How to speak fast and understand native speakers

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With the help of this video, you'll learn all the speaking techniques that will help you understand native speakers and speak just like them.

00:00 How to speak English fast and understand native speakers
00:45 Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve
Instead of saying Should’ve, say "shudah", could've="cudah", would've="wudah"
02:44 Preposition "of"
When ‘of’ is followed by a word that starts with a consonant there is a big chance that a native speaker will say ‘ah’ instead of /ɑv/ Lot of stuff = Lotahstuff.
03:40 Learn English with my workbook
04:20 Reductions
If functions words that begin with h (him, her, he, have) are unstressed, they are often pronounced without h.
For example, I tell her about that = I teller about that.
06:25 Intonation
In English, you can say a sentence with different intonations and the meaning will be completely different.
07:04 Assimilation
"Watcha" is a contraction of
-what are you;
-what have you;
-what do you;
-what you.
In some regions, you can hear “Whaddya” instead of Whatcha as a way of saying ay “What do you” or “What are you.”
08:22 Assimilation
Assimilation is when two sounds combined produce a new sound.
For example:
Good girl = goog girl
Good boy = goob boy
13:53 Elision
Elision is when one sound is substituted for another sound or completely disappears from a word.
For example:
She is coming next̶ week!
15:57 Open your mouth
Depending on your first language, you may not need to open your mouth as wide as you do in English. While in English, in order to pronounce some sound correctly, it’s necessary to open your mouth quite wide, because otherwise, you’ll get a completely different word.
17:00 Present Perfect VS Past Simple
In spoken American English people tend to use Past Simple whereas in British English people would use Present Perfect. It doesn’t mean that if you want to speak American English, you don’t need to learn perfect tenses. You have to.
18:03 Learn English with my workbook
18:45 Exaggerate
Americans really like exaggerating. So, don’t feel shy to use superlatives in your daily speech if you want to sound like a native.
21:13 The most confusing sound in English
25:26 The perfect course for you
26:20 Can VS Can’t
28:05 Google the whole phrase
29:29 U VS OO
30:19 Ain’t
The word 'ain't' is a contraction for am not, is not, are not, has not, and have not in spoken English. In some dialects ain't is also used as a contraction of do not, does not, and did not.
31:09 ‘ppreciate it!
Оne of the first expressions students learn in English is “Thank you.” It’s polite and useful in many situations. But in spoken American English people often say “ppreciate it!” instead of “thank you”
32:12 It might blow your mind
Answer "no, yeah!" means “yes”
"yeah, no" means “no”
33:00 Don’t be sorry, be afraid
When you didn't do anything wrong and don't want to apologize don't say "I'm sorry", say I'm afraid
35:10 Usage of “they” pronoun
Use they/them pronouns when we don't know the gender of the person to which we're referring when we want our sentence to be applicable to all genders, or for referring to an individual who can't or doesn't want to identify themselves as male or female and wishes to be known by "they" pronouns.
Please note that although “they” pronoun here is singular and refers to an individual, a verb is conjugated the same as with the plural “they” (e.g. “they are”).

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What is the most surprising thing you found out from this video?


Hell yeah, 30 minutes for practicing English with the most charming teacher, come on it's high time to hit the book. So thanks a lot, Marina, for sharing practical lessons like this.


I’m a english student for over five years and I have to confess that I’ve improved my english by myself a lot more when I started to watch you videos! You’re super didactic!🇧🇷


I have been practicing English for 3 days. now my English-speaking is so much better and now I can understand 🤔 what is my friend saying to me she is American and I am Egyptian thanks marina 💗

my friend


I am an English teacher from China. I just came across this video which I found it’s super super helpful for EFL teachers because it’s very well explained and informative with lots of real life examples, but I gotta say I can anticipate most EFL learners would feel difficult to follow the fast speed speech in the video. But for English teachers, this is definitely treasures.


It's weird that I can understand everything you said without subtitles but difficult to understand some movies without subtitles haha. Directors should hire someone like you to give voiceover in movies


I wish there were English teachers like you in my country


Amazing! You are not only teaching new vocabulory also pronunciation. I love it. Please keep posting forever ever.


Hi am a indian plus I am a Marathi and have wotched all your videos and you are worldest best teacher keep it up 💯


Love your dedication and teaching way Marina; Take care🤗❤️


I'm an American-born, native speaker AND a subscriber!!! I enjoy your videos, your intelligence and cheery personality. I'm learning a lot about MY language and the principals are helping me with the language learning I'm actively doing on Duolingo.

It's interesting how many factors play into how we speak. Growing up in a teacher's family I have more formal habits (cringing when hearing "ain't", for example 😉). Regional differences fascinate me. I am living in a part of the US that my ancestors came from, but was born and raised in a different region of the country. So my children sometimes tease me about words I say differently. Example: bag "bayg".

Also, I never understood what 'glottal stop' was until this video. Thank you! And even if I differ on some "sounding native" ideas, I'll keep watching, because it's so good that I'm getting all this out of it. Keep up the good work, Marina!


I've been learning English for centuries and in any school taught me these kind of lessons and I feel like I've been ripped off, but thanks God I've found you, you rock! And you are an amazing English professor, huge thanks for sharing with us your knowledge, I really appreciate this kind of lessons, Bless you !


I now understand the positive impact having the opportunity to talk to different people from many countries while working have in my english learning journey. It definitely helps me improving faster while writing or speaking. But we always have sth to learn after all 😀 🇧🇷


Thanks for the amazing video! I needed this video a lot. I have watched all the previous videos already but again watched this and you're the reason. You're the best teacher Marina! ❣ You're just the best.


Thanks for sharing .You're really great teacher, Marina.I started watching your videos since 2 years ago.I feel improvement in my English slowly.Keep up your good work!!


Wow Marina ! Incredible job !

I have been learning English for the last 15 years - unfortunately I have never lived in an English-speaking country - and I have just found so many things new in your video. Can / can't, oo and assmilation examples are incredibly useful for me.
As a Frenchman, the assimilation is probably the toughest part of English / American. In French, we are used to pronouncing every sound, and never insisting on a specific word in a sentence. In a way way have a monotonous language I suppose but nvm.

The good news is I perfectly understood all what you said :)
Carry on ! It was an amazing work !


You're a great teacher taking lots of care and innovations in drawing up new lessons


Here to thank you for the Speaking Templates in the other video. They really helped me in my speaking section. Truly appreciate all your efforts.
I got my score today, it's 106(23 in speaking section), thanks to you. And I could have scored better if I sat in a warmer room on the test day😅. I was shivering and got nervous in some tasks but managed to speak somehow


Love you, Marina, and your accents the way you teach your disciple with a warm heart 💕💕💕 you have done so much from the beginning and till now, and I have been following you since very early stages of your journey as an English teacher of the form of YouTuber and so on, my journey with the English language🧡


Hey marina I wanna thank you so much I watched all your classes and it was helpful and interesting you're such a charming beautiful teacher hope you always continue your classes and stay healthy LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️
