4 Royal Curses that Actually Came True

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When infidelity, early death, suicide, or murder strike a royal family, they are not just tragedies, they can be national or even global catastrophes. And when repeated calamities strike a dynasty generation after generation, legends of long ago curses are bound to be unearthed. From a witch poisoning the love lives of 800 years of Princes, to supernatural ravens forewarning early deaths. From a grief-striken mother cursing a young emperor to a life of tragic losses, to spilled milk dooming a dynasty to a massacre after 10 generations. Let’s explore 4 royal curses from history which actually seem to have come true.

The Princes of Monaco, Cursed in Marriage
2. The Habsburgs, Curse of the Ravens
3. Emperor Franz Joseph, Karolyi Curse
4. The Shahs of Nepal, Cursed for 10 Generations

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I love how the Hapsburg curse isn't consequences of incest but pissing off some of the smartest non-human animals in the world.


Wow, Stephanie has had quite the life.

- 80s pop star
- Dated actors and race car drivers
- Married an elephant trainer and lived in the circus
- Had an affair with an acrobat

Not what I would have expected from a princess


The Grimaldi curse always cracks me up. They’re not cursed, they’re rich idiots who descended from a rapist sociopath.


I think the royals of Monaco should set up a memorial for that poor girl so that way her soul can finally be at peace. That is if they haven't done so already.


I don't think there's a curse in the Monaco royal family so much as a well documented long history of complete idiocy


I think the problem with the Grimaldi's is just generations of bad behavior caused by a sense of entitlement and wealth. And a lot of getting away with the bad behavior.


There's also a curse in the portuguese royal family, the Braganza's curse! Allegedly, the first king of the Braganza dinasty, João IV, kicked a franciscan friar who was begging for an alm, and he cursed him - no Braganza should see their firstborn reach adulthood and reign. And that curse always came through one way or another, from the João IV first son (1600's), to the last portuguese king's older brother, and firstborn, who was assassinated (1908). There migh be one exception or two, but were rare. I recall Pedro V, who was indeed a firstborn, but died really, really young (24 years old), and reigned only 6 years
As a result, the family truly learned to prepare really well both the heir and the spare.


Ravens are not evil! They are beautiful and extremely intelligent creatures, along with the crows, jays, magpies, rooks, and jackdaws. Did you know that they have the intelligence of a 7 year old human, can recognize and remember faces, pass knowledge down generations, mimic human speech, solve puzzles, along with many other things? They also know their reflection in a mirror, something previously thought was only possible with humans and some apes, and they also understand water displacement, and can practice self-control if it means they get a better reward. A lot of rescued crows and ravens have a deep bond with their caretakers. Anything but evil.


Funny thing to note, the first President of Hungary and the man who would effectively depose the last Habsburg King of Hungary, Franz Joseph’s grandnephew Charles IV… was Count Mihály *Károlyi*

Talk about coming full circle

Although I should note that the countess's other predictions did not come true. There have never been more living members of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine then there are right now and aside from Rudolf, his eldest daughter Gisela had a happy marriage and long life, and although Marie Valerie's marriage was less so, she was blessed by great esteem from the people of Wallsee-Sindelburg, the town where she made her home and had a great number of children.


The one curse I’m surprised hasn’t been included is the Curse of the Braganzas. That one’s exact terms had been fulfilled so many times over there’s almost no one way it ain’t true


What about the Romanov curse "You began with the death of a tsarevich, you will end with the death of a tsarevich."? That would be a good one that (kind of) came true. Great video Lindsey, you do such a good job of packing so much information into 30-minute videos!


You forgot the curse from the Knights Templars to King Philip IV of France. Legends say that as Grand Master Jacques de Molay was burning at the stake in 1314, he cursed Pope Clement V and King Philip, saying that the Pope and King will die within a year and a day, and his bloodline would rule France no more. They both died later that same year and all 4 of Philip IV's direct descendants died relatively young and with no male heirs: Louis X in 1316 at age 26, his posthumous son, John I, in 1316 at age 5 days; Louis' brother, Philip V, in 1322 at age 28, and Philip's brother, Charles IV, in 1328 at age 33; thus ending 300 years of Capetian kings.


Charles (Carlos) II of Spain was sterile because God and nature agreed that this madness had to stop 🤦‍♀️


The Nepal royal family’s curse is insane and how it came true for the last king 😳


As someone who is a Nepali and grew up hearing about the royal family and all it’s history, the one i was told in school was that of gorakhnath and the curd is that when the curd fell on his feet the god foretold that if you had eaten the vomited curd any place you dreamed of conquering would be conquered but as it fell on your feet only the places your feet has touched would be conquered.

The end of the dynasty was actually foretold in two parts. One where I don’t remember where exactly but there was a prophecy that the dynasty would end in 10 generations. Another was the curse of Sati. It was a curse placed on by the wife of Bhimsen thapa the first prime minister. She cursed Nepal to suffer with political, economic and social problems forever. She cursed Nepal never to be developed and also that anyone person who will try to good in this country will suffer.


The current Grimaldi princess is most certainly a victim of domestic abuse. I feel for her.


You forgot to mention the Curse of the Braganza Dynasty of Portugal. Legend has it that because King John IV of Portugal kicked a Franciscan friar while he (the friar) was begging for alms, said friar cursed King John IV of Portugal, such that no firstborn male heir among his descendants will ever live long enough to sit on the Portuguese throne. In fact, with the exception of Kings Peter V and Carlos, no King of Portugal from the Braganza dynasty has ever been the firstborn son of his predecessor.


I'm a little surprised that the Romanov curse wasn't in this video. But these are all wildly interesting to learn about in their own right. It's always interesting to me when curses like this are somewhat proven


Actually surprised the Hessian curse wasn’t mentioned, but I guess there’s no cause, just three generations of bad luck. Grand Duchess Alice and her daughter dying of diphtheria five years after her younger son died of hemophilia. Then her granddaughter Elisabeth dying young, another grandson Heinrich dying of hemophilia. Then her daughters Elisabeth and Alexandra and Alexandra’s husband and children murdered during the Russian Revolution. And finally, only a month after her son Ernest died, his wife, son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons die in a plane crash in the way to his second son’s wedding. The second son adopted his brother’s baby daughter who wasn’t on the plane, only for her to die a year later of meningitis. The second son and his wife never had children of their own and that line of the family ended up extinct. So much tragedy in one family.

Even more if you consider Louis Mountbatten being a Hessian descendant on both sides of his family and he and his grandson were killed in an IRA bombing. His sister Louise lost her only child in childbirth too.


This is a true story:

In 1952, Mayo won the GAA Sam Maguire Cup. (Mayo are an Irish football team who won the All-Ireland cup in 1952).

While celebrating, the team passed through a village where someone had recently died. They didn't stop their celebrations. So the priest said something like "I curse you to never win a cup again u til everyone on your team dies". All of the players witnessed the priest say this.

Mayo have made it to 18 finals since then. They havent won a single final since that day. There is one player alive on that team.
