How to Declutter Your Kitchen TODAY!

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Today we discuss these questions:
What's in a Minimalist kitchen?
How do I know what to keep?
How do I declutter my kitchen?
...and answer frequently asked questions, too!



We have a few ways that we can come alongside you:


This takes place in a private Facebook group. Here's what you can expect:
- 5-10 minute videos each weekday with guided decluttering tasks
- monthly themes, weekly challenges
- 1 hour live guided decluttering sessions twice a month for accountability
- encouragement & support from other members
- cost is $15/month

This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability.


This workbook is designed to walk you through decluttering each area of your home in 15 minute lessons.

- 168 full color pages
- easy to follow lessons designed for limited time & energy
- our key concepts (like inventory, the silent to-do list, the endowment effect & more) are spread throughout the book, too

Ideal for those looking for a self-paced guidebook to declutter their home quickly & efficiently.

The workbooks are $20 (digital or spiral bound)
Shipping: $4 flat rate domestic US


In the Declutter Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day course we go through the workbook, breaking down specific areas of your home in detail to be able to declutter faster and with more confidence. If you want to know specifics (like how many of each thing to keep) this course is for you.


Thank you for your support!

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Thank you so much for ALL of your support, I'm so grateful!!! - Dawn


We just got rid of 20 full trash bags of clutter! My 1800 sq ft home seems HUGE and there are 4 adults & 1 teen living in it 😊


Minimalism has blessed me in two surprising ways this week: last night, I was making a big pan of enchiladas and I was able to decide, on the spot, to invite a large family over to our house last minute. I knew my house was “10 minutes from tidy”!

I also had a friend text me today last minute to ask if I could watch her daughter today. I could say yes because my house was under control. No worries over here! I used to have to say no to things like this because my house was too crazy to clean quickly.


YOU are the reason I felt I could get rid of my beloved colored Tupperware set because we never use it. Thank you for having only the dishes you actually use, its freeing


Dawn recently said in order to keep the the kitchen table from collecting piles, it could be thought of as “hot lava, ” meaning you can’t leave any incoming mail, clutter, bags, etc. on the table. I love that thought, it resonates with me.
I just thought of another analogy/trick: I’m going to think of my breakfast bar as a “high tide” area - it’s okay to use it all day, but every night, if things are left there, the tide will carry them away (like your beach chairs by the ocean.)


Dear Dawn, I would like to thank you.
I think I found you just at the right time. I had one small child and was at home a lot. I felt the need to have less stuff to take care of but didn't know how to begin. By watching your videos I learned a lot. By the time my second son arrived, I decluttered the whole house. We still have too many things but it is not overwhelming anymore. I am just calmly peeling my onion one drawer/cabinet at a time. Thank you very much for all you do.
Sending love from Germany!


Myself, son and nephew decluttered our kitchens. Each of us sold small appliances that we all had. So now there is 1 slow cooker, 1 insane pot, 1 large electric roaster, baking pans and food processor between us all. And when we need one of these, we just get it from the last person that used it. It's been great and never have we all needed the same appliance at the same time. 1 1/2 years and going strong. (We all live within a mile of each other)


OMGosh! Food storage containers. You have no idea how much I fought you (and Cas, and Dana) on this. I keep ours in a kitchen drawer, and there was just NO WAY they would ever fit if I didn't nest them inside each other with the lids beside them. I was on board with so many other things; decluttered dishes/glasses etc twice, utensils gone, dishwasher every night. But lids on my food storage was impossible to imagine. I'm a little ashamed of this, but one day I decided to do it (sort of) to prove y'all wrong. Yep. Magic moment of humbling and joy for me. Now I share this little (huge!) tip with everyone I can.


Storing the Tupperware with lids on was life changing. The amount we have is manageable in the cabinet, and we never lose matching pieces. If the cabinet is looking sparse, it means there’s way too much food in the fridge that needs to be eaten.


i'm decluttering my parents' hoarder kitchen and we are half way thru and they are already seeing the benefits of having less and just simply finding stuff easier! functional kitchens make a huge difference!!!


My mother was an excellent cook and when she died and we had to clean out her house, we were absolutely amazed at how few kitchen items she actually had. You don't need all the gadgets to cook. Her cupboard and counter space was probably the size of the side of your kitchen that your fridge is on and in that included her double sink. That is all the cupboard and work space she had. I'm sure she would have loved more but she didn't complain and her food was so delicious!


Thank you for this video. Hubby and I are moving soon and I want to be very intentional on what comes into the new house, particularly the kitchen. I think many items may not get unpacked until I actually need them. At the end of the first year, whatever I have not yet brought into the house, goes into the car to be donated. We're turning 70 this year. I want my future years very simplified and minimal.


