doing the poison slide Druid. Im starting to collect pieces for other builds too and have been putting them in the stash. However, does that mean ill need to make a second Druid to avoid undoing the main one? Idk, i just really dont like that.


I’m enjoying the season so far still have a long to way to go, but I don’t play 18 hours a day either. Once I get tired of it I’ll just go back to my backlog of other games


I'm hitting it hard to finish season 1 before Starfield comes out, because I'm going to lose myself in that game.


I want to try so many other Druid builds and I really can’t, it’s too complicated to switch gear and aspects around. Trying out new builds is really the fun of the end game to me. I’m finally powerful, now I want to try different play styles. But it is too painful to switch gear and aspects around so I’m deterred from doing so.


i cant even bother to level up to level 80, its just to boring.


Every dungeon should be able to be a nightmare dungeon and I don't get why they have a limited pool at all. The malignant tunnels absolutely SHOULD be nightmare dungeons as well. The mechanic for getting hearts, where you just have to fight the elite twice is boring. There's so much repetition and it just doesn't have to be that way.


The only reason for me to stick around in D3 was trying to hit GR150 with different builds, or if I discover a wonky build, i'll try to get to at least GR100 with it. Which is not really something we can do in D4, it's so expensive to be experimenting with builds because of the cost of resepec and so many broken abilities.


as a working parent i like that it is quite long, took me a week to finish the seasonal story quest, am just around lvl 60 now and i only have a long time to play my char, which am happy getting 1-2 levels a day and putting the game down to do other stuffs, it doesn't push me to go hard on the game and just take my time and enjoy it, i know most of you guys are already tired and done a lot already because you rush through the content, that is what you get when you rush, but then again it gives you time for your other games, i wish i have that many time to play
