The Big Secret - Full Medical Documentary

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This documentary explores the truth behind some of today's most widely-accepted medical practices, and seeks to expose how the focus on corporate profits influences traditional medical treatment in the United States.
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At age 24 I was told i had cancer and my uterus needed to be cut away immediately. That was not an appealing option. I choose to listen to my body, talk with my body. Now, I’m 71, I’ve since had five kids and umm, I guess that as I’m going on 48 years with zero uterine problems, I’d say that spontaneous remission -is sustained. 🕊💗🕊 my uterus is Fine. 🥰


I decided to quit medical treatment for my cancer in year #2 and started listening to what my body wants ever since. Been 14 years and I've enjoyed my life much better.


As a child I was abused from early age as 4 years. Because of the continued abuse I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and related mental illnesses. Prescribed drugs almost killed me. I finished with those and refined my life. After the drugs I cut out sugar milk processed food and my life changed. My thinking, my gratitude, my positivity changed for much better in a week, then I realised I was slowly poisoned with the stuff I eat. I feel wonderful, my conditions don’t hurt me that badly. Blessings to everyone ❤


Self care has always been the best choice. As a younger woman, I chose to give birth at home with a midwife. Not so much “chose” but it’s what I could afford. $600 vs. thousands. I had no insurance. I was a housekeeper. Lots of physical hard work. So I was in excellent shape. Fast food wasn’t in the budget so I cooked meals at home. Anything sweet was rare and a treat. My advice is live like you’re poor. Hard physical work, eat things you have to CHEW, drink water when you’re thirsty.


In 1976, I left studies for a RN after studying pharmacology. I decided then and there that I could not continue in modern medicine as it was a death trap thru prescriptions. I studied Nutrition, Herbology, Irisdology, Holistic Healing and Homeopathic medicne for next 9 years and It has been the right path for me and everyone i have ever taken care of. I was a care-gver for many people thru my life and I believe I made a differnce in each f their lives by my cooking and care


I stopped sharing reality with people because they just think i'm a conspiracy theorist. Reality is to scary for most people to accept. Most folks are too busy paying there bills or with dr visits.


“Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world.”
-- Dr. Linus Pauling, the only person who received two unshared Nobel prizes


I had gallstones in 2016. The doc literally screamed at me because I wouldn't let him yank it out. I changed my diet and still have it.
Also, my doctor wanted to put me on lipitor for high cholesterol. I took chia seeds for a month and the cholesterol went down 30 points. Won't take the pneumonia, shingles, flu or c 19 shots either.


2006 I was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor, left breast. After many days of meditation I fully decided to refused chemo radiation. I figured my poor body has been through enough I was not gonna insult it with his harmful drugs. So I gave it only laughter. I stopped watching the news I only watch comedies. I played the Pollyanna game. I ate only clean only delicious healthy food. I’m still here! Living fully ✨


And this isn't about a colossal blunder. Its about colossal CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.


Agri-chemicals sprayed over fields near me nearly killed me in Georgia. I moved to the UK and found the situation there even more life threatening. I now live in the remote mountains of northern Portugal where the terraced fields are too small for big agriculture to make a profit. I had almost forgotten what fields full of wild flowers, bees and other beneficial insects looked like. Your documentary highlighted all my concerns and then some about glyphosate, other such deadly chemicals, and GMOs. All the other issues you addressed were not unknown to me, but I appreciate having all the newer data. I have sent it far and wide. Thank you.


Thankyou for your time. My son was diagnosed with a Pineoblastoma grade IV malignant brain tumor in November 2018 at the age of 14. He refused chemo and radiation and has just started his final year in High School despite being given 6months to live.💛🙏


My entire family is DEAD because they trusted their doctors and had great insurance coverage. I am the only one left because I don't visit doctors, don't take any medications and I can't get a headache.


I was on anti depressants from age 15 until 59.I stopped December 2019.Think about that! GP asks if I want to restart them at every opportunity.I have never felt mentally better than I do now 🙏🏻😘


I worked shortly in the mental health field. This 33 yr. old kid was already rich because he owned a 3rd party company that fought between doctors and insurance companies. When I saw what a scam the mental health industry is taking advantage of psych patients who can barely clean themselves. I left for good.


