Why Ukraine Is Winning the War But Struggling To Push Out Putin

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In this insightful video, our military experts delve into the complexities of Ukraine's ongoing offensive against Russian forces. Despite facing significant challenges, Ukraine has demonstrated undeniable military competency, making notable gains in the past four months. From the difficulties of winter warfare to the intricacies of Western combined arms tactics, our experts break down why Ukraine's progress may seem slow but is strategically significant.

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So, here we are - from "how many days Kiev can hold" to "Ukraine is not advancing fast enough"


I agree with this video. So far, the mere fact that Ukraine fought Russia to a standstill and even regained lost ground is a testament to the mettle of the Ukrainians. Let's give Ukraine some leeway.


Tactically, it's a stalemate, at the moment. Both sides defend well. Russian attacks fail; Ukrainian attacks are cautious. Lines are close to static and have been for nearly a year. Neither side can achieve aerial superiority.

Strategically, it's a different story.

Russia's strategy is to break Ukraine's will to resist, mainly by attacking civilians and infrastructure. That strategy has not succeeded.

Ukraine's strategy is to target Russian equipment and soldiers with superior precision - even including in the Black Sea. Enormous Russian equipment losses and casualties have been the result, as well as degradation of readiness and training and of morale.

Seizing territory will not end the war, and Ukraine knows it. One side or the other must break. Ukraine intends to impose exhaustion upon Russia, to the point where Moscow can no longer hold the Russian Federation together by force.

Make no mistake, Russia exists as an empire forced upon peoples across 11 time zones. Exhaustion will not merely put an end to Russian aggression in Ukraine. It will end Russia as a political entity.

The Kremlin has been steadily removing troops across its empire, reducing the force available to maintain order. Morale is so low in Ukraine that the Kremlin has resorted to positioning units behind front line troops with orders to shoot anyone who retreats. They have had to resort to equipment more than a half-century old to equip soldiers. Training and discipline are getting steadily worse. Divisions are appearing between factions, settled by assassinations and imprisonment. Russia's military is in a bad place, and it's getting worse.

Ukraine has paid a steep blood price to execute its strategy. But it's working.

Static lines on the front mean little. Ukraine will regain control of its territories when Russia breaks. And it will.


It's amazing how people thought Ukraine would fold in days now expect them to expel Russia in one offensive


People say it’s too slow are the same people saying they should negotiate 😂😂😂


"We are winning by giving up territory"


"Crimea is an unsinkable aircraft carrier" you sir, just described an airport.


Just send them what they need America and I live in America. We have already invested to much to this war to stop now and now with this Russia will not stip now if they win


All of those brave Ukrainians, died for freedom. They would not want to see Ukraine falter now. There is still a long way to go. And the going is tough. They need our help, now more than ever. We cannot let a handful of radical freaks, in the republican party, prevent our assistance. This is more important than most people bother to know. God bless Ukraine.


Once the Ukrainians put into service those donated F-16s it's getting in December/January 2024 they'll be able to give their troops air-support which will make a big difference.


It's literally the terrain and landscape, there's barely enough time in the year to push out an occupier because of the mud and rain season, they progress briefly in a few months then stop rinse and repeat. But it's why the new target now is Crimeas supply hub, and the highways connecting to it


The front line might not be shifting quickly but they are by no means quiet. The losses of Russian men and material are unsustainable. I think there will come a time where there are just not enough Russians to defend everywhere. Ukraine has handled this war about as well as anyone could have while Russia has done the opposite.


We Americans got to used to quick campaigns like Desert Storm or Operation Iraqi freedom. But these operations are exceptional in the History of Warfare. Most of the time Wars are long, hard, and brutal.


Russia has gone from firing an average 60.000 artilleryshells per day to 6.000 - and their ownproduction estimates aim for producing 5.000 new shells per day. Meanwhile Ukraine has gone from 1.500 to 9.000 artillery shells fired per day since the start of the war. The Russians seems able to replace some 10-20 modern tanks lost every month - they loose around 30 tanks every day. Teh remainder comes from storage, and those tanks are just getting older and older (and more than 50% available has been used by now). The fleet of Russian Fixed Wing aircraft and attack helicopters are being decimated far quicker than they can be produced. Meanwhile, Ukraine gets F-16 from the west. The Russians have no response to HIMARS, pushing their logistics centers further and further away from the front, making their already abysmal logistics services even worse. The Russian civilian economy is tanking badly, with oil production reducing steadily (they even had to stop exporting their refined oil products for lack on the home front). All Putin can do is cling on to what he already grapped foras long as possible. The West has the ability to equip Ukraine to finish the was sooner rather than later - but regardless of what happens, Russia lost long ago.


This channel would no doubt claim the following.
Amazing US victory in Vietnam.
Amazing US victory in Afghanistan.

News today, US & Germany calling on Ukraine to negotiate.


Alternative title of video - 20 minutes and 4 seconds of cope


In the west, we have to be careful. One downside of our society is the need for speed. If something takes too long it becomes unpopular. Hence why the United States republicans against the war are gaining popularity.
But we have to consider the price of failure. There are no more chances to stop Putin without a full nato clash with Russia. If that happens, we will lose a damn sight more than just equipment. Ukraine must win this fight, its not even a question. So let's dig deep, steel ourselves to what we must and support our Ukrainian brothers and sisters fighting for their lives. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


Because having enough men to defend or make small attacks with is entirely different from having enough men/logistics/coordination to make massive attacks then hold foreign soil, just ask Russia. Despite Russia's lack of modern weapons and such they can still make a manageable defense with what they have, and the more ground Ukraine takes the amount of men and logistical capability goes up exponentially, not to mention the risk/losses/spent munitions and fuel and such.


They dont have a lack of understanding for modern warfare they are just used to thinking of modern warfare like desert shield or desert storm where in 100 hours an entire country in the top 5 of military powers can be fell. What they dont understand is how expensive it is to not have the best airforce in the world.


saying ukraine is winning the war is like gamblers are winning on slot machines.
