Recreating 'outfits i'll wear when im skinny' Pinterest boards on a size 14

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as a mid sized person, i often hate myself for the way my body looks. i exercise, i eat well, but i just feel big all of the time. and every 👏 single 👏 time 👏 i watch your videos, i feel confident and inspired to wear whatever tf i want. ty for loving yourself and in doing so helping me learn to love me.


YOU'RE ONLY You seem so much older. Not physically, but in the way you carry yourself, the way you speak, just the way you are. You seem just so mature.


These pinterest boards should be titled what it is, "Outfits I'll wear when I have confidence". It doesn't matter what your size is, as long as you're confident you can wear whatever you want.


5 years ago a female coworker asked me… “you wear shorts with that size of legs and butt?” (I’m what i think it is a us size 16 with a really latina body) and my response was… “duh… of course, it’s summer and why i wouldn’t show my goodies”. So watching you makes me feel happy that not everybody is searching for the ig body (really toxic trend). My advice is, always take care of yourself so can enjoy your body and life. Big hugs to you!! ❤️❤️


Unfortunately I think, in Australia, with the resurgence of the 90s trends, we're seeing a return of very thin bodies being the trend. I wish fashion trends didn't have to go hand in hand with body types


I'm a psychology teacher in high school, and I had a lesson today on how social media impacts our self esteem. This video is a perfect example of how some trends can truly hurt, while others (such as your video) can truly help us on the way of accepting ourselves. Thank you so much for this video! I might have shouted you out in class today :)


This video made me cry? I lost 36kgs and developed anorexia on the way which has been ruling my life for 4 years. I wish I heard this advice years ago. I was so happy when I was chubbier. Honestly, I didn't have a care in the world. Then it took 1 doctor and the tiny girls I followed on Instagram to spark my weight loss 'journey' which has been detrimental to my mental wellbeing. Getting to your goal weight doesn't equal happiness (not for me anyways). You just set a new number new things about yourself to 'fix' when really you're perfect just the way you are. Thank you for this video Susie. You have such an important role on social media, especially for your younger, more impressionable followers who need someone to look up to. What a role model you are ❤️ much love from South Australia xxx


Wow, this is a really insightful video. I’m pretty secretive about my eating disorder, but I remember when I was 13, I made my phones lock screen the Roman numeral digits of my weight so that I could remind myself always how much I weighed, and why I don’t deserve to eat. I’ve never told anybody that before, because I just thought it was the most fucked up thing ever. I really appreciate you sharing your own experience with something similar, it really makes me feel a little bit more normal.


Iived through the low rise jeans era as a kid: I HATE them. I also have a big butt, and these type of jeans are NOT IT, atleast not if you want to move! So, definitely will not be re- participating in this. Lol I'm just hoping the advent of low rise jeans doesn't mean the other types of jeans will disappear. I remember the first time I saw midrise jeans in store. It was transformational.


honestly it's like when people see celebrities wearing sweats and doing the bare minimum with their outfits they call them "fashionable" or able to pull anything off just because they have a skinny figure, are famous and are rich, but when someone from a different size wears the exact same thing they are called "lazy" and "not even trying". plus sizes are already hard enough to find as it is I don't think oversized people or anyone of any size needs anyone telling them "when your this body shape you can wear this" or need to look at posts saying "outfits for when I'm skinny". just my opinion, and before I get attacked just wanted to say that I'm not blaming anyone or referring to anyone in particular this is just my opinion and what I think is happening around the world. so yeah pls don't come after me.
P.s all bodies are beautiful <3
Edit: when I say all bodies I mean ALL. skinnier people shouldn't shame larger people, curvy people shouldn't shame flat people and larger people shouldn't say that skinny shaming doesn't exist♡


You know what I really hate? Fashion isn't the only thing that goes in and out of style, body types/body parts go in and out of style too and it's so infuriating!! We can never win 😭 but this video gave me so much more confidence ❤️


I looked back at my highschool photos with my coworker and we showed pictures to each other of times we thought we were super overweight and ugly but were SKINNY and pretty and wondered who hurt us to make us think so poorly of ourselves. I'm not 100% over my body insecurities, but also despite being bigger than I was in school I am loads more confident now


I was a teenager in the 2000s and it destroyed my body image. Now that I'm about to be 35 I am finally starting to accept my body and it really helps that society is coming around. You look amazing in all these outfits.


thank you for this. clothes are made to fit you, you are so much more than just appearance so you shouldn’t put pressure on yourself to fit some damn fabric! wear whatever you want at any size you are!


this video means so much to me!! I gained a lot of weight during quarantine and none of my old stuff fits me as well anymore. This helped show me that CLOTHES should fit me, not the other way around !!!


This video made me cry so many times. I've been bulimic since I was 10 and I really hate my body. I started following you on IG and YT maybe 6 month ago to try to change the wish/need to be skinny. Even though I have a long way to go I'd like to thank you for helping me to start loving myself and my body. I decided to stop looking at the scale and just listen to my own body and eat what I feel like. I feel so so so much better.
Thank you so much for being you and keep doing these videos. We need more people like you to show young girls that the goal in life isn't being skinny or having a specific body type, but just being happy. ❤️


I’m midsized and always feel guilty for the way my body looks. What’s crazy though is: When you showed the comparison pictures, I honestly didn’t even prefer the ‚skinny‘ ones. I either liked both or preferred your look. So: It’s not that I only like the way skinny bodies look, it’s just the only thing I see... So then I‘m ashamed for not being „the norm“. Thanks for making me love my belly ❤️


I think a big problem also is that many of this outfits are only seen as beautiful because of the body wearing them. I saw a video about this topic called "is it an outfit or is she just skinny?" and it's true - you can wear an outfit because you think the clothes are looking good or you can wear an outfit because you think the clothes make YOU look good. Doesn't necessarily mean you like the clothes, just what they are doing for you and I've also seen this on myself too. Even if I don't really like the colour or the style of a piece, if it makes me look skinny or shows off my body in a flattering way I'll probably wear it even tho I don't actually like it


For someone who had anorexia and then gaining a lot of weight in a short amount of time i started to hate myself, so much that i developed agoraphobia. I m on my journey to love my body and to accept that i am so much more than what todays "beauty standards" tells me that i am. You are such an inspiration, i wish someday to be like you <3


As a teen with hairy legs, and seeing every Pinterest, Instagram and whatever have shaved legs made me feel so insecure about my own legs which I now realize it's stupid, watching this video really taught me that I don't have to torture myself or worry about not having shaved legs 💕 and just love myself😊