Dawn, I have been watching you for a few years now and have slowly been peeling back the onion. We are an Air Force family, and when we moved 2 yrs ago we felt comfortable down sizing since we had been decluttering. But let me tell you, we just moved again and are now in a house less than half the size of the home we started this decluttering journey. While having such a small house, was not really our choice this time it has been liberating to use your advice to let things go so we can fit into thus small house. Additionally, I wanted to thank you for giving me the permission to let go of my fantasy self. There is a lot of guilt as a working mom that I want to do all the crafts and holiday decorating, but I was just lugging it from house to house since I didn't have the time to actually use them. I had held on to the fantasy stuff for when I retire in a couple years, but your advice has helped me realize that it's not worth storing it when someone else can be enjoying it today. Thank you for making life so much easier! You are the best!


Hubby & I decluttered around 400 items from our kitchen last summer, but while I was down during my back surgery, he's brought a few things back in. I've been trying this wk to go through & declutter a few things at a time to get us back on track. Great video, Dawn. 😊


Dawn, You have no idea how much I appreciate you for always keeping me motivated to keep up with the house. I am a very tidy person but there have been times I lost control and just couldn't face life let alone my house and you have helped me tremendously to get back on track. I never miss tour videos and have been an ardent follower since you had probably 40k subscribers.


As an aside, the black top/t shirt looks super chic and I’ve decided that in my maternity capsule wardrobe all t shirts will be black.


When I moved into my current house (renting), the owner(landlord's elderly father)'s move out had been a bit stressful and rushed, so they left almost everything in the kitchen that had been in there. Because I had my own minimal selection of kitchen stuff (and with the landlord's permission), I basically went through the entire kitchen and (with the help of a friend) boxed up everything (silverware, utensils, small appliances, etc.) that I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to use, which included, among other things, 173 pieces of silverware (yes, 173, and that doesn't even include any of the sharp knives or other utensils! - I kept one fork), 5 silverware/utensil organizers (I have my own that I love and that fits all of mine perfectly), and 3 big drawer divider/holder things (there had been 8, and I used the other 5 for various things both in and out of the kitchen).

I think the only things I kept in there from the previous owner were a food processor, a small mixing bowl, 4 of the drawer divider things (used the 5th elsewhere in the house), one fork (for sentimental reasons - it matches my parents' set), a scotchbrite scrub pad thing with a handle, a colander, a small stack of dinner plates, a partial roll of paper towels, and a partial package of napkins. I've since realized that I don't need the plates (almost 3 years and I still haven't touched them - I almost never have company, and when I do, it's only one or two people, and I have more than that on my company shelf (equivalent to the "company bin" that Dawn mentions) - so I've never had to use those plates), food processor (never used), fork (never used), and colander (it's a giant pain to clean - I use my big strainer instead). Which leaves me just the mixing bowl (use it all the time), the drawer dividers (all 5 are in use), and the scotchbrite scrubber; the paper towels and napkins were used up long ago. Can't wait to get those extra things I don't need out of the house.


So, I just have to say thank you! I’m moving next week and when we moved into this house 5 years ago we had 2 kids, now we have 4. I was terrified of packing up 6 people but because of many of the purging and organizing tips I’ve gained from watching you and have implemented over the years, packing this go around is going so much more smoothly than it even did 5 years ago! Even with double the amount of kids! Pretty much every single thing in my home is something we use or love. It already has a specific place in our home, so the decision making process this time has been a breeze and packing is almost, dare I say, enjoyable! I’m so thankful I found you years ago when I searched for paper decluttering tips on YouTube 🥰
God bless you for what you do!


I recently purchased an Otster Digital Oven. It has 10 functions, replacing the toaster, air fryer, dehydrator, broiler, and slow cooker. Because I live in Arizona, 110°F yesterday, I use this oven to cook pizzas, roast Sunday dinners, bake goodies in 9x12 pans, bake casseroles and cookies without heating up my BIG oven, using less electricity and air-conditioning. I have a large 6ft. wire rack full of small appliances and over-sized cooking pots and pans. (i raised 7 children and 5 step-kids.). I am going to move all of them to a shed that's near my kitchen door. If I need them, they can move back into the kitchen. (An extremely large. "Time will tell' bin). I am excited to see how much stuff this new appliance can replace. I love your vlog. Thanks ❤❤❤❤❤😊


It's nice that you have a basement for exercise equipment, food, tools and now the office/guest house you're able to spread out everything you own. I only have my house so I need to be way more mindful.
