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META-Health is an empowering new way of looking at illness. META-Health is not a therapy and makes no claims to heal or cure, only to look at the whole person, mind, body and soul in the environment in which they live, and to diagnose exactly what set off a process of illness in the first place. Then, it is up to the informed individual to decide how best to move forward within traditional, complementary and alternative medicine.
The use of integrative approach to health and wellness has grown within care settings across the world. Researchers are currently exploring the potential benefits of integrative health in a variety of situations and programs to promote healthy behaviors. More and more university medical schools worldwide are establishing departments for integrative medicine and offering training's and education for postgraduates.

What are the Questions does META-Health answers?
1.Why I have the disease?
2.Why did I get the disease now?
3. Why has this part of my body reacted and not another part of my body?
4. Why won’t my disease go away?
5. Why does my disease keep coming back?

What does META-Health help me with?
It will help me to get answers to questions like, what can I do about my disease ? For answering this question it is important to establish basic’s about disease and theories we currently accepting about why our bodies and our minds fall unwell. Since we all are unique individuals – with commonalities, this knowledge of META-Health will help us to set the a clearer understanding of ourselves.

What does META-Health believe in?
Lets ask ourselves, can my body heal itself?
Yes it can ! As a child, we have often fallen and cut ourselves, haven’t we? After the fall, the wound was cleaned and plastered. We have observed that the wound got better by itself and developed a scab over it. This rapid healing happened by itself. Hence we can conclude that our bodies can get back to normal state called Health and heal itself without much effort. Lets take the example of chickenpox, measles and mumps. We have extensive vaccination programs today to prevent diseases,yet we fail to understand that in olden times if anyone came down with any of the above then the only thing prescribed was bed rest, fluids and waiting period to allow the body to naturally heal itself. No medical intervention was given or expected.
In case of bone breakage, bone heals by itself and usually immobilization is the only thing required.

Can Stress make us unwell?
Stress can leave us feeling overwhelmed and under pressure thus making us physically ill.
Emotional reactions, then lead to physical reactions, these depend on the perception of the individual, which can change depending on their state of mind at the time of the occurrence of the emotional event.

The META-Health perspective
Research have shown a precise link between certain health conditions and specific events occurring in the life of the patient and the disease formed so. A specific shocking event impacts the body causing physical symptoms ,the severity and amounts of shock determines the intensity and length of the disease.Every symptom has a story behind it, people suffering from testicular or ovarian cancer, have had an emotional history of loss of something or someone important in their lives. Every disease has an associated emotional background.

META-Health gives a greater understanding of our holistic health by achieving a healing plan. META-Health professional will break down symptoms, look at organs/brain layer/tissue impacted and conflict theme behind the disease. A patient understands the process of DIS-EASE and deals with his illness from love and not fear.META-Health helps the patient to understand what happened and how he creator disease and what triggers his illness, this helps him to take responsibility to work on situations causing negative emotions and adjust his lifestyle to achieve wellness.

Why should one learn META-Health ?

It is an opportunity to gain clarity about the root causes of disease

▪ Improve your physical, mental and emotional health and vitality.

▪ Understand and experience why your emotions and thoughts can make you sick or heal you.

▪ Be inspired by Integrative Medical Doctors, Naturopaths, Energy Workers, ...

▪ Meet and share with like-minded people who are passionate about healthy and conscious living.

▪ Share your own story and experience in the open forum sessions
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