SMARTEST Lottery Winners Of ALL TIME!

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In today’s video, we will look at the top 10 #lottery winners who did it right and stayed rich. We all have heard the curse of the #lottery and how #lottery winners lose all their money due to their stupidity and dumb decisions but many are street smart and use #lottery winning wisely. Some #lottery winners are smart enough to use the jackpot winnings to enhance their lifestyle and invest wisely to increase their cashflows and liquid assets instead of buying superyachts and supercars wasting their money on gambling and other addictions. In this before and after video of the biggest mega millions 2021, and biggest mega millions jackpot winners ever, who played it smart and have made a fortune and a retirement plan for themselves. These top 10 mega #lottery winners are truly an inspiration on how to spend your #lottery winning and stay rich and defeat the #lottery curse. How would you spend your billions if you ever won the #lottery?

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💰Don't Rely On Luck, Take Control Of Your Financial Future, Learn How 👉


I was able to save a lot of money in 3 years. I landed a 3 year consulting gig paying over $100K a year. I reside in the mid-west where there is a lower cost of living. I lived with my Mother ( I paid her rent). During this time I also paid off my $15K student loans and $18K Jeep. Now I have zero debt, still making over $100K and able to focus on building wealth via investments, etc


If I won the Lottery I wouldn't want to blow the money on a bunch of expensive stuff such as mansions, private jets, exotic cars etc. I know it is easier said than done but would love to see if I could do it!


Brad Duke is the most impressive one to me. He’s doubled his money. That takes dedication and restraint. He’s living well below his means, saying no to beggars, and focusing on the future than a temporary high of spending money.


I always thought I would love to win the lottery but I recently realized that I have everything I need and I am on my way to getting everything I want.


All these folks are an inspiration to lottery winners everywhere. They all had the right idea in investing thier winnings rather than just spending it all.


I mean.. the winners are finally getting smarter and smarter. Finally! It’s refreshing to hear lol


Just won 8$ bucks on a mega ticket… I’m on the right path, it will happen! This was God showing me stay in faith !! & The Big Jackpot 🎰 is coming! If you’re reading this You Too are Blessed 😇!!


A nice home, better vehicle and a horse. Then charity big time. The best feeling in the whole is putting a smile on a faces that desperately needs it too. That is priceless.


Gotta love it when people winning just keep on winning. Smart people


1st rule. Get yourself a trust/financial management team. Have the majority in an interest/dividend account for living off of. Live within the capital gains you get. 2nd rule. Relocate a residence that doesn't pay capital gains tax. Bahamas, Neveda, etc. Secondary residence is where ever you want to live. 3rd. Be comfortable being able to say no to friends and family.


I won the lottery in December 31, 2021. Best day of my life! 🙏🏾


I once won $50 on a scratch off. So I took that money to the casino & won at the casino $2650. That makes me the best since I improved my win by 53 times the winnings.


I once won $22.00 on my lottery ticket.
It’s better then nothing c:


Funny thing is, I only recently came across this video around the time I met Jessica Marie Gibbs, so my phone must be listening in on all of my talks.


I'm going to be on this list one day.


I'm speaking my win into the universe thank you God!!!🙏🏿✈🏝🏖🛩😁


I'am winning the lottery jackpot this months. Thank you Lord that I'am win


I love listening to these people's stories of how or what they did with the money they won. This is remarkable! It reminds me of the parable mentioned in Matthew 25 about the "Parable of the Talents." The three men were given, one with one talent, the second with two talents and the third with five talents. At the end, the master came home from this trip and called upon them to see what they did with the money. The one with one talent went and buried his and gave back to the master 1 talents, but the second and the third guys invested theirs and double the amount they had. The master congratulated the last two guys and took the one talent from the first guy and divided among that last two man. When I watched and listened to these people that they used part of their winning to help someone or invested to something that they're passioned about; it really touched me. Thank you so much for sharing these awesome stories. God bless you and these families, too.


Yes it's my time to be a millionaire. I am grateful for that. This is me and make myself proud of me. Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Universe Thank you Abraham Thank you God 😊
