The Abide Bible Review

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Just wanted to share my personal thoughts on the Abide Bible, a journaling Bible.

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its so beatiful! the illustrations are perfect for meditating on the word! thanks !


Thank you for your great review. You answered all my questions! God Bless You!


I love this bible! I have at least 10 bibles but this one is becoming my favorite very quickly. First off, it does not have references or study notes which I don’t need, I have study bibles for that. I love the prompts to prayer, contemplation, journaling etc. I have the NKJV which is my favorite and is the one my church uses. The Bible is a little large for a carry around bible, it no where as heavy or bulky as a study bible so I do use it for church, but know that it is too big to put in a purse, for example. But the biggest surprise for me is the hardcover. I have all sorts of bibles, from expensive Schuyler and Cambridge bibles to paperbacks, but have never used a hardcover. I love it! The green color, the nice paper which isn’t too thin, and the font which is surprisingly easy for me to read despite my aging eyes. It’s nice and dark and well spaced, which I find to be an issue more than font size. It also has many lovely picture of famous artwork which relates to the text.Overall I love it, highly recommended!


Thank you for the review! This is what i was looking for. You explained and showed more of the actual content. That is great!


Good Review of this Bible. I have it, and definitely would recommend it to Visual Learners, Creative Bible Study Students, Journalers, and to those who have a wide collection of Bibles for study and research purposes and value the Word of God. Many blessings to you!🌱🙏


I know you talked about how you wouldn't suggest painting in this bible but, can you highlight without it bleeding through?


Serious question. I Saul in another review matter fact I think it was where somebody gave this Bible three stars out of five. Because of the fact that the artwork showed an over abundance of nudity in the art work .I finally got my hands on one in a store in briefly went through it. Have you came across anything alarming or does anybody know of this complaint
