The Abide Bible Review #Thomasnelson

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If you want to give your life over to Christ all you have to do is believe, invite Him into your life and heart, and repent...
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You are the Son of the Most High, came to Earth in flesh, that You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. It's in Your name I pray, Amen.

Mailing Address:
Michelle Davis
PO BOX 6214
Springfield, IL 62708
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much for doing this Bible Review with a special focus on some of the artwork. I have to agree with you on some of the artworks. Somewhat of a dark feeling on some of the works of art. And, I love art. Your review should make those who have the Abide Bible really look deeply at the artworks. I have the Abide Bible in the NET Translation (not red letter). I really think this Bible makes the reader really look deeper at the various facets of Bible Study: Praying Scripture, Journaling, Contemplate, and Picture It. I have had the Abide Bible since 2021, and just pulled it out to go through it along with your Review. I have to say, some of the artwork has a Catholic feel to it -- not all. Excellent Review!


Great review. These photos are in different denominational church and government buildings. I have always questioned these photos since childhood. BLESSINGS 🙌 🙏


I got this bible not long ago and I do agree with some of these illustrations is very concerning and when I saw them I immediately didn't agree with some of them and some going against the scriptures the problem is that they are not showing like in a study way that is wrong but like portrait that is fine, the bible is pretty overall but like you said praying about it is the key to know and it doesn't matter how old those painting are if it goes against God word than is wrong so yes always pray to know what bibles to obtain because the enemy can infiltrate in different ways I bought that 54 apocrypha books and I had to trash that out for those 2 days it last at my home the energy that I felt was bad.


You need to understand these are centuries old artwork. It’s all up for interpretation.


Nice review! I have this Bible and I would have to agree on some of the art that was placed. I’m a big fan of the devotional part but some of the art that was placed didn’t seem necessary for me. There’s also a statue of Moses with horns in Deuteronomy.
