How Yemen Beat The Ottomans | Yemen Vs. Empire I

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#Yemen has just as good a claim on being the "Graveyard of Empires" as Afghanistan does. Today we'll talk about how they took out the #Ottoman Empire. #empire

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As a Yemeni I'd love to tell you.... you're spitting facts 🔥


Yemen powerful country 💪🇾🇪 from somali brother 🇸🇴💪


My dad has a relative who fought in yemen in the Ottoman army during ww1 and was able return back home in the late 1920s. Thats how bad it was as many Ottoman soldiers lost contact due to yemen being such a hard and harsh terrain that many soldiers were surrounded and isolated. Ottomans suffered lots of casualties due to terrain, desertions, supply lines cut along with hostile tribes that were attacking.

Yemen was a quagmire for any empire that ventured into this harsh land.


As yemeni I want to thank you so much for your honest hard work .


The best historical video about yemen that I watched ever. Precise, accurate, acknowledging the historical events and their deep roots.. I salute you. As Yemeni, I respect the amount of effort and the hard work that you put for this series. Additionally, I cannot express my sincere gratitude for exposing the lies and enlightening the people about Yemen history and the root of the ongoing conflict. Thank you again Mr. Morris.


I enjoyed this video very much. Yemen is a place with an interesting history that is often overlooked


تحية من ارض الشهداء 🇩🇿 الى ارض المجاهدين الأبطال 🇾🇪 💪


Brilliant analysis about a country that very few have any knowledge of or interest in. Succinct and informative I am truly grateful for this video. I will watch again today after work with my wife and kid and will also share with everyone I know.
Again thank you for this and I look forward to more on this series.


Facts!! Pure facts, im amazed at your research 👏👏👏


This video is officially certified by the Recommending Ones & Zeros.


As a Yemeni. Yemen wasn't colonized by any country


About 8:10 -- Turkish Yemen Türküsü, it says

There are no clouds on air, why is this smog?
There are no deceased in neighborhood, why is this outcry?
Mum, I haven't died yet, why is this groan?
Alas, this is Yemen, its rose is grass
Whoever goes there does not return back, I wonder why?


شكرا بأنك مهتم بتاريخ بلادي الذين كثير من أعداءه يريدون تغييبه


The yemenis are really overpowered even during the worst periods of their history.A lot of the muslim monarchies in South and South East Asia were of yemeni descent, coming from Hadramaut back when Yemen were intergrated in the cosmopolitan muslim world under the Ottomans.
They're kinda like muslim version of Armenians


It is incredible how effective the shadow ban is. Have you considered going on other, censor-free platforms in addition to youtube?


This is a very well informed and well explained video. Me, coming from a family where my mother is northern (taizi) and my father southern Yemeni (yafa) I think there are a few things I can contribute to the conversation.

The Saudi/emirati relations in Yemen are mostly with the south in other words, southern Yemeni tribes such as yafa, shabwa, and hadramout tribes have a very important, long, and large role in the gulf nations. To give some perspective, the yafai tribe is the 2nd largest Arab tribe in Qatar, and one of the largest tribes in Oman, Bahrain, uae, and Saudi Arabia. Same with the shabwa and hadramout tribes who have a very large and considerable economic role in these nations. Just remember, the bin laden tribe, one of the largest companies in Saudi Arabia was originally from hadramout Yemen and this tribe is known for controlling alot of the businesses in Saudi Arabia.

So there has always been a very deep historical connection with these nations. The southerners know that neither Saudi Arabia nor uae are looking out for them but the south, taking the instability in Yemen now as an opportunity to seceded from the 1990 union (whole other lecture lol) and uae has traditionally stood with the southern yemenis in this struggle and today, uae is assisting the south in it's secession goals while also stealing resources and controlling areas such as Socotra and Al mahra. So the southerners see their relationship with the emiratis as transactional.

The southerners have a less comfy relationship with Saudi Arabia seeing they want to reinstall hadi who is their puppet and has done nothing for Yemen. The southerners see Saudi Arabia as trying to force their will on the southerners and well, they're not happy with that. The southern situation as well as the northern situation is extremely complex and very nuanced but to make it simple, the south don't support what these nations are doing but are capitalizing in using them to achieve their goals.

There's also something very important we must all remember. The Saudi and emirati nations funded and backed the houthi rebellion in 2014 with all sides admitting it's the Saudis and emiratis wanted to purge the Muslim brotherhood islah party from Yemen who are well respected and supported so they funded and supported the houthis in doing some. Once they started disagreeing, then you saw the fighting between the parties erupt. Even seeing uae bombing Saudi backed Yemeni soldiers in the hundreds claiming they were terrorists at one point to stiffle the Yemeni government and it's ambitions.

As for north Yemen, we have to distinguish between zaydi and houthi. The houthis are from a specific branch of zaydi Islam called the jarudi branch which are very similar to twelver shism in Iraq and Iran. This sect is the least traditional zaydi branch seeing that zaydi shism has always been seen by sunni and shia as been another sunni branch of Islam although calling itself shia.

The houthis have become extremely unpopular amongst it's traditional zaydi and sunni supporters these days due to their corruption and claims of divine rule. Although many of the northern tribes support the ousting of the hadi government they are becoming disillusioned by the houthis and their corruption. So both sides of Yemen have collaborated with these groups for their own interests but never will they ever have a hold on Yemen.


fun fact : yemen was called the grave yard of invaders bc of everyone who tried invading it failed for example 80-100k turks died trying to conquer yemen . very proud of my coutry


Im happy you are back to making videos


So glad to have you back, Rob. I much prefer these thoughtful pieces to the mudslinging with whatifalthist, but I know you had to do that for the algorithm (keywords and views). I previously purchased Avoiding the British Empire; will put my money where my mouth is and finally join your Patreon this month. Thank you for all you do and I’m sorry that you don’t get recognized more. You’re great and your content is awesome.


great video your longer historical videos are always good I was wondering do you plan on doing video on ottomans final years and war in Balkans Libya etc. and the effects of said wars on world today?
