Growing Morel Mushrooms Indoors - Is THIS Possible?!

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This may be your best chance of growing morel mushrooms indoors. The step-by-step process from start to finish on how to grow one of the most coveted ingredients in the culinary world. Happy Growing!

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Below are some products that we recommend. The links contain Amazon affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we'll receive a small commission from your purchases. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you!

►Morel Mushroom Grow Kits:

We had good results with this kit:

Here are two other options:

►Our favorite mushroom field guides:

If you are looking for wild mushrooms, you need an excellent mushroom identification field guide. My favorite is the Audubon Field Guide to Mushrooms. It's out of print and expensive, but we consider it indispensable to help us identify mushrooms. You can usually find a used copy on Amazon for $50 or less. Here's the link:

Falcon Guides puts out a newer (and cheaper) mushroom field guide that is also very good.

►Our favorite mushroom cookbooks:


►Important Disclaimer

Never eat any mushroom that you find outdoors without first consulting an expert. Information on the internet is a good start, but the consequences of eating the wrong mushroom can be severe.

►Credits for this video:

This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License.

#morel #wildmushrooms #morelmushrooms #fantasticfungi #mushrooms
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Our favourite Morel Mushroom Grow Kit🍄 :

Other options🍄:


Love the happy guy at the end pretending to drive while not moving


I'll have to give this a shot! Got grain spawn bags with black morels and true morels just about fully colonized and ready to go into the main substrate. So far I have learned that mycelium grows really well in rye berry grain bags and for whatever reason it does NOT like potato dextrose agar at all. I usually put my liquid culture/spores on agar and then inoculate by dropping agar into the grain spawn, but it just wouldn't grow on the PDA at all. I thought I was sold junk liquid culture because everything else grows on it just fine. Injected the liquid culture straight into the rye berry spawn bags and bam...took off growing like crazy!


Great video and good information! How long does it take to get the morel? Love the happy guy at the end! 😊


What If you bought like 15-20 cheap tree saplings, put them in a greenhouse with adequate conditons, and spread Morrell slurry throughout the soil inside the tubs holding the saplings? This would give the mushroom a symbiote so there's the needed connection?


interesting, i didn't know it's possible. will have to try this in the spring


good idea! I'll get right on that


It's possible...a did grow it in a green house...


Petri dishes and an autoclave? So easy, anybody can do it. What was that pH again I need to get? Pull out my old litmus paper and we're in business.


Can you boil tap water instead of using rainwater?


Wtf is this? I grow a crap ton indoors lol
