Most Painful Ways to Die

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Death is something every single person will experience sooner or later, but how we all go will be completely different, and so will the pain that comes with it! Check out today's new video to find out which way to die is the MOST painful!


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What a great wholesome video to watch before bed! Thanks!


My mother died from stage four ovarian cancer, one of the most fatal of all time, about four years ago, when I was nine. They say it feels like flames are eating you from the inside out. Even extreme amounts of morphine and opioids, I still remember her crawling around on the floor in agony. I remember her last hours, going to see her, and not even knowing she was going to die. As it said in the video, she was in a deep sleep. I’ll never forgot her poor broken body and how yellow and skinny she was when I tried to talk to her before my dad took me away.


My uncle was murdered by being shot in the stomach 6 times and he passed away later that night but lived for a few hours afterwards. But he was in a great deal of pain yet not once did he cry out. RIP uncle


With the lung cancer, it’s honestly so true. My grandma thought she was getting pneumonia and one day she just stopped breathing and was found by her husband and got flown out to find out she had stage 3 lung cancer.


I fell 11 feet to my face while I was building a deck. I broke bones in both hands, broke the end of my collar bone, had a orbital floor blowout, & I dislocated my hip. I was in a lot of pain especially because I immediately tried to stand up and walk. Unfortunately that wasn’t going to be the case.


As a kid when I had a rare leukemia my spleen swelled down to almost my waistline before they removed it and it didn’t hurt, so swollen spleen doesn’t always hurt. I didn’t know they could hurt.


Almost drowned twice in my life time, the second time was pretty recent, and all I can say is it hurts and burns at the same time. When you finally break through it feels like someone dumped a ton of bricks on your limbs, and then when the adrenaline fades and your body start registering all the injuries sustained, its like crawling through glass. It's been 3 years and I still refuse to go anywhere near the beach and I've made peace with the fact that surfing is off my to do list.


I had full spinal surgery at 15. The pain the first time I stood up will NEVER be surpassed. I wished I would die the entire time. My mom said it only took me a few minutes to stand up, it felt like at least an hour.


The lung cancer one is something I've seen the pain of. My father had it and he was extremely strong. He fought for 4 years and told us about it after the first 2 years because he thought he will lose the cancer and wouldn't want to bother us. But the last 1 year was extremely terrible to watch. I know my father was strong and didn't want to show us how bad his condition was. But he coughed after every 4 steps, often had breathing problems and I heard him crying every night while he thought I was sleeping.

I distanced myself EXTREMELY from him because I thought I'd give him more time for himself so he could heal better. I regret that decision but as someone who never dealed with something like this, i felt like it's the only right thing. I thought he'd get better if he doesn't need to deal with me. Until the emergency car was suddenly at our door and got my dad. He died 2 Days later and Couldn't even talk the last 2 days. He was just alive because of artificial breathing advices. He got pipes into him and I felt extreme pain seeing him like that. He must have felt such a huge pain holding it all back till the last day. I wish I could have been there for him.


40 years ago last sunday indycar driver Gordon Smiley was killed in what is considered by many to be the most horrifying fatal accident too ever happen at the brickyard.

On lap 3 of his qualifying run he lost control of his car at 240 MPH and slammed head on into the concrete wall in turn 3, the impact was so violent that the cockpit was launched into the catch fencing which tore his helmet off along with the top of his skull and left his brains smeared on the wall and track.

He was declared dead on scene and the autopsy showed that had his skull not been ripped apart he would've died of trauma so massive that his last moments on earth would've been spent in "absolute agony" because every bone in his body was broken and he had fourth degree burns all over his body due too fuel and oil firss caused by the crash.


One of the worst way I’ve seen a person die was slowly with my grandma due to rheumatoid arthritis. It ate away at not only her joints but the hearts and lungs as well and was left bed ridden for years. She was constantly in pain that she had to take meds for it almost constantly and eventually passed in 2019.

The worst pain I’ve ever had was two weeks after spinal fusion surgery for Scoliosis and traveling up a winding road up 4000 feet. My pain medication had worn off and they opened up my back from the bottom of my neck to the top of my hips and took out a rib from my right side. I was crying and screaming the whole way home.


I've experienced a literally sharp pain on the left side of my chest [my heart] in 2020 during my sleep. The pain was like a long thin needle was pierced through my heart. And not just one time but twice (at different months) at night.
When my grandmother died, our whole family heard her "death rattle"...more like a huge single hiccup before she closed her eyes.


