Treatment of tooth sensitivity & caries & role of crown post RCT - Dr. Jayaprakash Ittigi

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The tooth has mainly 3 layers, one is enamel. Another one is dentine another one is pulp an d the entire tooth from the neck to the root of the tooth is bounded by cementum. Once the enamel lost, patient may complain of sensitivity or sensitive teeth. This is manly of the exposure of the dentin or the dentinal tubules to the external environment. Once the dentinal tubules exposure to the outer side of the environment, that means that patient compliant of sensitive teeth and also mainly because of the loss of the gums in case of gum recession, in case of periodontal diseases or in case of poor oral hygiene status, that patient compliant of sensitive teeth or in case the patient is a very chronic smoker or a chewer of betel nuts or a very chronic chewer of pan or gutka or any kind of bad habits like alcoholism, the patient may complain of sensitive teeth. The sensitive teeth is mainly because of the contact of the external stimuli to the dentinal tubules, So in such cases patient may complain of intolerable pain. So once we withdraw the external stimuli the patient may feel more comfortable and normal. This is in order to avoid the sensitive teeth, the patient may use soft bristles twice daily by using the proper brushing methods rather than using the horizontal brushing methods in order to avoid the cervical erosions, the patient has to do the proper oral hygiene status by doping the vertical tooth brushing and also by using the night guards in order to prevent bruxism and also patient can use the night guards before going to bed. Some patient complaints of the wear and tear of the enamel. That is mainly because of the heavy clenching of the teeth or mainly because of the enamel loss, In such cases the dentist can advise the night guard. In order to avoid the teeth whitening, the patient can prevent the tooth sensitivity or teeth sensitivity, whereas in case of while doing the teeth whitening, there is a loss of enamel. while removing the intrinsic stain , the pulp becomes more sensitive or the pulp and the cementum becomes more sensitive to the external stimuli.So in order to prevent the tooth sensitivity, better to avoid the tooth whitening gels and also by using the tooth pastes containing potassium nitrate content and also APF gels also we can use and also patients can use the fluoride containing gels and also by using the proper oral hygiene status, maintaining or in order to visit the dentist for cleaning or polishing of the teeth once or twice in a year. So the patient has to avoid carbonated water, like cold drinks, very hot beverages and also patient can avoid lemon or citrus fruits or citrus containing liquids and also patient has to avid tooth paste containing so much of abrasive agents in order to avoid the tooth paste containing so much of abrasive agents, in order to avoid the friction of the enamel surface or there is a loss of the enamel, whereas in case of caries. Caries is because of streptococcus mutans. These can be avoided by avoided by using the proper oral hygiene status. In case of a very minor cavity or a very mild or moderate cavity, the patient has to go for the tooth coloured fillings or silver amalgam fillings or any kind of filliings available in the dental office. So the patient has to avoid tobacco or alcoholism .If there is a n caries, the patient has to restore those cavities with the help of a dentist and also the patient has to quit the bad habits like smoking, alcoholism and chewing the betel nuts and also maintaining the poor oral hygiene. If there is a poor oral hygiene, patient has to consult the dentist regularly and has to consult the dentist and if there is a nay periodontal disease. The treatment has to be done. So for those caries or those cavities can be filled up by using the dental cements like the glass ionomer cements or the zinc oxide eugenol cements or composite cements. So in order to avid the caries, the patient has to maintain the oral hygiene status very well by doing twice brushing daily and by using proper oral hygiene status and after chewing r after every meal, the patient has to chew properly. Generally the patient asks, after the root canal treatment is it necessary to go for a crown or any case of cap. Generally once the tooth has been treated with root canal treatment, the tooth becomes non vital or brittle or more prone to fracture. In order to avoid the fracture, the root canal treatment tooth has to be restored with the crown or the cap immediately as much as possible in order to avoid the clinical crown fracture in case of damage of the root canal treated tooth.
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