What is Determinism and Why The Whole Universe Has Already Happened

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Determinism is the philosophical movement that for every event, including human action, exist conditions that could cause no other event. "There are many determinisms, depending upon what pre-conditions are considered to be determinative of an event."[1] Deterministic theories throughout the history of philosophy have sprung from diverse and sometimes overlapping motives and considerations. Some forms of determinism can be empirically tested with ideas from physics and its philosophy. Opposing determinism is some kind of indeterminism (otherwise called nondeterminism). Determinism is often contrasted with free will and moral responsibility.[2]

Determinism often is taken to mean causal determinism, which in physics is known as cause-and-effect. It is the concept that events within a given paradigm are so causally bound that prior states of any object or event completely determine its later states. This meaning can be distinguished from other varieties of determinism mentioned below.

Other debates often concern the scope of determined systems, with some maintaining that the entire universe is a single determinate system and others identifying other more limited determinate systems (or multiverse). Numerous historical debates involve many philosophical positions and varieties of determinism, some concerning determinism and free will, technically denoted as compatibilistic (allowing the two to coexist) and incompatibilistic (denying their coexistence is a possibility).

Determinism should not be confused with self-determination of human actions by reasons, motives, and desires. Determinism rarely requires that perfect prediction be practically possible.

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I am a determinist. Randomness is just another word for predetermined events that we cannot predict.


The universe is like a record. All information exists at once on its surface but in order for it to be understood it needs to be played in a linear fashion. Time in our reality serves as the needle on the record translating the whole of the universe into a series of moment by moment events. Just in the same way you can’t perceive the entirety of an album on a record without the needle you can’t perceive the entirety of the universe without time. Time isn’t simply a measure of progressive moments, it’s an inconceivable “object” that acts on our universe in order for it to be understood. Just in the same way the needle is inconceivable to the music playing on the record. Moment by moment reality is a byproduct of exterior forces acting on a three dimensional slice of our universe. This is why the Big Bang appears to have just appeared from nothing when infact all that has really happened is the metaphorical needle touched the record and the universe at that moment was able to be perceived.


Randomness produces choices? I don't think so. Randomness produces random events, not free will choices.


Everything is predetermined. We delude ourselves with the illusion of free will, but even those outcomes were planned. If someone built a time machine and secretly filmed your future self for a day, and then sent you the footage after you had 'lived' that day, the footage would be identical because all of your decisions were planned and had already taken place.


This what I believe everything is already written and I’m just living it out


Everything has already happened and i mean time, the ball has already hit the ground. Like remember a memory from 10 years ago, that was your then "present". Look at now this is your present, but 10 years from now your present would be at that time. The thing is it all has already happened


In Christian theology we have something called compatibilism. Compatibilism is the harmonization of God's will and man's will, or in other words it combines determinism with free will. God has decreed all things to occur according to His will, with no exceptions, but humans are able to make choices. All of our choices have been predetermined according to God's will, just as the entire existence of the universe has been predetermined. As theologian RC Sproul was fond of saying -- "There are no maverick molecules in God's universe."


No amount of randomness gives your free will. Do you control subatomic particles? When you want to go to the bathroom do you coordinate your quarks to go to certain areas to create certain interactions in atoms that create certain molecular structures that lead to certain neuronal firing patterns in certain locations in your cerebral cortex?


There is no randomness with enough data and processing power. They built coin flipping machines that can predict heads or tails. We are just a collection of hormones, brain processing power and collection of past experiences, etc, that determine our actions.


What you are saying is what physicists say. From a day to day perspective we make choices and we live with the consequences of our choices but in the big picture everything is predetermined and there is no autonomous self that chooses anything.


I still haven't studied quantum physics so I have no other choice but to believe the Universe as Deterministic. Moreover I came up with the Idea that the universe must be deterministic a few years ago, since then I have tried explaining a lot of people, but I couldn't.


This guys explaination is the best I’ve seen so far on the subject.


The universe determined the plane to fly above you whilst you are at the climax of your argument so people wouldnt understand and a revolution wouldnt start. One does not simply outsmart the universe.


There is a much stronger rebuttal against the quantum argument for free will (not determinism, though). If it is true that there is randomness on some level, then there is necessarily no free will because we have no control over these random events. We have no choice in what the outcomes are.


That plane was determined to fly by when he was talking about the randomness of quantum mechanics 🤷‍♂️


A clear way I like to explain it to people is: if time went back 20 years and then started back up the exact same things would occur. So what do you think will happen from now to 20 years into the future? I think they call it the golden path a.k.a. The yellow brick road. And when you come to this understanding you say ""ah, ah, ah, ""(OZ) I have no idea who the ""they"are so don't ask.


I hate to quote a movie that only scratched the surface of time travel, but the butterfly effect worded it perfectly.

"You can't change who someone is without destroying who they were."

The father was preaching about changing events in the past, but what he was unknowingly preaching is predetermined events.


Yes, everything is determined. We just *want* free will because it gives more meaning and comfort to our existence. In truth we have as much free will as the soil we came from and will be, nothing changes because you become aware of your own existence, the universe cares not.


Also I think the future has already happened and we're just living in the past.. Whatever we do, it is already written. Who knows?


You can get on a rollercoaster over and over and experience the ride but it's always the same ride.
