How to choose the right size surfboard - 'The Big 3'

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Trip Forman runs through our formula for selecting the right size surfboard.

The Big 3 is:
1. Design
2. Volume
3. Dimensions

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This is hands down the best video on how to choose the right surfboard. Trust me I live on the internet. lol


Awesome video! This really helps a lot! The U shape graph for foam volume to wave size that you mentioned made perfect sense


+Jordie Sutherland thanks for your question.  If you're just learning to do turns, a thruster (tri-fin) board is probably the way to go.  Thrusters are known for being user-friendly and, to over-simplify things, they tend to go where you point them.  At 59kg = 130lbs, early intermediate level, you should probably be looking at boards in the 26-28L range.  Check out a 5'9" or 5'10" Mini-driver, this is a versatile shape that you can keep riding as you get better.  Most mini-drivers come with the option to ride 3 or 4 fins so you can experiment with both.  

Hope this helps! 
-Chris REAL Watersports 


Matt T - 
For small mushy waves you want a groveller style board.  These boards can resemble fish shapes, they can be more rounded like little egg shapes, or some even resemble fat and stubby standard shortboards.  For your body weight, the smallest board I would suggest for these conditions is 34 liters of volume.  To make the most out of the junky days, you probably want to go closer to 36-38 liters of volume.  
Some of our more popular grovellers are the Lost RV, the Lost Bottom Feeder, and the Channel Islands Average Joe:  

Lost RV - I recommend 5'10" for you: 

Lost Bottom Feeder - I recommend 5'8":

CI Average Joe - I recommend 5'9": 

Hope this helps!  Contact us with any more questions!
-Chris REAL


+Riley Sebby - Thanks for your question.  Ideally, you're looking for 2 or 3 surfboards to have that 1ft - 8ft range of surf covered, with a flat&wide board for the small days and something a little more "performance" tuned for the better days.... however there are a few boards that we've been loving for "One-board quivers".  

Check out the ...Lost E-Z Up, it's shaped to handle the big days but still has good float and paddle power to use it in smaller, mushier waves.  For your weight and skill level you'd be looking at something in the 34-36 liter range, so check out a 5'11" E-Z Up: 

Hope this helps! -Chris Stellato REAL Watersports


I'm looking to start surfing this summer and I just started trying to learn about surf related things so thank you for this detailed video! I have a lot to learn.


Excellent description! It's the best formula I've heard. Cheers! God only know how many times I've chosen the wrong board..


Wish I had this information when I was sold a surfboard in Portugal. I never really got going...thanks for the brilliant level of details.


awesomely helpful video! i am brand new to surfing in about 5'10 - 5'11 about 170 and i am in northern japan. The waves here aren't huge and a little choppy at times, and thanks again!


I'm normally surfing in California at Venice and Santa Monica but also go up to pismo and sanfran to surf as well


Thanks guys! The ...lost rv seems perfect for me!! You guys are the best!


I watched this video when it first came out and I'm still watching it years later


Thanks @magicalifornia - glad we were able to help. Hopefully you will be picking winners for years to come!


+Lupe Loza - Thanks for your question. The best thing you can do is contact one of our REAL Pros and they can give you some advice on how to choose your board. They will ask you lots of questions and help you narrow down the board thats right for you. Thanks. 


Thank you Trip Forman. Very informative vid from someone who knows the game.


Hi, I am 5’ 7”, and 130 lb, I have lived on the beach in Maine my whole life, but never learned how to surf, what type of board would be the best for relatively small waves, and shallow water (around 5 1/2 feet of water), it’s also a little choppy most of the time, Anything would help, thanks👍👍


Hi im 5.1 and i am 94 lbs i live near hossegor and i want a surfboard for 1ft to 15ft. Do you know wich board dim is good for me


My $0.02

There’s really only three boards you’ll need:

1. A longboard with AT LEAST your weight in kilos in volume.
2. A fun board around half your weight in kilos in volume.
3. Performance shortboard: just go nuts with this. You’ll know what wave to ride with it and you’ll know the volume by the time you’re ready for it.

There’s are very rough estimates. But for example, I’m 150lbs and been surfing a year.

I use a 65L 9’2” Aipa Apex MLB for catching nearly anything.
I use a 43L 6’8” Aipa Sting for small waves to overhead. But it will need some power to get on.
I use a 29L 6’1” Aipa Sting when the wave has some power and I just want to dig in my rail and toss it around easily.

I love that Duke Aipa can make a shorter board that’s not too wide, with plenty of volume hidden in all the right places.

If I could only choose ONE board, it would be my Fusion Sting to ride nearly any wave as long as it’s breaking.


I know that's the board for me because I love yellow and blue and fish!!! Great video, thank you for sharing 😀


+Emi Lightning you're looking in the right direction with a beefier hybrid shape.  Check out the following shapes and be sure you choose a size that has ample volume to help you catch waves and have stability when you pop up!  All these boards are very user friendly and have big sweet spots to work no matter where you put your feet:

Hope this helps! Contact us for more expert advice!