Years ago people trusted doctors implicitly. My mother was one of those people who allowed other people to run her health. She only made it to 69. She had dementia starting from the age of 53 and by the age of 60 she HAD TO go into long term care. Diabetes and dementia, and now whats called type 3 diabetes is what took her so young. I remember a small everpresent pharmacy being in the house up until that point
They put her on everything they could and she gullably and willimgly took it all ate btead and sugar as a staple, sweetened yogurt was a 3x a day food, and her main meal for the day was usually a pasta TV dinner as a single person. She lost interest in preparing meals when she was totally alone. I spoke to her many times about her possibly wanting to feel better and get off of medications.There was no convincing her because what did I know? After all I wasn't a doctor. Totally reliant on someone else managing her. Totally from that generation of putting your health in the hands of someone else. My pop now is doing the same thing he has a counter full of medications. I asked him why he takes a particular medicine and most of the time I get a I don't know. I mean you could tell you the basic reasons such as high cholesterol, but he couldn't tell you what this certain drug was supposed to be benefiting him with, what the process was on a cellular level My mother said the same thing. I asked my pop a slew of questions about his particular health all the time, and he knows very little, and he's concerned very little just as my mother was. Questions almost nothing when he's told to do something. Part of the reason we have this issue is these drs were allowed to become gods to the masses. Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid? My mother also used to put down my skepticism, now nearing sixty I'm in better health than my mother was in her 30s. My body fat is 24%.and my wait is very well maintained. It wasn't at one point though, as I was raised by gullible people that went along with what was recommended. Two slices of bread were with every meal, and snacks were normal not just treats. There was desert in the house every single evening. Boredom was cured with some coffee and cake. Highly processed foods were the norm. I struggled for years excerising like a madwoman but eating a turkey sandwich on processed whole wheat with jarred mayo and "EATING EVERY TWO HOURS" to "stimulate my metabolism. It was only once I began to open my eyes and really seek out what the body needs on a cellular level, did things change overnight. I kid you not the joint pain that plagued me had me walking like a 95 years old...GONE. I EAT BETTER NOW!! Margarine was the household staple. I don't ever remember a block of real cheese in the house but I can remember processed American being in there on a daily basis. Expense and convenience had my mother sold on everything processed. I now never purchase anyting in a box or a bag a can or a jar. If it can have a UPC code on it it can't be in my cart. I haven't eaten what the average person consumes in fruit in a month probably in the past 5 years. I have the occasional blueberry or strawberry that I grow. Anyone who grows them knows if you unless you have fields of them, they'll definitely be only an occasional treat through the growing season as nature intended.
These years of enlightenment have now had me to open my eyes and I look around at everyone, and I look at Al Gore in this particular documentary... LOOK AT THE BELLIES!!! AS ONE OF THE MANY DOCTORS WHO HAS HELPED TO EDUCATE ME ON ALL THIS HAS SAID"if you want to know if someone is metabolically unhealthy, and has nafld just simply look at their waistline. If you are as an individual have a belly you most certainly are metabolically and most certainly on your way to being pre any disease they pushed medication for
Wake up people and please stop being so gullible I am so tired of now being in a room full of people I know are sick by looking at them all of my friends are on so many medications and sick! It's a sin


My poor doctor told me my cholesterol level was very high and, before she could make another statement I said: "No, I'm not taking any medication for it." I almost felt sorry for her. The look on her face was a picture.
It's sugar that's the danger. It really is the killer.


My sensible grandma lived to 104 and I plan on it too...she refrained from allopathic medicine unless it was critical. Miss her greatly!


Everyone needs to share this with as many people as they can. People need to know the truth. It's really sad 90% or more of people in the US just believe whatever their doctor tells them and takes whatever is prescribed to them. People need to know there are alternative treatments and that pharmaceuticals often do more harm than good!


Wow I actually used to believe that doctors cared about people, and thankfully my childhood doctor did! Small town Kerhaw S.C. and Dr.McDow took care of everyone! Even home visits at times.He came to my parents funerals.He passed away recently at age 96 ! Wonderful doctor, Godly man.
