Jim Keller on AI, RISC-V, Tenstorrent’s Move to Edge IP

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The legendary CPU architect on Tenstorrent’s strategy, RISC-V and the future of AI.

Videography: Arthur Alvarez
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37:14 Thanks for not cutting the guest for the sake of covering the topics. The whole idea of watching the interview is to get the glimpse of the way the guest thinks. Not cutting out is very important. I hope more interviewers realize this. This interview was amazing. Thanks


Jim Keller's head is just so packed full of interesting thoughts and history. The interviewer at times seems like she's struggling, but on reflection, I think she handled it the best way possible by just letting the guy talk.


Two things: 1) "We'll see what happens" is now among my favorite quotes to use and (2) as a HW engineer, his acknowledgment of how important SW is for HW designs to "land" successfully.


Fascinating, as usual, to hear Jim expand his views and provide historical and philosophical context to his thoughts.
I was impressed by Sally's restraint, too many 'influencers' need to share their own ideas but she just listened after providing a well-thought out question.
I love that Jim reminds people of how many dedicated engineers it takes to develop technology we take for granted. His claim that in 5 years we will have forgotten that AI wasn't around before is typical. But he also remembers the 40yo Fortran problem.
Because he does the legwork of travelling to different places (that Sally does too) he doesn't just have a Silicon Valley mindset. His comments on the speed of software development in India and the difference between the hyperscalers and open source RISC-V startups is another valid observation. Well done for getting this insight, it would be fun to discuss how ordinary techies respond to this opportunity.


Jim Keller is an interesting interview. Great at explaining the market Tenstorrent is in; It would be nice if he said more about Tenstorrent itself.


The "Uncle" of Zen himself. Can't wait for the next interview.


As a long time open source contributor, that's why I contribute. If I find a bug, I can fix it and submit a patch. In the past, I've filed bugs with Weblogic and Sun in the past, but had to wait more than 1 year to get a fix. With open source, I can just fix the bug and move on.


I love how the interviewer allows Jim to speak and I though how refreshing. I love this. It anoys me how most interviers do cut amazing people off intead of letting them speak. Then reality sets in as they are only allowed set amout of time with these brilliant people.


Only downside with this interview is that it was too short. Sometimes great interviews happens or emerges when the one that gets interviewed gets their space to express themselves through their own thought process rather than to express through the interviewers questions. Granted some needs more hand-holding but Jim is one that can easily go on forever like Carmack and still be interesting to listen to :D
Sally used her questions as conversation starters and the followups as transitions between themes and letting Jim talk freely (ramble), without interrupting.
I prefer Sallys more open style over the interrupting "we have limited time so I interrupt both this flow and theme with another question to stop this section even though we are in a juicy part"
I do look forward to part 2 and hopefully a longer version :D Just give Sally more time and give Jim 2 cups of coffee and he will be fine ;)


Comedy gold sprinkled in there!!! What a great interview


This is a great interview!

Jim has such a vision of what innovation really entails. To some this interview might seem very general, but if you have been following this space of the next evolutions in computing it is very enlighting.
I loved that the questions were not too specific because then the interview becomes about where the industry, and Tenstorrent, is heading and not about reporting the current state of it; we need more of that in tech journalism!

Jim really knows the lay of the land, while at the same also admitting everything in it can change by tomorrow


Amazing interview - waiting for the follow-on !!


He's the role model of my son who's now doing embedded stuff coming from the games industry as a software engineer. Jim's a rockstar engineer!


Not gonna lie but a cut of Jim just talking without the yeahs would have been a gods gift


Jim Keller is THE MAN in the Semiconductor Business... He is the head of things you use, by even don't knowing it.
He's the top top dog.
His head and mind, and what he knows is a decade in the future of us, listening to him. He lives in a different timeline since ever. He designs the future today, for our tomorrow.


Near the end, Jim begins to "play" with Sally. This is new from him. Love the way Jim gets really deep, then jumps back to the top fp the pile again....Nice interview.


extremely interesting glad i watched this.


We'll see what happens.... That's the quote of the day. Thanks for posting this interview. Very interesting.


The man looks like he doesn't sleep a lot, so I trust him completely.


This guy is great, so interesting to listen to (even though I only understand about 50% what he says)
