Vincent Van Gogh Visits The Gallery | Vincent And Doctor | Doctor Who

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I honestly cannot think of a lovelier thing to do with the gift of time travel than to show a great but tortured person how much he means to people in the future.


I love how Vincent is admiring all of the other art as he’s walking around.


I don’t even watch Dr Who, but I rewatch this scene again and again.


Fun fact: watching this scene without crying a little is impossible.


I like to pretend this actually happened


The curator (Bill Nighy) later that evening:
- The dark haired guy called him "Vincent"
- He looked exactly like Van Gogh
- He thanked me, quite emotionally, with tears streaming down his face, after I had just praised Van Gogh
- His coat smelled like turpentine
"What is going on here?"


I feel bad for the museum guy...He met Vincet Van Gough and didn't even realize it. 😭🤦🏻


Pretty sure this is my favorite scene of television.


This scene ALWAYS makes me cry. It's so beautiful how the art curator's love of Van Gogh is put into words and how heartwarming the actor portrayed Van Gogh's reaction. He's one of those people, and there were many many of them, who really needed lots of hugs, cuddles, kisses and affectionate words and just never got enough in his lifetime (I'm referring to the actual Van Gogh of course, not the actor). I'm glad we know now how important these elements are to any person's life, and if Van Gogh were ever reincarnated (if that's a thing, even), I hope he goes to a loving, affectionate, supportive family and makes lots of loving, supportive, and affectionate friends to make art that is even more spectacular!

(This sentiment goes to all others who feel unappreciated and unloved. I hope you do find that love and support and are able to live happy lives, even if you don't - which is difficult, but possible. Feel loved and appreciated, everyone, and have a happy life!!)


As someone who also suffers from depression, to hear someone speak so passionately about me would indeed bring me to tears, and I don't cry easily. One if my favorite scenes ever


Remind me when i read Vincent Van Gogh biography and i am crying reading it and the end of his life was so sad. No one cared or like his painting when he still alive. His painting was heavily critisized when he is alived. The moment he die, i cried very hard and it end with how his painting was only being appreciated after his death and Vincent didn't even know about it or didn't think anyone will appreciated his painting. Even his brother commited suicide blaming himself for Vincent suicide, we only know his life cause the wife of Van Gogh's brother share the life and suffering of his husband and Van Gogh. I got very emotional watching this.


If I could meet Vincent, I'd tell him how HE changed my life, he saved me, from me. He's the reason I'm kind, the reason I love everyone and everything. Thank you, Vincent, I'm grateful.


As an old man who was lucky enough to see my first Van Gogh as a teenager, then is pretty f%^KING amazing...


This is truly an awesome scene. It sucks that they expected to come back to the future and there be more paintings after realizing how appreciated he was in the future and he wouldn’t take his life only for him to still do it. It shows how much pain he was in


This episode is so true. No single happy "thing" can cure depression.


I think this scene touches a deep part of us that desperately wishes to just be appreciated and recognised.


Tony Curran is such an underrated actor. He gave a stunning performance in that episode and deserves a huge amount of credit.


Tony Curran, not only look like Van Gogh and also rare that an actor manages to portray one so effectively in such a short time, in an emotional tear-jerker moment.


This is how *BEAUTIFUL Doctor Who used to be.* I'm glad this clip has *14 MILLION VIEWS.* It's introduced many people to Doctor Who fan or not. Everyone resonates with this scene and it showed non fans of the beauty we saw in this show. This was PURE Doctor Who and i'm glad you saw this scene. *This was the show at it's finest.*


I am a 68 year-old man and I am not ashamed to admit that this scene makes me cry every time I watch it...every...single...time, it is absolute genius in both words and acting. A friend and I had been talking about the "Immersive Van Gogh" show coming to my town and I said "I have no set beliefs in what happens after death but I hope that Vincent was able to see the happiness that he brought to millions of people", to which my friend replied, "I have something you should see". Thank you Nick wherever you are, thank you.
