Bible Verse Judge Not (What it REALLY means!)

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Many people quote the Bible verse judge not, yet what does it mean? We show that we can and should judge according to the Bible and give the true meaning of "Judge Not."

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God gave us all discernment to use our instincts and brains to judge. Judging will save your life.
"Don't judge" is one of the worst messages society puts out.


Thank you for this. SO many blind guides that want to shut down discussion of evils.


The sad thing is so many people no longer believe because of the hypocrisy of others ...Many people are also blind to themselves going about to judge others ...Thanks for this because too many people go to extremes, playing God, condemning others to hell as if they themselves were spotless ..It is only through God's Grace that repentance comes . Our Lord works in His own time, not ours this we cannot forget .💚💛💗


I never knew that, that's what it meant..good judging and bad judging now that make sense. Thank you


Everyone needs to hear this!

I always believed that people who yell out, "don't judge!" are guilty themselves and do not want to be told they are wrong or that they are sinning. It is their own GUILT that is making them yell out, Don't judge!


As always, I love your video brother. Now I understand the true meaning of the saying " Don't judge the book by its cover"


When the Lord says, 'judge not that ye be not judged, etc.' in Matthew ch. 7 it is in the context of judging a man's motives for doing something. If we judge a man's motive, then we are judged by the same principle. However, it is our right and responsibility to discern what is right and what is wrong, what is Spiritual and what is of the Flesh.


The " don't judge issue " can simply mean don't become so self righteous that you assume you know All that there is to know about others. You are right that we need and must call out others when their actions reveal error or are wrong.
So let's be cautious but forthright when it is needed. We also must not be " selective " with who we choose to judge based on their actions


thank you for speaking on this 🙏🏼🙏🏼 God bless youuu!!!!💛


I think you are 100% right and I believe that that’s how God calls us to do it. I think part of the issue is that a lot of these sins have not been called out anymore in the church so when you try to correct.Yes harsh you do it in a loving way but it is so we must strive to do


When I think of great sense I think of Maximilian Colby, Saint Patrick and Saint Augustine‘s mother.


Everything I get from you bro is an absolute truth and I just regret these gold clarifications are not in our french and african languages so important to mature hundreds of millions catholic in Africa


I judge people all the time for the safety of my soul. If I see that something is not in my best interest I am able to save myself from harm and danger. I always meditate about about situations before and if they happen. I'm very careful! 😃


Oh, I am learning a lot with your videos.
Thank you 🙏


Excellent Bryan! So true! I intend to share this video! God bless you for your work for the Lord and the church!


Sometimes turning the other cheek lets the ravening wolf eat the sheep. You don't use meekness against Nazis, or Satan.


This is an good video. You judge others u judged yourself. A lady (actually it was two) judge me on my parenting skills.


I think that watching pornography and sleeping around was not a correct comparison. Its like comparing watching a crime movie with committing an actual crime. Obviously the latter is much more worse. Also the sexual act (before marriage) involves 2 persons, so 2 people are sinning not 1. Please dont get me wrong as I think that the pornography is a sin. Im living in an European country and here its normal for couples to co-habitate and I have not yet heard a priest preach anything against sex before marriage or co-habitation or pornography. Sometimes I wonder, why are they so quite about this, if this is the most common evil/sin that people are committing.


Well put. We can't toss aside John 7: 24 and all the other scriptures that tell us to have good moral judgment.

Unlike most Christians, though, I take the teachings of Christ very seriously. For example, I've never heard any Christian point to a rich Christian liar and say, "He serves wealth, not God, " although I believe that's true in the case of most rich people. Wealth is the normal manifestation of greed just like obesity is the normal manifestation of gluttony. Jesus said in Luke 14:33 that we can't be his disciples if we don't forsake all our possessions. I take him seriously.

In the same way that I take seriously that we can't serve God and 'mammon, ' I believe Jesus when he encouraged Judas' mother to abort him (Mt 26:24). I would rather be aborted myself than go the broad way to destruction and spend eternity in hell. How about you? I believe that the Church must return to its original mission of promoting the Second Birth in Christ, not the first birth in original sin.

Abortion is a terrible sin that robs expectant mothers of God's grace but so does going to communion, not believing it is the Real Presence. Which sin do you think is more common? Most Jews believe neither act is a sin. That is their constitutional right. Democracy is just a bunch of sinners saying, "This is as low as we will go." It is the job of the Church, not the State, to promote faith and holiness.

The whole fake fetus worship nonsense is just a justice dodge that idolaters use for self-defense (Is. 47:8c). If they were 'pro-life, ' they would demand more tax money be spent on young married couples trying to start a family than on military hardware. If they were pro-life, they wouldn't support Satan's obvious plan to make having a baby a sign of horrifically snobbish wealth and prestige (Mt. 24:19 & Luke 23:29). With all their crushing debt, young couples nowadays must resort to having just pets instead of children. How sad and deeply disturbing.


Jesus did call the Pharisees, Vipers! So there is some name-calling in the Bible. Think about what Jeremiah and other prophets had to endure when God had them call out the sin of Israel. It was a difficult and lonely thing to do. But judgement was coming if they did not repent. Our nation has not repented. So, there are those watchmen and women calling for repentance and the people are saying, Don't judge! Because they like their sin and don't want anyone telling them that it's wrong. I pray eyes are opened and hearts are turned to God before judgement comes, aka the Great Tribulation. We are on the cusp and the age of Grace is about to end.
