How Herd Immunity Works

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Herd Immunity is a tern coined by scientists as a way to combat pandemics across the globe, specifically covid-19. It's how they intent to stop the virus, by allowing everyone to get sick, and then immune to the disease.
We are living through some crazy times, that is for sure. Who would have thought that a microscopic parasite, known as a virus, would be such a problem for our entire nation, and planet. Most people have heard of a few lines of defense against this little menase. Social distancing, which is when you stand six to ten feet away from those around you, and washing your hands for at least twenty seconds comes to mind. But the big one that most people have heard of, and are certainly waiting for, is a vaccine. This is a preemptive measure that can make you immune to the virus when you come in contact with it. But did you know that there is another type of immunity that humans can achieve, and sometimes, you don’t even NEED a vaccine to achieve it! This alternate “immunity” is known as herd immunity. Maybe you’ve heard (get it?) of it? The basic gist is that when enough people are immune to a disease, that slows, or even stops, the spread of it to new people. It’s a real phenomenon, but how effective is it? How much of the population must be immune before it comes into place? Are there any downsides to achieving this amount of immune people in the population? We are going over it all today in our video Brianiacs. So make sure to pay attention! We are giving you all the facts of herd immunity. And letting you know exactly how we can achieve this sort of, well, super power!
We are living through some crazy times, that is for sure. Who would have thought that a microscopic parasite, known as a virus, would be such a problem for our entire nation, and planet. Most people have heard of a few lines of defense against this little menase. Social distancing, which is when you stand six to ten feet away from those around you, and washing your hands for at least twenty seconds comes to mind. But the big one that most people have heard of, and are certainly waiting for, is a vaccine. This is a preemptive measure that can make you immune to the virus when you come in contact with it. But did you know that there is another type of immunity that humans can achieve, and sometimes, you don’t even NEED a vaccine to achieve it! This alternate “immunity” is known as herd immunity. Maybe you’ve heard (get it?) of it? The basic gist is that when enough people are immune to a disease, that slows, or even stops, the spread of it to new people. It’s a real phenomenon, but how effective is it? How much of the population must be immune before it comes into place? Are there any downsides to achieving this amount of immune people in the population? We are going over it all today in our video Brianiacs. So make sure to pay attention! We are giving you all the facts of herd immunity. And letting you know exactly how we can achieve this sort of, well, super power!