Secret To get BETTER At World of Tanks Console

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TVP T 50/51
Equipment - Advanced Optics, Gun Stabilizer, Advanced Concealment & Enhanced Target Info
Skills - Born Leader, Rapid Loading , Steady Aim, Sixth Sense, Snap shot, Run & Gun, Silent Driving, Situational Awareness & Camouflage Expertise

#worldoftanksmodernarmor #worldoftanksconsole #wotconsole #pilsen #tvpt5051 #vishaw
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Hey Vish, I believe a lot of your analysis is correct and a good player can overcome the server's hidden hand called RNG. Food and the premium repair kit /fire extinguishers, and premium ammo can lessen the servers impact on your game forces you to overcome the effects of the negative RNG a player will face in the game as the game targets one team or the other for a positive or negative outcomes. Plus/minus RNG, you know how wargaming had to admit that they were causing new players to have a more positive experience by giving them an algorithm that help them with their performance in the game. You know how they had higher pen rates and damage protection so as to not allow the good players to seal club them as they started out the game. This game is absolutely rigged with positive/negative RNG. I really appreciate your gameplay and the fact that you've learned how to overcome some of the effects of wargamings hidden hand, but still it's active. Space bandit pointed this out in his video and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi also pointed it out in several videos calling out his tank being caught on fire during an actual stream, because it was predictive. He actually predicted it and it happened. Of course he backtracked after wargaming slammed him for stating the fact that tanks catch on fire toward the end of the game to shorten the matches. This is all built into the game. I call it the programmed number generator (PNG) rather than RNG. I have been able to maintain a 52 percent win rate as a solo player over the years of play. It seems like every time I get a shade over 52% I go on these colossal losing streaks completely out of my control. I end up on absolute potato teams that get crushed in the first 2 minutes no matter what my position is and then overwhelmed has the last tank standing. This pattern is very predictive and the servers behavior is very obvious to me after 7 years of playing and almost 40, 000 matches. My player rating is in the above average territory with a WN8 of mostly light blue and purple depending on the amount of games I play. I'm sure I still have a lot to learn about the game but I've noticed this over the years. I've mentioned it to Cloneguy and he's been very dismissive. Cloneguy told me he was going to do a video to prove me wrong months ago and I'm still waiting for that video. Well anyways I really enjoy your game play. Clearly you're the kind of player that has figured out multiple ways to defeat the impacts of the negative/positive RNG in the game and maximize your win potential. Thanks bud have a Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄🎁🎅


Completely agree positioning is key also knowing when to fall back and when to push instead of camping back which ties into same thing but I've noticed with players trying to get better that's the piece keeping them back


Great vid! You should do more of these on positioning where you explain why you go to an initial position, when and why you move to another position, etc.? I think that would help a lot for those that can do the basics but are not quite as good on the decision making to keep themselves alive and keep on helping their team.


I agree with you about positioning. It seems most blow out games come from one team failing to play to the strengths of their respective spawn. In addition to what you mentioned, also 10 years in many players don’t understand the vision mechanics and how important they are, especially in WW2.


All top tier players have 1 thing above everyone else. Insight. Understanding how the enemy team is going to use the map from their spawn BASED on their team composition. Being able to know how their team is going to move in response to how your team is positioned. And having enough knowledge and foresight to put yourself in the perfect position to counter them. This also applies to how to use various kinds of tanks. How you use different tanks, even different tanks in the same class, is critical. The difference between how a Maus plays and how a Chieftain mk6 plays is massive.


Good video Vishaw! Yeah the other day on stream with you I was totally out of position in the T110E5. Staying alive as long as possible and focusing on positioning has made me improve a lot at this game!


I quit playing wot a couple of months ago, after three years. But i still watch your vids every now and then


The iS2 wasn't paying attention because reasons. 😅 love your channel mate. 😻 as for another way to win more is time of day, less kids on around 8 in the morning if you can play then. School holidays are definitely worse for win rate. Also what about when you keep getting high damage, best in your team but your team still loses because they just keep getting over run while you fight one flank ? You can't be everywhere. This is what is happening to me recently. Teams are so bad they just collapse.


There is one more factor in my opinion which is the team not dying in the first two minutes of the game.


Want to win more, run 3 Rogal Dorn tanks in a platoon….you win 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the video. I need all the help I can get.


Being good at this game means mastering the art of camping, in the best positions. That's what the best do!


That JgdPanzer didnt want to die lol


If you have the wrong team playing with you for several games, stop playing. If you lose 3 times in a row, you will continue to lose the next 15 games as well.


Play tiers 3-5 in OP tanks using premium ammo and consumables. Use a maxed commander. Easier to farm and win if winning is the only concern. Most true super unicums stay in higher tiers too. That's the true secret to winning in WoTC.


Great carry. I will message and thank you for the win if I was your teammate. Keep up these videos so we learn from the best.


The secret is to get good enough to get in decoy so you can play with gambit and airstorm so I don’t gotta Que into them 😂


Secret? #1 secret is to chug a beer in honor of rngesus.


Was a 47% 0.70 kd player after 7k battles now after 17k battles 52% wr 1.49 kd and 57-63% average monthly wr and I don’t platoon.


I think you are missing a key point and that is the way wot works. When I play 15 games and am on a losing team twelve times and ten times the winning team has 10 tanks remaining then something is very wrong. I do enjoy your videos and they are helpful.
