✨Underconsumption Core ✨10 Things I've had for 10 years or more

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When it comes to minimalism, we often talk about all the things we don't buy anymore, or how to simplify and declutter your home effectively. While these are important parts of minimalist living, I think this isn't the full story. To me, living a minimalist lifestyle also means using what you already have when you can, and valueing the things that have been useful or meaningful to you for years. So in today's video, I share 10 Things I've had for 10 years or more. Basically what I didn't declutter, as a minimalist. These are things that have survived countless decluttering rounds, and that continue to bring me value year after year.

Lots of love,
🌼 Vera

Intro 0:00
Shoutout to the sponsor 1:03
Bonsai 2:38
Electronics 4:40
Kitchen 7:12
E-reader 8:24
Decor 9:49
Wake up light 11:15
Furniture 12:43
Laundry 15:50
Sentimental items 18:36
Miscellaneous items 20:18

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My kids. They keep making it through every declutter


I have a grape ivy plant that my favorite aunt gave me when I was 14! I’ve shared cuttings over the years with others. Last fall my plant started to die. I am not sure why. I thought I was going to lose it, but I took some cuttings that still looked OK and they are still surviving in water. I’m turning 65 next month so I will have had the plant for 51 years! Hopefully it will keep going when I pot it. I hope that you have your bonsai tree for many many years too! ❤


I feel like a bonsai tree. Some days everything going well. Other days I'm going through something 🤣


Last November, it’s been 10 years since I separated from my husband. I had to buy several things for my new home and I still have almost all off them. Way to go girl!


As I look around my apartment almost EVERYTHING is over 20, 30 or even 50 years old 😂 A cherished family rocker, some handmade items from people I love, like a hand carved wooden clog, a pottery dish, artwork, and needlepoint duck and goose. A few favorite books (I decluttered over 2000!) also have stood the test of time. I love that my minimalist apartment has only things of great meaning, beauty, and usefulness.


This makes me feel so good about my “vintage” wares like the saucepan from my childhood, and my great-grandmother’s cheese grater.. it’s just the coolest that these evoke warm memories of young me in the kitchen watching and tasting. We are still using our wedding housewares from 27 years ago; as well as household and clothing items from our parents! I’m 51. much of this is the same age as me and I think it’s so special that it’s been used for generations.
So I try to “shop our closets” before bringing a new item in… often discovering something sentimental (and likely forgotten about) in storage to use and breathe new life into. 💕🍵


I have not had a TV for over 30 years and I don’t miss it.


Love your watering can philosophy. I have had the same, not particularly attractive, yellow plastic watering can for close to 50 years now. It's been a constant in my life for so long. Many plants have come and gone but the watering can remains.


I am pleased to say we, too, use most of the same pots and pans and other kitchen items since we were married (46 years) and still very happy with them! 😄


I love that you have a plant going through something. Same, bonsai, same.


Decluttering tip; I didn't know what was in my two storage bins, the drawer in my dressing table, or the junk drawer in my kitchen. I thought one day, I never use anything that's stored there, so I obbiously don't need it", so I just dumped it all without going through it. ❤


This is what was missing for me when I joined minimalism. I was stuck in a “declutter so I can buy the best version of everything” cycle. Underconsumption being a trend made everything click, and I’m so happy exploring deeper ways to appreciate what I own instead of browsing stores online all the time!❤


That sunrise lamp is a GAME-CHANGER for living in the mid-west in the US. My partner and I both struggle with seasonal depression, and the lamp is so helpful for both of us to use throughout the day as well as in the mornings.


I own the same wake-up light! I purchased mine in 2012, making him 12 years old! I actually just pulled him out of the closet after not using him for awhile, and I'm so glad to have him back. It really is a gem, and i love knowing that while he was expensive up front, he has cost me about $12 a YEAR.


I bought my home 20 years ago. I have changed many things about the home, but the clothes line in the backyard has remained. I use it quite a bit in summer for drying linens and rugs. It’s not much to look at, but I feel so blessed to have it.


I have a Irish wool cardigan I will always keep! (its been mended/darned a few places and will continue to repair when needed). Pewter candlestick holders my mom gave me, One is dented but they hold so many memories and precious to me. A blue pottery bowl I got at a thrift store 30 years ago. My childhood teddy bear. A wood salad bowl that was a gift, gets better with age and use.


I have a pretty cloth (canvas) laundry hamper that I bought at a charity auction for 120 dollars! It was full of TP and other bathroom supplies but still, probably all told only worth half that. But I love it, and I never want to get rid of it, so I do not EVER put laundry in it WET. Towels etc hang on the back of a door or on a peg until dry.


I used a wake up light when I lived in Alaska, during the winter. I was accustomed to rising with the sun, but when the sun doesn't come up until 10 am, the wake-up light really helped!


I'm starting to realize that it's very difficult for me to stay attached to the things I own sometimes, but within my wardrobe at least, there are a few jackets and coats that I've continued to wear over the years (ie. my North Face jacket, my black winter coat, my tan overcoat from H&M and my Levi's denim jacket). I've also held onto the same two pairs of black sneakers for at least a couple of years now that I use for work.

I'm not sure what causes me to become detached from stuff so easily, but I can't say that this is a "bad" thing. I'm more sentimental when it comes to relationships, and especially ones that bring the most joy and value to my life. I guess this means that when it comes to my own journey with minimalism, I'm already in a place where I am content with the possessions I have. Now I just want to move forward and continue pursuing what brings me value, and spend less time chasing what doesn't.


I live in the US and wake up lights are DEFINITELY common in my state (but I'm farther north, where winters are long and dark). I call it my happy lamp and I've had mine for over eight years (it's a Phillips just like yours in the video).
