Understanding Coyotes: Coyote Vision

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This video explains the vision of coyotes including their clarity/acuity, low light vision, color vision and depth of field.
Explained by coyote expert, Michael Huff, author of the award winning book, "Understanding Coyotes."
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Great piece, dude, helped a lot. We have three visiting Coyote's every night
around four or five a.m. Consistently. The other night went out, saw them
congregating under a first floor tenants' apt. It felt like they were eating, i.e.
possibly being fed by a first floor tenant (apt building). When I emerged from
front door very early, they scattered in diff directions (much to my relief). The
moment I was, say, 30 yards away they returned. One, the larger of the three,
remained in the middle of an empty street (which runs in front of bldg.). Watched
me until I was 100, then 200 yards away - noticed him in street light middle
of the street (where he could observe me best). The smaller two returned to
what I thought/think was dinner scraps. (partially hidden by brush in front)
It was literally scary to see the larger adult monitoring me, and I feared the
three of them coming after me. (knowing this wouldn't by typical Coyote
behavior, i.e. attacks in our area very rare. However house pets disappearing
nightly between Coyote's and Mountain Lion's. We're in prime location, tons
of home owners/nice houses. That mother Coyote (?) watching me was
un nerving. I had no weapon, didn't realize they were probably being fed
by clueless tenant in front (thinking they're being well meaning). We're
on their schedule/route nightly/early a.m. - love to watch them from my
third floor balcony - really like and admire them. I'm also aware a bite
from a Coyote lethal, i.e. something like 3000 lbs of pressure from powerful
jaws - so believe me I don't want any up front and personals! Thanks again
it made me curious about their vision, thus searching You Tube, coming up
with your great channel. Liked/subscribed.


Such great detailed information! There are so many videos by people making "informative" videos that never have more than an opinionated speculation or plageristic media.
Yours was refreshing!!

I had to come back and add... your speaking in comparisons was the best! It made it real science and gave it a Dewey decimal system number to file and retrieve it alongside other valuable information. THANK YOU!!


Just so you know, your videos are out of order in the playlist. This video was intended to be #1 however it is number four in the list.


I’ve had a coyote walk by me twenty feet away without seeing me. I wasn’t moving


Has anyone ever tried hunting in red clothing?
