What Does Jesus Mean by ‘I Never Knew You’?

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Welcome to the first step of your journey towards true prosperity with God. With this eBook, like many, you are in search of something more. Perhaps you feel there is a gap in your life, an empty space that not even money, success, or interpersonal relationships can fill. And you have probably realized that the answer might lie in something deeper, something spiritual.

The concept of prosperity is often misunderstood. In a society focused on material gains, it's easy to confuse prosperity with financial wealth. However, true prosperity goes far beyond material goods. It involves a life rich in values, meaning, and purpose. And, for many, this is intrinsically linked to a deep and enriching relationship with God.


I confess I have been sinning by the lust of my eyes to have things. Every chance I get new bed covers, new bibles, new clothes and I feel so guilty I probably won't sleep tonight. I confess I haven't fasted in a long time, I thought I was ok until I saw this video, now I'm convicted and very heavy in my spirit. Please help me Father let thy will be done and crush me if you need to, I never want to hear the words depart from me I never knew you, oh my...this is not a game Father I confess to you in front of all these eyes here I have been sinning and not seeking you first, please forgive and take not thy spirit from me, I love you, thank you for all that you have done for me please have mercy and forgive me although I am not worthy, I humble myself tonight and beg for your help because I am serious about a relationship with you, I now realize that my eyes and my phone are a big problem for me please take the desire to shop from me and help me to desire to fast and seek first the kingdom of God, I'm sorry for all this and I ask forgiveness in Jesus name. Amen...


The most frightening words no one ever created would ever want to hear from our Savior!!!


I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.”Luke 5:32


I'd always said "Don't let some preacher touch me ..like on tv and make it look like Jesus had slain me in the Spirit" and then one day I was just raising my hands and Praising Jesus with my eyes closed at the alter. (Let me remind you..I was minding my own business) Then all of a sudden I felt arms all around me laying me gently in the floor, like a mother laying her newborn child gently in a crib. I asked a lady beside me if she had seen someone laying me in the floor(..I was still on the floor). She said no one had touched me. I told her that I had felt hands all over my body gently laying me down. She said, "It was The Lord". She said I had went down so quick that no one had time to catch me. I began to praise Jesus even more, but like doubting Thomas I wasn't sure if anyone was being honest with me. My husband was sitting in the back of the last pews in the church. So I approached him and ask him if he saw anyone laying me in the floor. He said I had went down like somebody shot me. I had slammed on the floor so hard. Well I thought maybe he's just messing with me. So before we went to bed that night I asked Jesus to give me a sign if it was really true. Then the next morning I looked in the mirror and my face was black and blue with bruises all over. I laughed and told Jesus that I hadn't felt any pain at all because of His gentleness. The moral of this true story is that now I'm not afraid of death or the pain of when it's my time to go..even if they cut off my head because Jesus will take over the whole situation. He will protect me even if my body is destroyed and I'll be with Him automatically. Like I'm falling asleep and the next moment waking up to realize I'm with Him for an eternity. There will be no fear involved. The devil likes us to be afraid and he gets stronger, but resist the devil and he will flee and so will the fear. Knowing all we can about God will make us stronger and stronger. If anyone doesn't "Know God, like a husband and wife, a real relationship" I would suggest that as a high priority. Him First! Perfect Love casts out all fear! Acts 2:38 kjv 💗🙏


I don’t understand why I don’t feel like I get it. Why my heart doesn’t thirst the way I think it should. It is hard to not be discouraged. I fail him everyday and I know he forgives. I don’t know how to strengthen my faith. Blessing to all who follow Christ


I have been struggling, Lust, Anger, and my sinful way of thinking,

Dear father I ask you to forgive me today, for all I've done in my past years, coming to haunt me,

Reading the words of the bible, making my day better, changing my way of thinking.

I sit and thank you father, and christ for doing this for me and helping me id been even more in a deeper trouble
I sit and smile everyday that id hope to see you one day, hugging you and palm of your warm hands.

I pray for everyone else, as they have there struggles just as much as we all do amen!


Because this video has seemed to attract a certain group of devout, but lost people desperate to be saved and not understanding why they feel something is wrong I have decided to share something personal here which I have been led to feel will help someone here who needs to hear this, I am usually very shy about very personal stuff so this is a little tough on me, hope it helps someone.
When I came back to Jesus about 3 weeks ago, after walking away at around the age of 15 (35-36 years ago), I felt the need to be baptized again because the first time I was young (12) and maybe didn't fully understand my choice, didn't realize it meant departing from the old self through the burial and resurrection of baptism, after doing this rebaptism (which was not the wrong part) I was struggling hard for the first 1 1/2 weeks because although I had come back to the Lord, I still felt emptiness inside, lack of any real connection through the Holy Spirit, I felt no spiritual tingling or force at all the way I did at the moment when I was baptized as a youth, I was devastated, I felt nothing different in my life at all except that I now had to obey, I felt it meant God had refused to take me back, I almost felt like dying because life didn't matter anymore if God didn't want me and hated me what was life worth anymore, I would still serve God, but not really knowing if it did me any good and no spiritual guidance, and then after some very intense prayer and listening very intently I felt something very faintly whispering to my soul answering me, telling me it had been my own lack of faith that caused me to be blocked, it was happening because I had decided that I had to call God back to me, win Him back to me, beg him to come back from leaving me after I had made stupid choices and went astray. The truth became revealed at that point, God had never left me, I left God, but though man doesn't always keep his commitments God does, always, and the fact that I assumed He would break his commitment because I did or that I had to perform any good deeds and works for Him to earn Him back or that I had to straighten things out in my life to win His favor and be accepted again. It's because I didn't truly accept that once we are first accepted by Him, justified by Him and sealed by the Holy Spirit we are His, from then on it all has to do with His grace and our faith and trust in His grace and trust in His loyalty to his promises, not our obedience or works or deeds, those are just things that happen naturally if you live by faith. God doesn't Unseal us and he doesn't revoke, he sits in utter silence and waits for us to figure it out, sometimes He tries to correct us, by making our wrong path very difficult and painful to steer us right, because faith is our connection to Him, Faith in the Father and Jesus is our righteousness that makes us worthy by His sacrifice, faith in Him, not in us. It was then, when I realized this at that moment when this realization came I had an overwhelming pouring of emotion and love and regret, I felt so stupid for not getting it, I cried off and on for 2 days about my own doubt in the loyalty of such a great and merciful Father, I even cried about how awesome He is for even looking my direction at this worthless, faithless wretch. I figured out I knew nothing about How really powerful His love is and how enduring, even with everything we blame Him for, cuss Him out about, we blame Him for every evil thing that happens to us in our lives and still He continues to love His people, enduring, merciful love, but not the kind that just gives us what we want when we are in rebellion.