Yeah I'm terrified of death. I never was when I was younger but I started smoking weed and got an overwhelming death anxiety.. I quit smoking weed many years ago and quit all other drugs a few years ago but I still have that fear of death. I'm religious but I just have that little tiny thought of, "What if death is nothingness?".. The thought of nothingness is really what terrifies me - people have said, "There's nothing you can do about it so don't think about it", "Just live life to the fullest", "At least there's no pain", "You won't even know you're dead", etc but those thoughts don't really help - I just like seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, thinking, experiencing, etc. I just really hope _something_ happens. I think about it almost non-stop - I have trouble sleeping because of it a lot of times.


Mine was while having double pneumonia I aspirated on the coffee that I was drinking. I started coughing. With every cough my head pounded, so much so I developed tunnel vision. My lungs ached horribly. With every breath the coughing started over again. I thought to myself "Is this it? Is this how I'm going to die?" I remember this loud ringing in my ears. What took about 20 minutes seemed like an eternity. I thought that when I was younger I had received 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my right hand and the debriedment was painful. This a degree more to me. When the tunnel vision and the ringing in my ears subsided I knew I had pulled through. It was terrifying.


When I was in my sophomore year of high school, my mom had to take me to the hospital because of swelling around my heart. I thought it was a lung or heart disease, but the doctors said that it was a lot worse. I was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). I actually almost lost my life due to the complications of kidney failure, but I luckily survived. But during the hospital stay, I’ve experienced the worst pain imaginable. It ranged from lung pain to stomach pain, and to pain from an allergic reaction to a pain medication. To this day, I’m lucky to survive. I received a kidney transplant 9 months after the diagnosis.


Got cut off by an inattentive driver while riding my motorcycle 45mph. My pelvis got slammed into the handlebars, I hit the guy's windshield so hard it left almost a perfect body print, and then I flew 60 feet before sliding on the asphalt. I bled out 8 pints of blood, tore my urethra, broke 12 bones (14 fractures though) including 4 clean breaks of my pelvis (yes into 5 separate pieces), and over the next few days my junk returned from white and normal to black and the size of a volleyball, no exaggeration. Both hands were broken and my left hand was hanging onto my arm by a thread, so the first responders were shoving it back together on site. The worst pain from all this was that it felt like my testicles had exploded. I thought my junk had been ripped off of my body. Luckily 3 months later now, I can walk and I have all 3 of my nuts still. But that was insanely painful. Nuts got smashed up at 45mph between 3, 000 pounds of metal.


Hisashi Ouchi's death due to Tokaimura nuclear accident was the most painful. He was exposed to highest doses of radiation than anyone in history and died a very very painful death.


"Blowing from a gun" has to be extremely painful. An old execution method where the condemned is tied to a cannon with the barrel in the small of the lower back. Once fired the person's shoulders and head are propelled about 50 feet up in the air while the rest of the body is basically vaporized in a cone of high speed guts. Some have said the detached head and shoulders appears still alive for minutes in some cases.


I had my gall bladder removed due to stones. I had no idea I had them until they presented with excruciating pain. It was gone 4 days later. I went back and forth to the ER.
After the surgery. They deduced initially that I was constipated. This went on for about 5 days. I knew something else was going on. The pain was so intense I would be frozen. I couldn’t even cry because that required breathing, which hurt. The pain attacks grew from a few minutes once a day to lasting hours several times a day. Finally I told my husband that I will be dead within a day if someone doesn’t do something. I considered suicide.
During the first surgery they nicked my biliary duct causing bile to leak into my abdomen. I cannot even find words to describe how painful and traumatizing this experience was. They said I would have died within days if it wasn’t repaired. I still have fear and nightmares about it. This was a little over a year ago.


My wifes son was on a SERIOUS accident back in November 23 of 2019 in North Carolina.

He was Life Flighted to the ER, he had a ruptured speen, collapsed Lung, traumatic brain injury, broken femur, broken ribs, and a few other things.

He survived after going into cardiac arrest several times and a coma that lasted for months. He eneded up leaving the hospital in late February early March of 2020 and has since fully recovered.

She stayed in the hospital with him the entire time. And walked with him out of the hospital (he was in a wheelchair).

She was worried sick because he didnt call her on her birthday which also happened that Tuesday Nov 23rd.

Saddest part was he wasnt even a driver, he was a passenger of the car that ran a stop sign. They had to cut him out of the car before he could be life flighted. There was literally next to nothing left of the car her was in and its a miracle he survived
