10 Smartest Lottery Winners

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10. Jason Fry
9. Sue Herdman
8. Yancy Hicks
7. Emma Wildin
6. Roy Gibney
5. Mark Brudenell
4. Brad Duke
3. Peter Lavery
2. James Harvey
1. Joan Ginther

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Anyone else watching this just in case you win the lottery and won't end up one of the dumb winners who went broke in a week?


The Powerball lady from SC who stayed anonymous after winning a billion dollars before taxes is a genius. Bless her and her family. I was so relieved that she didn’t do the typical obnoxious press conference.


Thank the LORD, I was so tired of hearing the horror stories of lottery winners, I knew there had to be good stories out here!


The smartest lottery winners are the ones who remain annonymous. ;)


Here is what I'd do:
1) Let the fact I won sink in before collecting it.
2) Hire a lawyer to help keep my anonymity if possible (if that can't work, change my appearance in some way before collecting my winnings).
3) Change my house phone number at once and make sure its specifically unlisted (and change my cellphone number as well).
4) Have a secondary location to escape too immediately after my winnings are under my 100% control to escape the mindless phone calls from greedy turds.
5) while at a second said secret location, have my house renovated as soon as possible.
6) Hire a trusted and respected financial team and lawyers/attorneys at law
7) Store my winnings in number of banks and open up savings accounts in different banks as well and let it grow.
8) Take every possible route to protect my money from any and all lawsuits.
9) Share some money to very few friends.
10) don't share with no other family except immediate family (and even then, if said immediate family gets demanding and selfish cut them out without a second thought/hesitation)
11) Donate to very specific charities (not gonna give it to a middle man), but go directly to some hospitals that have charities and donate there.
12) set up some saving accounts for certain charities for men's and women's health (Various types of cancers) and animal shelters, as well as men, women, and children who are victims of domestic violence, HIV/AIDS research, LGBT support groups.
13) If I have kids, make sure they have more then enough to get to college/university and be financially secure.
14) Very carefully invest property.
15) cut out any 'friends' who get demanding and greedy.


Moral of the story: Invest in some good realestate.


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These are the kinds of people who actually deserve to win the lottery.


Moderation. Anyone who's worked their asses off, had to struggle, make sacrifices off their own backs would use a lottery win wisely.


This guys voice is perfect the only narrator that isn't annoying


if i won a lottery, you will never see me again


I have seen both Clever and Dumbest winner videos and I noticed that most of the dumbest winners listed were from the US while most of the clever winners were from the UK.


Nice video, finally something positive about the lottery. I would love to join this group of winners.


and me getting excited of a nickel on the floor


I feel like the smartest lottery winners are the ones that choose to remain anonymous.


Useless things almost every lottery winners spend it on: a new vehicle, a giant mansion, drugs, the newest and latest accessories, technology, shoes and clothing made by the best brand and finally gambling. These people on this list, they're smart with what they invest in.


I predicted the Hot Lotto in 2010, I was playing for a long time, I was looking at the recent numbers that were drawn on the MN website. I saw the numbers 11 13 17 19 26: 17 turned up allot of times, so I tried to write them down with a pen that didn't work. I memorized the numbers and then tried to get the numbers, but my blower motor was out (it was below zero and my windows were frosted over). I decided that I probably wouldn't win, so I didn't walk to the gas station... later that night I was watching the website to check because I already had 10 #'s already, then I saw 11 13 17 19 26:17 were the winning numbers, it was on 11-13-2010 with the Hot Lotto, I was depressed for a long time, still am... I will never forget that day as long as I live.


shit i should of paid attention in maths at school lmao


4 Lottery wins and you're math teach, yes she cracked the code.


The only reason I'm not on the list is cause I haven't won yet.
