The Dark Side of ENFJs: Master Manipulators?

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Are you an ENFJ? If so, you may be confused about whether you're a great advice giver or just a manipulator. In this video, we're going to explore the ENFJ personality type and discuss the ways in which you may be a great advice giver or a manipulator.

After watching this video, you'll be able to understand your personality type and what motivates you, which will help you be more effective when giving advice. You'll also be able to understand the motivations of others and better tap into their emotions, which will help you build stronger relationships. So if you're looking to give great advice and build strong relationships, then this video is for you!

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Being a enjf-a, i have manipulated people before granted i didnt mean to i didnt even relaize I was doing it, and i have been trying to be more aware of myself


I know a toxic ENFP. She’s a real phoney social climber. I make a conscious effort to never give her compliments and downplay her backhanded compliments.


I love to be Enfj❤ thank for the amazing illustrated video!


I'm an ENFJ. We do get too involved in others ppls issues. I had to learn to make a decision how that would affect me and others. So if its a close friend, then yes but no to strangers. Set them boundaries. COMMUNICATION is a big one. I've also become more self aware to not be manipulative in ANY way, mostly small ( the ending of the video).


To be honest, being an ENFJ-T myself, I find that as intuitive as I am...people naturally want to hide their feelings. Not being understood myself is the worst part. Not only that, I'm double Pisces (scorpio moon) . So. I am basically the super charged Ang Avatar version of this personalityy type! as a Male in today's society. It is particularly challenging. I mean, when I can literally feel everything...Im super fucking intuitive to the point that it cause severe nightmares...if. fi do t find ways to expelled other people's emotions mine are never really focused on at all...tha5s the curse part...I AM WELL AWARE OF ITS PARTICULAR BENEFIT TOO.


They never stop talking except when they are truly in love. When they are truly in love they become super quiet and shy and awkward. I know cause as an infp i was in love with an enfj. You could call it a soulmate relationship


INFP here. I’ve met one and I hope I never meet one like him again. He ended up being the most evil person I’ve ever met. He started off extremely charming and he loved to talk and tell the coolest stories. And he told them in a way where I felt like I was there. He also seemed to know exactly what I wanted and needed. It was like a mind reading ability which was great at times but got dark quickly. His demon Te would come out and he was a monster. He would make decisions for me and act like he knew what was best for everyone regardless of their objections. I felt I was being brainwashed and didn’t even know who I was anymore. He had me so addicted to him and he seemed to love the control of toying with my mind. He ended up ending his own life three weeks after finding out I was pregnant. After he died, I went through his stuff and found out he had sick sexual fetishes and was even interested in young children. He was also in a leadership position in the military and would sleep with her superior and subordinates. He had this interesting habit of documenting EVERYTHING from conversations he’s had with people to journaling to important dates or other reminders. Must be that Si blindspot but he even had pictures and wrote these disgusting things down that he’s done or wanted to do. I hate it had to end the way it did, but I feel like I really dodged a huge bullet and so did our now 11 year old daughter that he’s never met. ENFJs are so powerful and I’m sure most use their talents for good and genuinely want to make this world a better place, but if they are unhealthy or corrupted, they can cause so much damage and to be fair, any type is capable of evil as well, so I don’t want to single ENFJ out. Just telling my experience with one bad one.


This is one of the personality types I hate the most


Now, I can tell I'm an enfj than infj. Thanks
