Introduction to Control Analysis and Design in Julia: 2. Frequency-domain Analysis

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This video series is a high-level introduction to control analysis and design in the Julia programming language. This course assumes that you are familiar with basic control theory and have some prior experience with, or are currently learning, software for control design.

JuliaSimControl provides features such as Model-Predictive Control, robust control, graphical user interfaces, auto tuning and more.

In this video-
• We cover frequency-domain tools such as freqresp, bode, dcgain, nyquist and their plots
• Frequency-response data (FRD)
• Gang of four

00:00 Noteworthy differences to other languages
01:08 Creating a system model
02:43 Root locus
03:21 Bode plot
07:04 Nyquist plot
11:49 Gang of four
14:31 Relative gain array (RGA)
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