This is unimpeachable faith is the key to everything, when Jesus told His disciples to leave the children alone that were coming to him, bothering Him in their opinion.

Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Luke 18:16-17 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

Why are these two passages so critical to salvation....because children do not believe that they must follow all the rules, do everything right in order to be loved, accepted and forgiven by their Father, they have complete faith that if they tell their Father what they did wrong, admit error, and tell they will try to do better, Father will forgive them and all will be ok. Adults cannot hardly comprehend this set of rules for grown adults. Adults think they have to prove their loyalty and do a bunch of good works and good deeds to prove they have changed themselves before they can receive their Father's redemption and grace is lost/blocked by this lack of faith in our Father, so it seems the way to loose salvation truly is to lose faith in God's overwhelming kindness and love and that he will keep his covenant with you, and as soon as our faith in this is restored by us, we are redeemed, Hence a big lesson here for anyone who reads this, we are saved by faith, not doing good things.

If you think doing good will save you, and that your faith in God's grace isn't what saves you, your salvation stops because YOU think you lost it by not being good enough, if you think this way you will probably be one of those who hear those words that is the subject of this video we just watched, even though you devoted your life to Jesus, if you didn't believe your salvation was a gift and not something you can earn and that it will be taken back if you aren't earning enough good deed points. Then that is how it will be.

This is the biggest thing to take from this...as you bind things on Earth, so they are bound in heaven. On earth as it is in heaven, etc. We are being reminded throughout the bible, but it's something you have to figure out. When it says in the Bible that we were made in God's likeness, it means that we are also creators of a sort. This is why Jesus had to fulfill every single prophecy about the Messiah before he could die, even at His last breath when he was offered a sip of vinegar wine, that was the last one, then He said, "It has been done" and died. The things God's people create by their will and the words coming out of their mouth when imbued with the Holy Spirt can become real and binding. That is why we need to be careful of what we say when in the Spirit and use careful discernment when making vocal pronouncements and judging other people.

You are the one who can cause your way of being judged to be changed by making it happen through your own belief through the power of the Spirit, you decide how you are going to be judged, by law or by faith in God's covenant that He made with you when you were first baptized, a covenant sealed by His blood. You can have faith that you ARE saved and protected and that it is forever because a covenant has been made and God never lies, or you could have faith that you will get there only if God decided you did good enough in the works you did and your prostration. Here is the stumbling block, nobody has ever accomplished salvation by the law except Jesus and He had Devine power and He also had complete faith in His Father to keep His covenant and raise Jesus from the dead. Yes, you should all do good works, every chance you get, but do it as a thank you to God because of the overwhelming gift He gave you. Not because you think it's your way to get to heaven. Never doubt God, He is faithful. God bless those who seek Him and have the eyes and ears to hear and to see, guide them to you Lord, Amen


I confess I sinned and I am working on not doing it no more I quit smoking and drinking but I know I still got a lot to work on love you Jesus ❤


I did not get answer to my prayer when I was false christian, but here you tell the truth and I wish many find and receive life in Jesus.


My sheep hear my voice
They will not follow a stranger!


Heavenly Father, in moments of doubt, help me hold onto hope. Remind me that your love is a beacon of light, guiding me through the darkest nights. May hope always fill my heart. Amen.


Transformation is truly a humbling experience. Thank You Lord Jesus for Your warnings Your obedience to the Father and Your sacrifice for all whom believe. We must adhere, obey and conform not to this world. To You and Your Word. Thank You Father God and the Power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name. Amen🙏🏽✝️✋🏾


Please let me get closer to You Jesus ❤ Amen


This is the third time I’ve heard this
1. My daily devotional
2. My pastor’s sermon
3. And now here on YouTube
I feel God is speaking directly to me!!!


In Jesus holy name, I receive all your holy presious words... I repent from all sins and unknown sin that I don't know of!! Thank you father God for your grace and mercy upon my life. That belongs to you!! Amen😮🎉❤


Praise God for His wonderful revelation, thank you Holy Spirit, thank you Lord Jesus.


This is helpful to all who hear it, including me❤🙌🏽 praise God, let his will be done forever💪🏽


l'm a miserable siner have mercy on my Lord Jesus forgive me, may your will be done on to me and my family. Amen 🙏


Lord open me up to total surrender and obedience. I'm a sinner and I know you are my savior. I have no excuse I just ask for your grace and mercy. Keep revealing to me everything in my Father's word. Praise God. Glory to God. Hallelujah to the Lamb.
