The 5 Most Powerful Monsties in Game - Best Team Possible - Full Guide - Monster Hunter Stories 2!

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This is the statistically best monstie team possible in Stories 2! Enjoy!

Monster Hunter Stories 2 is finally here with amazing Monster Hunter Stories 2 gameplay so lets go all over all that is Stories 2 Wings of Ruin with Stories 2 gameplay Stories 2 new monsters Stories 2 guide Stories 2 funny Stories 2 builds Stories 2 armor Stories 2 weapon and basically just Stories 2 everything starting with this the grand Monster Hunter Stories 2 top 10 tips for brand new hunters and riders and Monster Hunter Stories veterans alike as we talk Stories 2 Monsties and Rise eggs and Stories 2 farming and Stories 2 monsters as we look at the Stories 2 Fated Four with all Stories 2 kinship attacks today with the Stories 2 Deviant Egg Monstie guide farm to get the best Monster Hunter Stories 2 Bloodbath Diablos Mizutsune Nergigante Velkhana Kirin Teostra gene build with the new Stories 2 best monsties Stories 2 most powerful monsties!

#stories2 #monsterhunter #best #monstie

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"Strong Monsties. Weak Monsties. That is the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Riders should try to win with their favorites."
-Elder Karen


About Nergigante's speed, as someone else said before me: "Nergigante is a living homing missile. He'd be the one to soar across the room in a couple seconds to crush you just for sneezing in his general direction."


Ivory lagiacrus is actually the best monstie in the game because if you look closely you can see he is my favorite monster thus he is actually better than everything else


can't wait to see a monster hunter stories tournament where it's a repeat of pokemon vcg 2018's championships in the fact that nergi is on every team, just different elements


"You can use any monstie and its fine" Aptonoth it is


Just a note: Speed doesn't increase beyond its lvl 1 value. You'll also see this if you check ingame. The Kiranico lists have also been updated to reflect this. This makes Kirin at 13 speed very fast.


I wish Reverto was a Monstie that I could ad to my team. His level 3 attack is just to awesome.


Can't wait for Soulseer to bring even better water genes to the table.

My ultimate Cephadrome is waiting...


When Reverto used his kinship on the thunder bugs my eyes burned


I'm gonna use my favorites and that's final 😂


Fun fact: u can put velkhana ice armor on her when u use gammoths snow armor. Also u can grow nergis Spikes, get bloodbaths and grimclaws vanes to glow when u use develjos bulk up move

Edit: i mean in battle


I already know what my multiplayer team will be
Zinogre is a speed attacker
Stygian zinogre is a tech attacker
Thunder lord zinogre is a power attacker


If you really wanna make Bloodbath a freak of nature, give him calamity slash. I speak from experience, the health regen is really comfy and then you got the juicy damage. Not to mention he flies when he does it which just looks scary af. O_o


Teostra has been my favorite monster for years so I was very happy to get one. That being said, if I did do PVP, I'd probably want to use a Nerscylla or a Ludroth because I like them and everyone is going to be using the meta.


Judging from Kiranico's lists, there's only a difference of around 20% statwise between the weakest monsters and the strongest ones, so gene set-ups are by far still the more important factor in determining how good a monster is.


silverwind narga should be an honorable mention IMO because you can turn them into a posion/really any status monstie. guided spike bomb would be so good.


If your favorite monster has ever been a flagship then it has good stats.


Nergigante: You can't defeat me.
Me, on 1 health: I know, but he can.
* my blue yian kut-ku with a giant messy heap of evasion, health boost and crit genes appears *


My friend got 2 SR dens right next to each other. At the same time. He already has every deviant and elder. I'm incredibly jealous


Really like the kinship attacks of the elder dragons like Nergigante or teostra, I could see Alatreon doing a escaton judgment plus safijiva doing it's nova as it's ultimate if both of them were in the game
