69 Days Underground: The Chilean Miners' Rescue

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On August 5, 2010, a group of 33 miners in Chile found themselves trapped underground in the San José copper-gold mine when it collapsed. They were stuck more than 2,000 feet below the surface.

The miners retreated to an emergency shelter within the mine known as the "Refugio." the miners had access to only a few days' worth of rations. They carefully rationed their supplies to make them last as long as possible. They relied on a diet of canned fish, peaches, and milk, consuming small portions to extend their provisions.

After several unsuccessful attempts, a small borehole was drilled to the miners' refuge, allowing communication and the delivery of food and supplies.

After 69 days trapped in the mine, on October 13, 2010, the rescue operation known as "Operation San Lorenzo" began. Using a specially designed capsule, one miner at a time was brought to the surface through a narrow borehole. The rescue took over 22 hours to complete, and each miner emerged to the cheers of their families and rescue workers.

The Chilean Miners' Rescue was a remarkable story of human endurance, teamwork, and the power of global cooperation.

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