Top 15 Great RPGs Still CHEAP Nowadays

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The world's current situation made videogame prices skyrocket. Thankfully, most of the really popular RPGs out there are still cheap... but so are some that aren't so mainstream, and they're great games as well!

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I see Virginia, I click ^_^ Wild Arms 3 holds a special place in my heart, and I think it's an incredibly underrated game. It's often on sale on the PS Store so I highly recommend it to anyone if you ever see it on there :)

Glad to see some Star Ocean games make the list too, that's another series that has cheap initial prices for games, and are also found commonly on sale, but is sadly very overlooked. I never got into it until recently, but am now currently playing all the games and loving them :D

Great list Erick, my economy is currently not very good during this pandemic with my job being forced to stay closed for most of the time, so I can't really afford full-price games atm, so lists like these really help out!


Prices of most older games are so unbelievably high right now. Some games have gotten to the point of being 200% higher than they were last year. Especially ps1 and ps2


i reallyy enjoy ur channel, erick! greeting from brazil! p.s. we wanna smt noc gameplay when the game release!


I was lucky to pick up Valkyria Chronicles for 99 cents at the Salvation Army...that was a good day.


love Valkyria Chronicles.. you can also find a good port on Steam(currently at 19, 99 but goes down to 7 on sale). Star Ocean Till the End of time is going up in price here in EU, luckily got my copy for 10€ years ago!


Dragons dogma is imo one best action rpg's ever best battle/combat system hands


Just added so many of these to my wishlist in Gameye. Dropping Blue Dragon as an extra consideration, as it's pretty cheap still (10-20$ probably, it's around 20$ CAD right now). Awesome video!


Another amazing series, thank you so much Erick. Bless your soul Sir for putting Amulur and Dragon's Dogma on this list.


Wild arms 3 was one of my all time favorite games. So nostalgic seeing it again!


RIP no cheap copies of might and magic ds online—thanks for all dem recs tho <3


Just picked up Star Ocean 3 at a local shop for $10 last week! I also snagged Rogue Galaxy for $22 while I was there and felt good about that purchase, too.


I wouldn't say "Mana Khemia has nothing to do with the Atelier franchise", since the Mana Khemia characters show up in Atelier Nelke, which is a game to celebrate the 20th (or so) anniversary of the Atelier franchise.


Freedom Wars was amazing. Its post game was next to impossible without online, but I doubt you can do that anymore.


wild arms 3 was my intro to the games of the series and I beat it in week I never regret it and absolutely loved it


Loved Infinite Undiscovery. I just don't understand the hate towards this game. One of the best battle systems, in my opinion.


Dragon's Dogma is one of my favorite games of the 360/ps3 gen. I played it a few times on 360, played it a couple more times when Dark Arisen released. And I'm currently replaying the remaster on the xb1.

Kingdoms of Amalur was a pleasant surprise the first time I played it. It was recommended to me by a friend who loved it even after hitting a game breaking bug near the end making him restart completely.


Tales of Xillia would also fit here. Its fairly easy to find and hell, I frequent a couple game stores that have several copies for twelve dollars a piece


I know Erick is like 99% console, but... one cannot simply ignore the vast Steam library if you want to RPG on a budget. There are some great RPGs on Steam for very little. Whether it's the re-releases of old games like Grandia 1/2, Square-Enix's RPGs (mostly Final Fantasy but also Mana games), or even indie titles mostly made with the RPGMaker engine, there are plenty to choose from that are <$20, especially if you catch them during a Steam Sale. Now, granted, RPGMaker games are hit-or-miss, but there's some out there like OMORI (be careful with that one...), Undertale (not RPGmaker, but still), and even older ones like Skyborn are also cool. Just look at the reviews and see what other people thought of such games. You can also head on over to GOG too, for things like the Might and Magic (not Heroes of) series, or Lands of Lore, some of these games are being sold for $5-10. With a few fan mods, you can easily get these games running on Windows10 in no time.


Infinite Undiscovery is backwards compatible on the x box one so it’s not completely exclusive to the 360.


Man what a great list. Star ocean is one of my all time fav series, Wild Arms 3 is a solid entry to the series & Might & Magic Clash of heroes is such a good game. Played it at least 10 times over the years, so addicting.
