The Power of Makeup

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Embrace your natural beauty but don’t be afraid to also embrace being a girl and playing with makeup its ok to glam it up. Thanks to Nikkie Tutorials for inspiring me to make this video Her link will be below so you guys can check her out as well.

and be apart of my family!! I love you guys!

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S N A P C H A T: ChristenSnaps #snapchapfam
T W I T T E R : ChristenDTweets
I N S T A G R A M: ChristenDominique
F A C E B O O K: ChristenDominique

How I get cash back when I shop online:

Nikki Tutorials Power of Makeup Video

All products used :0)


Japonesque Primer $32

Elcie Micro Silque Foundation $45

Urban Decay Concealer $28

Anastasia Dip Brow
Ash Brown

Too Faced Stardust by Vegas Nay Palette $45

Kat Von D Limited Edition Liner $34

Kat Von D Contour $65

Too Faced Better than sex mascara $23

Violet Voss Lashes

Tarte Blush $28

Kat Von D Powder $47

Mecca Highlight $46
Champagne Pop

Mac Lipliner $30

Colour Pop $6

Mac Lipstick

M u s i c b y
Cymatix-Revealing Lights
Olive Musique- Fantastic Voyage

Camera: Cannon Mark lll 5D

Lens: Cannon 24-70 mm F2.8

Editing Software: Finalcut Pro X

This is not a sponsored video
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Its so hard not to cry and read all of your guys comments, I am so grateful to have a loving and supportive family! You guys are the reason I do this, I love you!


That foundation matches your skin tone really well! Anyone else agree?


Your outer beauty is stunning, your inner beauty is perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍


I can't believe someone was that inconsiderate to comment such a thing. Makeup is great, and you do it really well, but not for one second did I think your bare faced self was ugly! I'm glad you made this video ❤


Christen, you're beautiful. You were the person that told me to find the beauty in something, and I found it in you. Thank you for being an inspiration to me on my down days.


Now THIS is fantastic!!! I am in awe of your journey and your confidence! I'm hoping to feel as comfortable one day!


You are insanely beautiful without makeup! But you are so good at makeup whenever I put it on I fail😂😂


I was just watching this with my 11-year-old daughter and before you even started speaking, I remarked out loud how beautiful you are. She agreed. It's sad that so many of us women find it difficult to leave our homes without makeup. Personally, I'm like you... I LOVE makeup and everything about it. It's not just that it makes me feel beautiful, but I love playing with different colors and expressing myself through my "art"... and that's what makeup is, truly, for me. It's another outlet for me to express my creativity. However, some people are so negative and opinionated, and they feel compelled to slather everyone else with that negativity by pointing out flaws. This is why many of us have so much trouble going out bare faced-- all the judgement from those who feel free to criticize others when they themselves are far from perfect. The fact is NO one is perfect, and if someone feels the need to openly judge others, we have to realize that that's their problem, not ours. Love yourself, Christen. You have a beautiful soul, personality and face and I'm so glad you're on youtube to inspire others. <3


Gosh if you only knew how many girls want to look like you.  You have massive brown eyes, delicate nose, face shape of a dolly and every feature is well proportion.  Anyone says otherwise might be out of jealousy


you are so beautiful inside and out!! :) The few times I have seen you at events you have always been the sweetest and this video was amazing! thank you! xoxo Arika


Christen this video made me cry! I feel so ugly without makeup on and I used to be just like you and wouldn't EVER leave my house without makeup on. Four years ago I got very sick that I spent 8 days in ICU and almost died. Sadly my life was changed forever because I now have multiple chronic illnesses/pain conditions. I spent the better part of a year in and out of the hospital so makeup was obviously not an option. I learned a lot during that learned that I am beautiful with or without the cosmetics. I learned that it doesn't matter what other people think of you! The only thing that matters is how you feel about have recently gotten back into makeup in a big, bad way. Since I am stuck at home most of the time I've turned makeup into a hobby and my husband has suggested that I should start my own YouTube channel to give me something positive to focus on and hopefully make me feel better about myself again and maybe make some new friends!


You are honestly so beautiful with and without makeup!! I admire you for putting yourself in an uncomfortable position and putting yourself out there. You are such an inspiration.


throughout the whole video i was like "Dang girl your teeth are pERFECT"


I too never walked out of the house without makeup....whether it was a full face of makeup or eyeliner and mascara. I am almost 34 and it wasn't until last year that I decided to embrace my natural face. I was so self-conscious and thought I was ugly. My mom always said we (my sisters and I ) looked more beautiful without makeup and I always thought thay my sisters have that natural beauty but i didn't. I would tell my boyfriend of almost 8 years that I needed to go make myself pretty for him and he always told me that I was beautiful the way I am. I always told him to shut up. Now, I embrace my bare face. I learned to love myself. Thank you for making this video Christen. Xoxo


You are pretty with makeup and without makeup don't let the haters hate, and your really inspiring for people✨👍🏻💕


I used to hate my face without makeup. It was so bad that I didn't reveal my completely bare face to my husband until after 4 years of dating. Youtube and my family have helped me not care anymore and become more confident. Really appreciate this video! You are so beautiful either way!


You are a gorgeous person inside and out Christen!! Thanks for sharing such a heart warming video <3 xoxo


I am happy to see so many of you young gals doing this!! You are indeed lovely in both looks. I'm 62 and I am comfortable and happy with my face even with all the changes aging provides! lol Gals, as we age our face changes, the skin tone, the smoothness, gravity inspired 'things' that cannot, nay must not, be explained. ;-)) It is still good, yes it is. There is only one sure way to put off aging, and we do not want to go there. I hope more videos like this are seen by hundreds of thousands of women who can gain confidence, because the sooner you love AND accept how you look, the happier you will be as you grow older. To tell that face in the mirror that she's beautiful, that when you look at her you see a life well lived with more to come. Every 'imperfection' has a story, every line and wrinkle a testament to the trials, joys, heart-break and triumphs of your life thus far! I'm glad you gals are promoting this idea, well done!


I can honestly relate to you christen ! With me everything started about 5 years ago why I had my tubal ligation because I was so young it messed up my hormones so bad that I started to break out a lot ! I always had acne prone skin but it got worse after surgery! I got so obsessed with covering my acne that some times I emphasize it even more ! Now I really don't care about it! I do take care of my skin (it's actually a lot better) now I have the confidence to go out without makeup not really worry about what my skin looks like that day !! You're beautiful christen with or without makeup!!! Love you girly !!


Such a good message for girls! To know you should feel comfortable wearing a full glam make up look or to be all natural and embrace you're natural beauty!
