recreating the 'outfits i'll wear when i'm skinny' pinterest board

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ALL of the credit goes to these 2 gorgeous humans who inspired this video as well as just inspire me in general (GO FOLLOW BOTH OF THEM):

Today I'm recreating the "outfits i'll wear when i'm skinny" pinterest a size 16! This trend makes me really sad, but I also feel that the more we give ourselves full permission to have ALL of the good things we want in life in the exact body we currently reside in, the better we will be. ❤️ Whether you're a size 6, a size 16, a size 26 - you are wonderful the way you are and PLEASE wear whatever the hell you want. I love you xoxoxo


Hi there! My name is Carrie Dayton and this channel is all about body confidence, big sis advice, midsize fashion, thrifting, and MORE! My goal is to distract you from the chaos of life for a few minutes throughout the week and (hopefully) encourage you to be kind to your body at any size. SUBSCRIBE for new videos every Wednesday and Saturday (with a few bonus videos in between)!

FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is not sponsored. Some links that appear are affiliate links, which I could potentially make commission from. :)

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The fact that these pinterest boards exist breaks my heart. I always think about this quote: “If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how different our ideals of beauty would be.”


I think the reason many plus size people stay away from oversized things is because when you are plus size, there's a very fine line between 'frumpy' and 'stylish'. Most of these outfits are pretty casual and a skinny body is why it's called 'fashionable'. If plus size people do wear that, it won't be pinned on Instagram or Pinterest as fashion inspiration, because the skinny body is the accessory of the outfit. Just shows how deep rooted fatphobia really is.


As someone who is middle aged, don't put off things for whatever. If you wait until the perfect moment, it's never going to come! Wear the shorts, take the trip, accept your body the way it is. You don't have to love every part of it but it is the only one you've got


The crazy/saddest thing about these videos is that most of the outfits are basic and simple, the main part of the outfits is the “flat stomach” so when people make these boards it’s not “ I can’t wear this Because I’m plus size/it’s not made in my size” it’s “ I don’t have the flat stomach to show off in this outfit”


I love this idea. I hate the idea that non-skinny folks can't where any and everything they want. I show my arms, I show my legs, I where crop tops and I'm a size 18/20 after being a size 8/10/12 for most of my life. But I LOVE myself so much more now than when I was much smaller. Because my worth is not tied to any physical thing about me. Anywho! Do your shadow work, go to therapy and continue loving yourself. <3


just a reminder skinny people definitly have cellulite and stretch marks too. (I used to be veerrry underweight and even then i had cellulite). It's normal it's beautiful and everyone has it!


I’m a size 18ish and carry most of my weight in my stomach. I have been asked multiple times if I was pregnant so it always gives me anxiety to wear certain styles of clothes because I don’t want to be perceived as pregnant. I am also 27, been married since 20 and we are childless by choice. So of course people do the “are you going to be having babies soon” which makes me so self conscious too!
Definitely makes it harder to accept that part of me!


“I was striving for a body that wasn’t mine.”
That was so good.


I'm really loving this more body neutrality. The body positivity was too much. We can't be super positive all the time.
Also see you and Maddie video has given me the boost to get over some things I feel like I can't wear.

This video just meant a lot. So thank you.


YES TO THR CELLULITE!!! I’m under 100 pounds and have loads of cellulite on my butt and thighs!! Used to be so self conscious about it, but it’s NORMAL! ❤️


love the tennis skirt/Mickey sweatshirt look, ah so cuteee!!!


That tennis skirt outfit is a real vibe. I'm genuinely tempted to go out there and try and find a similar look even though I normally don't wear skirts.


Thank you for this.
I'm still trying to accept my new body. I grew up small and have gained a lot in the past few years due to my career and other factors. I'm now a 12-16 (it's ridiculous how much sizes vary even at the same store).
I've been struggling with my confidence, self worth, and being worthy enough for my significant other.
You've helped me get out of my shell and try new styles and accept the size I'm in and not try to fit into smaller sizes.
Im still in the thick of feeling bad about myself but I'm doing my best to work through it and you've helped me a lot.


“Be naked. Literally. Please.” Is my new inspirational quote thank you😂


thank you for sharing this video - i need to remind myself everyday that society is the problem and not my body... I had a similar experience to you, when i was the smallest I ever was I was the most unhappy with myself, forcing myself to have a body that isn't something natural. Love watching your videos <3


it just sucks that we view "skinny" almost as an accessory that needs to be had to make things "look right" and like FUCK that let's all work on wearing what we want bc its what we think is cute! Thank you so much, Carrie, for these videos!!


I wore a dress similar to the tight one for my graduation when I was a size 4 and my mom still criticized it.

Wear what you want at any size.


I haven’t watched your videos in a long time actually, just been in my own world and I came across this today and I remembered why I legit love you. After the birth of my baby girl, I’ve been very critical of my body and how much it has changed and this helped me realize I deserve happiness and to feel beautiful. Especially now that I have a beautiful girl of my own that will be looking up to me. I needed to hear this. Thanks for reeling me back in when I strayed. You’re a beautiful soul and I’ve missed you, Carrie. 🌻


Love the way you look at your body being something that holds your organs...I actively tell myself that when I feel insecure about something...these are the legs that let me explore the world and I'm thankful they haven't let me down.
Your videos lift me! Thanks for the great content!


Your videos consistently pick me up to remind me clothes dont define me just because my body isn't the same at 31 as it was at 21.
